How to show a dog that you are a leader: behavior real owner

When the threshold of the house is crossed by a little peanut or already adult dog, all the attention of the family is turned to him. They play with him treat it with snacks and provide comfort. It seems to be so it should be – these are the rules of a warm welcome— But a pet can evaluate it in your own way, take a leadership position and become a family the main thing. Why such a four-legged behavior cannot be allowed, and how to show the dog that you are a leader, that this place of honor is taken and you shouldn’t encroach on him?


  • 1. What is dominance
  • 2. The most dominant dog breeds
  • 3. How dogs show the features of a “leader”
  • 4. Obedience is the key to a good relationship.
    • 4.1. Stage I
    • 4.2. II stage
    • 4.3. Stage III
  • 5. The basic rules of education and training of the four-legged friend

What is dominance

This concept is rather vague, not all dogs tend to dominate, in some dogs these manifestations are bright expressed, while others do not have such a tendency. Many pets try to dominate only at home, but on street – quite good-natured and contact. And sometimes the situation another one develops, and then the dogs confirm their superiority in walking time, bullying other dogs and even encroach on people. How to show the dog that you are a leader

Naturally, dog handlers features such dog behavior interest, and they study the dominance of these animals, spend the line between domesticated individuals and their wild ancestors – wolves. Several theories have been put forward, and each has been reinforced. evidence base, but authentic mechanisms are still not studied.

Two types of dominant behavior were identified:

  • due to anatomical and physiological characteristics an animal;
  • arising from the background of improper upbringing or his absence.

The owner should look at his four-legged friend, to figure out in which cases he demonstrates dominance, and what it is connected with. The dominant dog doesn’t just love to fight – he possesses perseverance and stubbornly moves towards the set goals. He is not afraid to break the established framework and rules so that check your position in the pack again, and the owner needs to be alert.

If the owner misses the manifestation of self-will on the part of the pet and doesn’t react in any way, he will decide that the early laws are no longer valid and victory is after him. More than once he will encroach on leadership positions, confirm again and again that he is worthy to be a leader and one day will take this place.

For example, a dog suddenly for no reason begins to climb on the master sofa and defiantly lie on it – not in the absence of a family, by the arrival of the members of which he flees and makes an innocent appearance, namely in front of everyone. He had not been allowed this before, and he will wait for the reaction of the owner.

The most dominant dog breeds

Parenting is of the utmost importance when interacting with anyone even with a non-dominant dog. But for the latter it is necessary, otherwise the dog, as they say, “will be cut off” and maybe even dangerous not only to others, but also to members of his family. Naturally, it’s not recommended to start such dogs for beginners, especially when it comes to representatives of large or giant rocks. But among the dominant breeds, not all are grains.

The most dominant dogs are shiba inu, especially males of this breed. Yes, these cuties with slightly slanting eyes and bagels will regularly check how much established orders are strong, and is there no way to shake set boundaries. They will never miss the opportunity to find out relations with brothers, regardless of the size of the latter. Give up Shiba Inu is not used to it.

Slightly less dominant, but still included in the top five. following breeds:

  • mastiff dogs
  • american bulldogs;
  • Dobermans;
  • Cane Corso.

The owners of such dogs are presented with certain requirements: a person must have experience in dealing with such large and wayward dogs, have physical strength – keep an adult not everyone can have a dog, and also have strong nerves and a solid character.

Dog handlers strongly recommend that you walk with your pet training course, and from 10 months of age – the course “Dog in the city.” From dogs of these breeds excellent bodyguards are obtained, but to train Only an experienced, qualified person can do this. Instructor. How to show the dog that you are the leader read the article

If the previous representatives on a 5-point dominance scale receive all five stars, there are many breeds in which it quality developed by 4 points. That is, they are a little more docile, but on occasion will certainly show their leadership. This group includes both large representatives of their kind, and miniature, at first look, completely harmless:

  • akita inu;
  • Central Asian Shepherd Dogs;
  • American Staffordshire Terriers;
  • Bulgarian Shepherd Dogs;
  • Border Collie;
  • beaucerons;
  • Brussels Griffins;
  • bullmastiffs;
  • bull terriers;
  • weimaraners;
  • Jack Russell Terriers;
  • Irish Setters
  • dwarf pinchers;
  • middle schnauzers;
  • Pekingese
  • Pomeranian Spitz
  • Rhodesian Ridgebacks;
  • Giant Schnauzers;
  • rottweilers;
  • scotch terriers;
  • Smooth Fox Terriers;
  • sharpei;
  • Shih Tzu
  • South African Boerboels.

Dog breeders with no experience should review this list and, perhaps give preference to a representative of another, non-dominant breed. These pets will also need to be educated and training, but they will avoid conflict situations, which means make life easier for the owner, in contrast to the more cocky dogs.

How dogs show “leader” traits

Some dogs have gone far from their wild ancestors, others not very, and this applies to positive wolf habits, so negative. Zoologists who study the life of a wolf pack, argue that even a person cannot be so organized like these predatory animals. They have a strict hierarchy, all members have their own responsibilities.

The leader of this coordinated team is the leader – it can to be both male and female, and the individual should not be so much strong as smart. The leader gets the best pieces of food. it due to the fact that a weak, weak leader, in case of danger, will not be able to clearly respond and save his family. Surprisingly in in case of hunger, he can give his share to the young – so leader takes care of the future of the pack.

