TOP 10 best breeds of dogs

Many people in their pet want to see first of all not defender of the house, and a friend. The best breeds of dogs are perfect for families, including with children, as well as those who appreciate dog friendliness, devotion and lack of aggression.


  • 1 Saint Bernard – the kindest breed of dogs
  • 2 Leonberger
  • 3 Golden Retriever
  • 4 collie
  • 5 sheltie
  • 6 Labrador
  • 7 Newfoundland
  • 8 Basset Hound
  • 9 Irish Setter
  • 10 poodle

Saint Bernard – the kindest breed of dogs

These dogs are distinguished by their kind and soft nature, endurance and calm disposition. In addition, they are known throughout the world as great search engines.

St. Bernard - the kindest breed of dogs


Leonberger has an amazing character that is not at all corresponds to his formidable appearance. This animal will become you an obedient and devoted friend.

If you are interested in the breed, we recommend that you study the features maintenance and care in articlehttps: //


Golden retriever

From these pets breathes kindness and tranquility, they adapt to a different rhythm of the life of the owners. Retrievers perfect Suitable for families with children.

Golden retriever


Collie is very friendly, loyal and well trained. breed. Pets are focused on the love of people, so do not suitable for those who can not pay enough attention to them.



This animal will become your companion thanks to its meek and funny temper. Shelters are also very good at training.



A very smart and friendly dog that quickly becomes attached to owners and seeks to please them. Labrador charges everyone with his optimism and love of life.



These dogs only seem very formidable. In fact, they friendly, playful and faithful character.

Read more about breed: https: //


Basset hound

Dogs of this breed are quite clumsy and often fall into funny situations, while the owners love them for their endless charm and kindness.

If you want to learn more about the breed, we recommend reading articlehttps: //


Irish Setter

Setters are energetic and adore outdoor games, while leading home affectionately and calmly. They are friendly to the owners and guests.

Irish Setter


Poodles are very smart and affectionate pets that never exhibit aggression. They are quite unpretentious in leaving.


Before buying a dog, the future owner is better learn about the nature of the chosen breed, because for many years of life they will spend together.

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