Collar or harness – which is best for the dog

A new four-legged family member has appeared in the house? In this case, besides joy, concern also appears. After all, the dog requires certain care and protection. At home in this regard is simpler, but on difficulties arise in the street. To make the walks enjoyable and minimum worries, special care must be taken ammunition – a collar with a leash or harness. But what is better to give preference, and what nuances should be considered when choosing?


  • 1. Varieties of collars and their purpose
    • 1.1. Walking
    • 1.2. For service and training
    • 1.3. To carry the guard
    • 1.4. Choke collar
    • 1.5. “Parfors” (in common people – “planer”)
    • 1.6. Exhibition ammunition
    • 1.7. Decorative collars
  • 2. Recommendations for choosing a collar
  • 3. Harnesses: features and benefits
  • 4. Which is better: harness or collar

Varieties of collars and their purpose

Dog collar or harness

Arriving at the pet store, a newly minted dog owner can confused upon discovering a great many diverse collars. They make products from artificial and natural leather, synthetic materials, fabrics, metals. Besides, there is a classification of collars, dividing them into areas application.


Walking collar for a dog

Walking collar

Collars suitable for daily pet walks. Must be made of quality materials, wear-resistant, but not causing discomfort in the dog – leather, leatherette, felt, nylon and others. On sale you can also find collars from combined materials. The walking collar implies the following:

  • strong connection with a leash (it is better if it will be in the form of solid welded ring);
  • mandatory soft pad on the inside products in contact with the neck of the animal.

For service and training

Training collars for dogs

Training Collars

For such purposes, ammunition is released from materials of higher quality. These collars are equipped with a special handle that allows hold the animal at any time, besides it allows the owner manage the actions of the pet.

Most often on the collars in the upper part there are two half rings, either loops. For work or training, it is more convenient to attach the leash to a ring closer to the buckle.

To carry the guard

Dog guard collar

Dog Collar

Ammunition designed for dogs has its own peculiarity. tethered. Models have a decent width. Give away preference is better for products made of materials characterized by durability and wear resistance, able to withstand any weather conditions and continuous operation.

When using, the leash is threaded through the half ring, then the carabiner fastens to a buckle. This design allows the load received during tension is not transmitted to the neck dogs, and in the buckle area.

Choke collar


Choke collar

Enough formidable ammunition designed for at least formidable animals – representatives of large or fighting breeds, possessing wayward or even fierce disposition. Naturally in in this case we are not talking about the aesthetics and beauty of the product.

The noises can be made of leather, synthetic fabrics, but most often for their manufacture use metal in the form of chain links. These collars are used for walking, training and time of participation in public events – contests, exhibitions.

The impact of a noose from a puppy’s age (when a bitch pulls babies at the withers, squeezing slightly), is associated in dogs with a ban. Naturally, you need to calculate strength and time exposure. If there is no skill in handling such ammunition, it’s worth consult with a dog handler.

When choosing metal products, you should be extremely attentive:

  • the collar must be made of durable alloy;
  • chain links must be properly and firmly sealed to Do not scratch the skin of the animal;
  • the most low-allergenic alloy is kurogan alloy (has color slightly darker than brass with a reddish tint);
  • for pets with light coat, it is imperative that the collar does not stained the coat.

“Parfors” (in common people – “planer”)

Dog Collar Parfors

Collar “Parfors”

Another type of ammunition for dogs with a certain character. His mission – use in the learning process and training. Differences from other collars – the presence on the inside of the spikes, which give the pet discomfort during strong jerks and when tension.

Choosing a furforce, you need to focus on the length of the coat pet:

  • Dogs with a smooth and short coat need strong collars from wire or plates.
  • Long-haired pets are preferable to take a metal parfors.

A very important requirement – spikes should not injure skin cover the pet and cause severe pain, act on the skin pointwise. Otherwise, the learning process will not give positive results. Parfors should not sit tight on the dog’s neck or be too tight free. Strict collar implies the possibility of fitting products for the size of the pet, only removing the extra links.

You can use the “planer” only for its intended purpose – in the period training and learning. It is not suitable for constant wear, for daily walking and playing with other dogs.

Exhibition ammunition

Exhibition collar ringovka for dogs

Exhibition collar ringovka

Someone might think that the main thing here is beauty and esthetics – the more rhinestones and brilliance, the better. However, this is not quite so. Yes, aesthetics are important, but the accessory should not be screaming, distracting from the merits of the dog. When choosing focus on three properties – practicality, convenience and quality.