In general, in a wolf sense, the leader is a responsible person, from which determines the well-being of the whole micro-society. Dogs are are arranged differently, in their understanding the main in the house is endowed with complete power and can do whatever the soul desires. Naturally from his “inept” leadership, the family will not die and will not worry crisis, like a wolf pack, but the dog will deliver a lot to the owner and household inconvenience. Cute dog

No wonder experts consider it important that the owner shows to the animal that he is the main one in the family. Many dogs take it for granted, while others should to focus on this point. Dominant qualities possess dogs behaving as follows:

  • refuse to execute commands, do not respond;
  • they don’t obey even being on a leash;
  • exhibit unjustified aggression against family members, outsiders people and other animals;
  • when you try to pick up an object they growl and bite the owner.

So behaves an uneducated dog who has not mastered the basic program and obedience skills.

Obedience is the key to a good relationship.

Obedient dog, even with dominant inclinations, will not argue with the master whom he considers to be the leader. Otherwise, why would he obey a person who is not a leader? So that the dog the right concepts formed, and he learned the hierarchy of the family and get used to your place in it, the basics of training and education of a dog receives in full up to 9 months of age.

The animal makes the first attempts to dominate during the period of sexual ripening, and it is important that by this moment the owner knows that his the pet violates the order not because of ignorance and immediately stopped it. At many dominant individuals have a good relationship with brothers, but only if the latter are satisfied with the role of subordinates. If not satisfied, then the dominant dog can provoke a fight.

Obedience is the first condition that allows a person to control the dog. From the first day a puppy appears in the house, he should be shown that there is a leader in this pack. The pet is one of the most lower levels in the hierarchy. This is the norm. for pack animals, they will never obey those who is below them, while the main one has unquestionable authority.

And if the pet has lost a sense of subordination and shows rebellion, then the owner is to blame – he, even if involuntarily, allowed the dog to behave this way. “Grade Report” follows adhere to everything, including training, the only way high performance can be expected.

To achieve 100% obedience from the dog, you must go with There are three important periods:

  • study;
  • correction;
  • distractions.

Stage I

The pet gets acquainted with the main teams, begins to execute them. This period occurs during puppyhood and is recommended use the game form. You can motivate your pet treats or toys.

II stage

Corrective tasks are introduced into the program of commands. If the dog is not always carries out the learned commands, the owner uses new ones, which make the pet understand that he is making mistakes. On this stage one motivation method is not enough, and successfully correction method is applied. Naturally, you should consider that in some cases, the dog does not specifically violate the process, but just does not understand what they want from him.

Stage III

The phase of distraction is the period during which the dog has already mastered basic program, but in the usual conditions for him. The dog should gradually withdraw from the comfort zone, working out teams in unusual environment: on the street, in the presence of strangers and animals, in a noisy place, with distractions. The dog on the owner is resting

As a result, the dog will execute the commands automatically, showing absolute obedience, regardless of external conditions.

Basic rules for raising and training a four-legged friend

As already noted, improper upbringing or insufficient attention to the pet, can lead to the fact that he considers himself a leader. Naturally, in this case you should not expect from a dog full surrender and obedience. Following situations that may seem insignificant, actually help a person affirm the role of leader:

  1. At the door the owner should always go first! Usually dogs try to be the first to scurry in a doorway, and more often owners do not focus on this point. But not It is recommended that you allow this behavior. If you look at a wolf pack, then its members always follow the leader, which means who the first one enters the house, that one and the owner. A dog that always runs ahead of the owner and not inferior to him at the entrance, is unlikely to be completely obey.
  2. Strict admission rules must be established. food. Here it is not only the mode and place of feeding, although they are also important. Owners should only give food to their pet ending your own meal and in no case impossible feed him from his desk. No plaintive glances outstretched paws and other tricks should not work. Generally dog there is no place for the master table – he should be on his sunbed, and not begging. It’s not just that human food is for dogs contraindicated, dog obsessive behavior can markedly provoke. But then again, it’s worth looking into the pack hierarchy – there the leader is the first to start the meal.
  3. The position of a leader is binding. In a pack, the leader is not the strongest and most aggressive beast, because with this approach the community is doomed. The leader must be caring, patient, friendliness and be fair. Only in this way can it cause feeling of fear, and respect.
  4. Rudeness – no! Many people are wrong regard the very concept of “leader”. Zoologists know that this place can be occupied not only by large, strong males, but also by females, which can be significantly inferior in size. Relationship lining up not on aggression, but an important aspect is understanding. Of course, the methods of punishment during training and parenting used, but with caution. If a to overdo it, then the pet can grow overly aggressive or, conversely, cowardly.
  5. The owner must always be the winner! Any game competition must end in victory for a person. Even the dog is quicker and stronger, the owner should manage seize the initiative. After the competition should be encouraged pet, but the image of a successful mentor should not be shaken.
  6. Planning a joint pastime should only master. You should not indulge a dog if he insists offers to play or invites the owner to practice pad. Only a person can be the initiator, he decides when to complete the process. Naturally, one should evaluate and pet’s condition.
  7. Clarity and correctness! Sometimes dogs don’t they understand what the owner mutters there, and why he gives three times the same command that the dog has already completed. Team should to be clearly, moderately loud and out of place. That is, kick the dog out with the sofa is better with the command “not!” rather than sending it to the “place!”, or leave at the store saying “sit!” if the pet has already taken this position. In the latter case, the “wait!” Task is appropriate.

A dog is a pet, friend, helper in one person, but not worth it to “humanize”, attributing what is not characteristic of dogs. Before how to take a puppy to the house is worth getting acquainted with the psychological features of these animals to understand how with a pet get along and avoid common mistakes.

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