Japanese terrier

Few have heard of such a breed, which is not surprising, because even at home there are few purebred individuals. Representatives of this breed combine the qualities of a terrier – active, fast, fearless, and at the same time are excellent, affectionate and complaisant companions. Japanese Terrier – Great a dog with good characteristics, and owners of such a treasure wonder why they are so little common?


  • 1. The origin of the breed
  • 2. Description of the breed Japanese Terrier
    • 2.1. Wool and possible colors
  • 3. Character Features
  • 4. Education and training
  • 5. Care
  • 6. Breed diseases
  • 7. The regimen and diet of feeding
  • 8. Pet content
  • 9. Photo of the Japanese terrier
  • 10. Video about the Japanese Terrier
  • 11. Where to buy a puppy

Origin of breed

Breeding Japanese terriers in the homeland have been engaged since 1920. AT Smooth-haired Fox Terriers were selected as the main breed, which were brought to Nagasaki from the Netherlands in the 17th century. During their work was crossed with representatives of local indigenous breeds, differing in modest sizes. Japanese Terrier with a stick

The blood of miniature Manchester Terriers and Italian greyhound. About some dogs participating in the selection, on Today, almost nothing is known, so for certain the history of the origin of the Japanese terriers could not be determined, there are many kinds of theories.

The selection resulted in small but strong dogs, who were called Mikado, Kobe, Japanese Fox Terrier. Modern The name of the breed is Japanese or Nihon Terrier.

Registration by the cynological club at home took place in 1930 year, international recognition came to the breed later – in 1998. Over a short history, the number of individuals has increased and declining, but today Japanese terriers are real a rarity.

Description of the breed Japanese Terrier

In fact, representatives of the breed are creatures remarkable – their dark head on a white torso looks very unusual and original.

In addition, their characteristics are amazing: like all terriers, “Japanese” are suitable for hunting, can bring prey, are capable work in water bodies, that is, they have endurance, quick wits and good health.

But at the very beginning of the work, Japanese breeders put before another task – to get not a worker, but exclusively a decorative dog that can become a great companion.

Nihon – a small dog with the appearance of a dandy, her the body is clearly defined, the body is compact and well-built. It has a very short coat. When assessing proportionality of addition. Japanese Terrier is cheerful, active, he easily excited.

The standard describes the following description of representatives breeds:

  1. The nihon’s head has a flat, moderately narrow forehead, flattened cheekbones, mild transition from forehead to muzzle. The back of the nose is flat, ending in a black, movable lobe nose.
  2. Lips fit tightly completely cover teeth covered snow-white enamel. They are strong, creating the right type of bite scissors.
  3. The eyes are medium sized, oval, with a dark brown iris.
  4. Auricles are small, located high, slender, triangular in shape, falling forward. Standard allows creases or lags on the sides of the cheekbones.
  5. The neck is strong, medium, muscular, when moving to the shoulders expanding, tightly covered with skin, without wrinkles and wrinkles. At Japanese Terriers high withers, turns into a short, strong your back. The lumbar belt and croup are powerful, arched. Japanese Terrier breed description
  6. Chest of decent depth, but in front not very wide, ribs well developed. The groin and abdomen line is excellent matched.
  7. Shoulders slightly sloping, forearms straight, not too massive skeleton. Hips are elongated, knee and hock joints are moderate. Metatarsus delivered vertically, paws are collected in a strong lump, with elastic, dense pads, solid, preferably dark claws.
  8. In movement, the dogs of this breed are light, fast and springy.

Elongated coat, severe malocclusion, refer to vices leading to disqualification of an individual.

Wool and possible colors

The dog breeders of the country of the “rising sun” compare Japanese terriers with porcelain Imari during the reign of Meiji. For sure it is unknown what this is connected with, but many breeders agree that Nichons are graceful and charming.

The Japanese say that the hair of representatives of this breed is similar on natural silk, and in smooth-haired fox terriers and American toy terriers, it is similar to cotton. Celebrated at home the wonderful character of these dogs.

Japanese terriers have completely no undercoat, body covered with dense, short outer hair. The coat is moderately stiff plentiful, has a natural shine. Standard does not allow the presence of tow, the length of the coat should be the same for all torso. When evaluating dogs, a mandatory aspect is the presence of a beautiful shiny coat.

Most often there are dogs with a tricolor color – a combination wool of black, white and red shades. The body is covered with wool white color, on which the speck of black or red hair. There are three colors of hair on the head with a predominance of black, there is a white stripe on the superciliary arches and in the area of the cheeks marks of a red tint.

Character Features

It is not for nothing that the Japanese Terrier is considered the ideal companion – he has there are absolutely all qualities for this. The dog is cheerful, positive curious and inquisitive, however, the pet has a sense of tact and will not be imposed on the owner when he is out of sorts.

Nihon Terrier – a real “zinger”, whose activity is capable of infect everyone around. The dog is very devoted to the family and loves everyone. its members. Doggie will not choose one owner and will common best friend. Moreover, the company qualities are already in puppyhood.

Terriers are raging among nihons, so they are able to manifest fearlessness and will protect the owner if there is a threatening situation. But this is a pretty miniature animal that can to suffer from larger relatives, which means that it is important for the owner prevent such tragic cases. It is important to consider that in as a threat the dog may perceive excessive gestures or screams.

