What to do if the dog does not eat

“What to do if the dog does not eat” – is one of the most Frequently Asked Questions by Dog Owners. Worsening or complete loss of appetite can be caused by a wide variety of problems with health, up to the banal indigestion. Reasons loss of appetite in dogs can be psychological and physiological problems.

Psychological problems

Consider the possible psychological reasons why a dog may перестать есть:The dog does not eat

  • Тревожность – эта проблема встречается чаще всего. because of her dogs often refuse food. An alarm condition has been triggered. dogs can be a number of reasons, the most common of which is the separation from the owner during his temporary departure, for example. Some dogs become anxious when hear loud volleys (thunder, salute, etc.). That’s why it’s not worth it sound the alarm if after when you and your dog got into thunderstorm, she refused food. This condition of the animal soon normalizes!
  • Depression is another common cause due to which animal can refuse food. During depression dog feels oppressed and depressed. The cause of depression can there are many factors. Very often in a similar condition of the dog fall into when changing residence, in separation from the owner or another member of the family. The reason may also be chemical imbalance in the body of the animal. If the dog is depressed long term, you must definitely contact to the vet.
  • Strange as it may seem, sexual activity can also to be the cause, but rather, this cause may not be activity, but on the contrary, passivity! If the dog is a male, for a long time did not realize its natural instinct for breeding, then its life rhythm may be disturbed. In particular, he may be less active, refuse walks and games, completely or partially refuse food. Usually all symptoms pass right after the “cavalier” reaches his goal and will fall into the bosom of the “chosen one”.

Physiological problems

Reasons why a dog may stop eating may be такие проблемы как: Vet and dog

  • Расстройство желудка, разного рода травмы ротовойcavities, problems with teeth. In such cases, the animal offer soft foods that are easy to digest. Naturally not consultation with a specialist will be superfluous.
  • Indigestion. Sudden loss of appetite may be a sign of more serious problems. For example, if your the dog likes to climb the bins, then cause deterioration appetite, or lack thereof, can be consumed by a dog stale product from the bin. In this case, refusal of food associated with poisoning or intestinal obstruction. This is exactly the case when you need to urgently consult a doctor, delaying in treatment can even be fatal.
  • Worms – These parasites are a common cause, for which the appetite disappears in the dog. It is the presence of worms that leads bloating, lethargy. An animal with similar symptoms must be taken to the veterinarian for diagnosis and treatment.
  • Major health problems are serious conditions for occurrence of problems with appetite. In particular, decreased appetite associated with thyroid, cardiac and pulmonary diseases, sometimes such a cause may even be oncological disease. It is worth remembering that in the early stages it’s very difficult to notice the occurrence of health problems, here why, if the dog refuses food, should show the animal to the doctor immediately.

Additional Reasons Why the Dog Does Not Eat

In addition to the mentioned reasons for the loss of appetite in dogs, There are some more that can provoke a rejection of food: Feed

  • Stress,
  • Hot weather,
  • Pain syndrome (for example, caused by trauma),
  • Viral infections
  • Pancreatitis
  • Bloating
  • Peptic ulcer
  • Chemotherapy or radiation therapy.

What to do if the dog has lost appetite

If your dog looks pretty healthy, any other health problems are absent, then the following is necessary:

  • Watch the dog, maybe she ate something on the street, maybe for the next meal the animal has an appetite will appear.
  • Try warming food, sometimes picky dogs are very fond of warm food.
  • Try not to feed the dog for about 12-24 hours. Give the ability of the animal to get hungry.
  • Provide your dog with round-the-clock access to fresh water.
  • Always make sure that the dog does not eat while walking on the street.

When you need to worry if the dog does not eat

Many dogs can skip feeding quite often, and sometimes even two! If the dog has missed two to three feedings, or a break in feeding is more than 36 hours – call a veterinarian! Urgently see a doctor also if other symptoms: fever, constipation, diarrhea, vomiting, refusal of water, obvious manifestation of causeless pain. Nobody knows your dog like you! If you are aware of fastidious food your pet, you should not run to the doctor at the first refusal food. Remember that only sincere love and attention to the pet – the guarantee that the dog will never have reasons leading to loss of appetite! Consider all of the above, and your Pet will not have problems with food.

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