What to do if a dog has a bone stuck in throat, teeth, intestines

Thin tubular bones, especially after thermal processing should be excluded from the dog’s diet. Besides that such a “delicacy” has no nutritional value, when cracked they form sharp fragments that get stuck in the oral cavity or the intestines of the animal. Chicken, rabbit and fish are especially dangerous. bones. Sharp edges can not only injure the mucous membrane, but also lead to perforation of the digestive system. What do if the dog has a bone stuck?


  • 1. Symptoms of a pathological condition
    • 1.1. 1. in the oral cavity
    • 1.2. 2. in the larynx
    • 1.3. 3. in the esophagus
    • 1.4. 4. in the stomach or small intestine
  • 2. Assistance at home
  • 3. Veterinary treatment for dogs

Symptoms of a pathological condition

Symptoms that accompany swallowing bone fragments depend on which part of the digestive tract is stuck thing. Depending on the location of bone fragments, observed following symptoms:

What to do if a dog has a bone stuck

1. in the oral cavity

  • swallowing function is impaired;
  • salivation increases;
  • urge to vomit;
  • lack of appetite;
  • the dog rubs its face with its paws or rubs its cheeks on the surface.

2. in the larynx

  • lack of appetite;
  • swollen larynx, hyperemic tissue (red);
  • breathing problems are noted;
  • with severe damage, bleeding may be detected;
  • body temperature rises.

3. in the esophagus

  • foamy vomiting with food particles;
  • the animal frantically cranes its neck;
  • complete or partial obstruction of the esophagus;
  • tissue inflammation and the risk of necrosis;
  • esophageal perforation;
  • violation of swallowing function.

4. in the stomach or small intestine

  • refusal of food;
  • intense thirst;
  • vomiting
  • inability to defecate;
  • increased severity of symptoms and worsening;
  • with perforation of the internal organs – bloating.

If a pet is suspected of eating a bone and is stuck in one of the digestive system, you should watch his behavior. It is necessary to carefully examine feces. If there are traces of blood in the stool, and the animal is tormented by the act defecation, you must immediately show the dog to a specialist. Also if the dog has become lethargic or irritable. Particular attention should be paid to how the dog breathes. If she signs of asphyxia are noted (cough, shortness of breath, turns blue language), then a visit to the veterinary clinic cannot be postponed.

In the case when there are no noticeable deviations in the state of the animal, you can try to extract large fragments of bones by yourself.

In order not to give the dog anything horrible, read what you can’t feed a dog.

Home Assistance

You can try to extract the bone yourself only if when it is stuck in a dog’s teeth or mouth. For this the animal is fixed, with the help of a mouth expander open fall. If the bone is in sight, then it is removed. tweezers or forceps.

How to help your pet pull out a bone

After the bone has been removed, an oral cavity is needed. irrigate the animal with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. When expressed chills caused by spastic processes can be injected No-spa preparation to relieve spasm of smooth muscles and relieve advancing a bone fragment along the digestive tract.

To reduce pain and smooth muscle relaxation the gastrointestinal tract can be given an animal an injection Papaverine or Apomorphine.

With symptoms of intestinal obstruction, give the dog an enema, give antiemetic or laxative drugs strictly prohibited.

Small bone fragments can be removed with food. Give dog rice with bread. Rice envelops intestines and reduces risk mucosal injuries, and bread prevents traumatic effects bones. Passing through the intestines, the food ball will take with it the fragments bones. A few days of such nutrition, and the bones come out with fecal masses.

Veterinarians offer another way to get rid of bones stuck in the esophagus – the Heimlich method, which is to displace and push the jammed bone. The animal stands on four legs, the owner embraces the dog hands across the abdomen. The fist of the right hand is located so that the thumb touches the sternum. Cover with your left hand fist right, forming a “castle.” Press down sharply several times the diaphragm of the animal. The movement should go from bottom to top.

An example of the Heimlich method on man

An example of the Heimlich method in humans

Typically, 4-5 of these movements push the bone higher, which allows you to extract it. A small dog has a similar extraction method bones should be carried out with less effort, therefore pressure It turns out to be just the fist of the right hand. The animal needs to be kept down head, pressing the spine to his chest.

It is unlikely that thin fragments of bone can be removed by this method. Use the Heimlich method with caution, since it is difficult correctly calculate the applied effort without preparation, and animals respond differently to such help. This technique can apply only making sure that the dog is choking bone fragment, otherwise the animal can be injured.

When the bones get stuck in the deep sections – stomach, intestines, Do not experiment with home remedies. Perforation intestines threatens peritonitis, and prolonged irritation of the walls stomach with sharp bone fragments – necrosis and sepsis. Highly A dangerous consequence of intestinal perforation is fecal peritonitis. The result of such pathologies is the death of a pet. Therefore better consult a veterinarian as soon as the owner suspects that a foreign object is stuck in the digestive system of the dog.

  • what to do if a dog is bitten by a tick;
  • how to choose a laxative for dogs;
  • treatment of poisoning in dogs.

Veterinary treatment for dogs

In the veterinary clinic, the doctor seeks to determine the location bones. For this, radiography with a contrast agent is used. and without it. Sometimes the dog does an ultrasound, which is online visible reverse natural peristalsis bowel movement. After the location of the fragment, the degree of damage, inflicted by him, the veterinarian is developing a treatment strategy.

The chicken bone got stuck in the dog

Dog bone in the throat of a dog

If mechanically unable to get rid of the bone, then the veterinarian prescribes surgical or endoscopic removal of stuck subject.

Bones are usually stuck in the pylorus or small intestine. Then, through the incision in the tissues of the organ, an object is removed. More difficult this is the case if the bone has to be removed with part of the intestine. Resection affects the condition of dogs more heavily and requires long recovery period.

In the event that the bone is removed from the esophagus, then throughout the healing period, the animal cannot be eaten so that the regeneration process walked faster. Subsequently, the dog will have to go through a long postoperative recovery and follow a strict diet. At successful pet operation the next day will be ask for a drink and get better.

To avoid injuring the animal with bone fragments, you must carefully monitor what the dog eats. Such simple preventative measures will avoid the risk of severe damage to the digestive system of the animal with sharp fragments bone or jams.

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