At home, the pet will certainly show its security instincts, that is, yapping at the door when anyone comes or moves past. This nuance is worth considering acquiring a similar four-legged friend. Japanese Terrier read the article

Owners compare the Japanese terrier with a mischievous but smart and quick-witted child. This is largely due to the fact that such doggie always finds a common language with younger members of the family.

Despite the barking under the door, strangers entered the pet meets with undisguised curiosity. He is not so well developed guardian and watchman instincts, there is no innate aggression towards strangers, therefore, guests can count on a warm welcome. Dog can almost immediately involve a stranger in the game, allows iron yourself.

Nihons are not very noisy dogs, they can sit alone, while everyone is at school or work, but in the evening they are waiting for affection and attention from your family. Given such qualities, one can sincerely regret that the breed is not very well distributed, but the owners Japanese Terrier can be called real lucky, who lucky with a four-legged friend.

Education and training

Representatives of this breed have high intelligence, they easy to learn, and can master as a basic program, so and difficult tricks. Training will be very fruitful if the host treats her pet patiently, respectfully and gives commands confident voice.

It is impossible to show rudeness, harshness, physical impact. Such a doggie sharply reacts to a change in intonation, therefore, in as a punishment it’s enough to bring a couple of strict notes and report off guilty “student”. It’s also important to encourage a pet, successfully overcome difficulties, for this you can not use only affection and dainty, but also joint games.

Terriers are hardy, but the dog can get bored of monotonous repetition of the same commands, so it is recommended to do breaks, play with her and have fun. If the owner made a mistake – shouted or rude to the four-legged friend, interrupt classes and distract him.


Nihons are very unpretentious animals, so even beginners do not there will be difficulties during the care of the pet. Yes dog requires attention, but call joint work hard hanging out for games and affection, fun walks, language not turns around.

Dog coat is recommended to be cleaned periodically. with a soft bristle brush or a napkin. They rarely bathe a pet, his Immediately need to get wet with a towel and keep away from drafts – a doggie very often catches a cold.

A healthy Japanese terrier has no characteristic dog smell, so like the undercoat is missing. The dog sheds as standard – in spring and in the fall, at this time the dog’s rubber should be treated or silicone mitt to rid the house of wool. But also the process does not proceed intensively, ending in 2-3 weeks. Japanese Terrier is sitting

The teeth of the animal deserve special attention during their replacement. In 5-6 month old puppies, tartar is often formed, therefore they should be cleaned 2-3 times a week and, if a problem has arisen, seek veterinary advice. As a rule young animals have no such problems, if it comes to the right the formation of the dentition.

Otherwise, everything is standard – once a quarter the dog should give an antihistamine, in the spring and summer – treat from external parasites, vaccinations set according established schedule.

Breed diseases

The breed is not too studied, due to its rarity. Therefore on today there is no information about any genetic pathologies of these dogs. But it’s well known that nichons are bad tolerate cold and often catch a cold, so you should maintain animal immunity.

Dogs of old age often suffer from diseases musculoskeletal system. If the doggie gets good nutrition and appropriate care, then its life expectancy is 11-13 years old.

The regimen and diet of feeding

Nihon – sweet, charming and smart, many people find it difficult treat such a charm with some goodies from your table. This should never be done, as most products adversely affect the health of the doggie. For example, from sweet teeth deteriorate, vision deteriorates and the risk of developing diabetes mellitus.

Terriers adore sausages, gourmet foods, cookies, but all of this is on the list of prohibited products. Feed the terrier natural products that do not contain artificial additives. The pet should receive enough fresh meat, boiled offal and sea fish.

They give the porridge to the dog, but it should be no more than 25% of the total diet. It is flavored with vegetable oil, greens are added and vegetables. Mandatory introduced into the diet vitamin and mineral complexes. Japanese Terrier muzzle

So how to make your own balanced diet for dogs are difficult enough, many owners prefer production feed. It must be high quality. a product suitable for small, agile dogs, satisfying the pet’s daily need for all necessary for health components.

The menu should be purchased in specialized stores or veterinary pharmacies. Get a full consultation on the rules Feeding the Japanese Terrier is always possible with the breeder.

Pet content

Japanese Terrier – exclusively a home option, absolutely not Suitable for street content. Such a doggie can live in living conditions, but your house or cottage is best suited, where in the warm season he can freely walk on house territory.

Such a pet is able to protect the yard, the house and its inhabitants, giving a signal about the approach of strangers in a clear voice. He possesses very sensitive hearing and can hear even a quiet sound.

In addition to bowls for food and water, litter, terrier necessary provide toys, which should be a lot. Doggie will be consider them their property and will be happy with them messing around while homeworkers are busy. Lest they fed up, it is recommended that you periodically offer your pet something brand new.

Even the kid will need a wardrobe of clothes – winter warmed, not soaking for rainy weather, shoes and hats. If at home cool, you can wear a doggie socks and a vest.

Photo of Japanese Terrier Japanese Terrier at SeaJapanese Terrier in the forestJapanese Terrier is watchingJapanese Terrier with open mouthJapanese Terrier stretchesJapanese Terrier with a red collar

Japanese Terrier Video

Where to buy a puppy

Most people will not have the opportunity to see live representative of this breed. Even in Japan, nihon terriers are not too common, let alone other countries. However the breed has been recognized by the International Federation, and in Europe there is several nurseries.

It’s possible to buy with an ad unless a mestizo looks similar to nihon, but most likely not related to this breed.

The Japanese Terrier is good in all respects, and the disadvantage is him alone – a rarity. Buying a puppy of this breed is not easy, but those who are determined are lucky.

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