Show class pet owners should be aware that for participation in exhibitions requires special collars – rings, used to guide the participant in the ring. This design combines two accessories at once – a collar and a leash.

There is a special provision of the RKF prohibiting for this purpose use harnesses, not also normal collars-leashes and tape measures.

Decorative collars

Decorative collars for dogs

Decorative collars

Such ammunition has more aesthetic value. Decorative collars are suitable for dogs of miniature breeds, less often choose for medium sized pets. Material, design is different, Depends on the imagination of the designer.

Guidelines for choosing a collar

Experts recommend choosing equipment for your pet, only having the opportunity to try on. Experienced dog handlers have in their various types of ammunition are available – for everyday walks, exhibitions, trainings and other events. They advise this and other dog owners.

Any ammunition requires regular care – washing, cleaning, which will increase its service life and protect the pet from infection. Price is far from the most important criterion, since in pursuit of for profit, you can harm a four-legged friend. Also inappropriate pursuit of beauty – rhinestones, rivets and other decorations can cause discomfort in the animal.

To make it easier to determine the size, you can navigate standard – between the neck of the animal and the product should be free pass two fingers. To protect the coat of the animal, it is better to choose ammunition with protective valves.

The choice of a collar is made based on the breed:

  • For owners of hard coat it is better to choose collars having a leather inner surface, a circular cross-section and external seams.
  • Large, mobile dogs with violent temperament on a strict collar.
  • Pets with a long, silky coat are more suitable chromed metal chain collar.
  • To protect too curious and naughty pet during educational process, recommended the collar is a noose.
  • Puppies fit lightweight leather or fabric collars, equipped with a valve that protects the skin and coat from contact with metal parts.

Harnesses: features and benefits

Breast-band for dogs

Another type of ammunition for dogs, including belts and straps. Today is a fairly popular product, having a number of advantages. And, first of all, harness eliminates the load from the cervical vertebrae of the animal, distributing it on the shoulder and chest departments.

During their appearance, they were used as a canine harness. And to this day there is a special kind of harnesses used on North for teams, as well as for sports races. Constructions these products have some differences from ordinary harnesses, their made of very strong materials – canvas or nylon tissue.

Special ammunition is also issued:

  • to move around the track;
  • harnesses with weighting materials for the correction of muscle corset;
  • equipment for guide dogs;
  • medical harnesses and others.

When choosing a harness should be guided by the following recommendations:

  • The most important parameter when choosing is the size of the ammunition. There should be a snug fit without pressing into the dog’s skin; harness should not restrict movement.
  • Harnesses should not have sharp edges and protruding parts.
  • The correct landing of ammunition is when the side belt is not pressed against the armpits of the pet. Representatives of large and medium rocks distance is the width of the palm of an adult, for small dogs are enough 2-3 fingers.

The advantages of harnesses include the following:

  • a pet wearing a harness does not feel discomfort;
  • convenient to use.

Disadvantages is the dog’s quick addiction, after wearing harness pet may refuse to wear a normal collar. Not suitable for all breeds. Arriving home, you need a harness take off. In the process of education, the harness will not help much, since it pulling will not have a proper effect on the dog.

Which is better: harness or collar

Despite all the advantages and disadvantages of collars and harnesses, the pet owner must take into account various additional factors:

  • To make the right choice, you need to turn around a little in dog ammunition and its purpose.
  • No matter how good the harness, for St. Bernard it will not best option. Good strong will be more relevant here. collar. In addition, some breeds, such as dachshunds, experts do not recommend their use at all. And for miniature pets such as toy terriers, chihuahua, harness is the most successful option, as it puts pressure on fragile cervical vertebrae and is an appropriate decoration for a dog. it as for representatives of breeds with short faces – pugs, french bulldogs, etc.
  • A dog living in an apartment has completely different needs than in an animal on guard duty on a chain.

Many veterinarians and dog handlers believe that the collar is harmful affects the cervical vertebrae of the pet. As for the choice harness or collar for puppies, here the opinions of experts divided up. Most still recommend refraining from wearing. harnesses to strengthen the bone corset – months to 8-10. Than the larger the pet, the longer its skeleton grows and develops.

There is also no consensus on whether constant use of harness, as the animal forms another center of gravity. So, you need to evaluate everything for and against, and make a choice in favor of your favorite.

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