The dog’s eyes are festering

Unfortunately, dog owners do not always sound the alarm when they see that pets have very festering eyes. And in vain, since the selection greenish or yellowish exudate is a clear sign of the disease. The pus accumulating in the eyes of the animal should not be confused with mucous transparent secretions and tears that may arise for a harmless reason (for example, after a single inhalation of a pungent odor such as acetone or varnish). So, we’ll try to find out the reasons why the dogs fester eyes.

In what situations can dog eyes fester?

The reasons why pus may appear in the eyes of a dog relate:

  1. Fungal, bacterial and viral infections of the eyes (blepharitis, endophalmitis, uveitis, bacterial conjunctivitis, viral keratitis, etc.) and other organs. Almost always with general infectious inflammation in the animal there is an increased fever, gastric and / or intestinal upset condition, refusal to eat, difficulty breathing. If a the disease affected only the organs of vision, it is possible in addition to purulent secretions in the dog observe swelling, soreness, turbidity or redness of the eyes;
  2. Allergy. It is not so important what exactly it reacts to. animal organism: for any food, household chemicals and products for hair care, dust, flea bites, injected medication. At any allergic reactions may fester eyes. In addition, the animal severe itching of eyes, ears, whole body (dog itching intensely), eyes may become swollen. Sometimes the condition of the coat and skin deteriorates (peeling and redness);
  3. Response to injury. Sometimes dogs hurt eyes during a fight with other tailed rival dogs. Or get injured, for example, having stumbled upon a branch. Besides, the cause of pus may be caught in the dog’s eye small pebble. If the animal injured the eye, first discharge will be transparent, and only then (more often with the development of infection) may pus appears. With eye injuries, there is usually a discharge only from one eye, eye protein reddened, the dog squints or does closes the wounded eye;
  4. Irritation. Purulent discharge from the eyes occurs after contact of the dog with substances with a pungent odor (bleach, turpentine, alcohol, etc.). Usually after a single inhalation an unpleasant odor in a dog can simply flow tears, but if the animal is constantly faced with an irritant, discharge may become purulent;
  5. Wool. If the owners of dogs with long hair on face (lapdogs, fox terrier, poodle, etc.) are not given due attention to pet eye care, then a problem called “pus in the eyes of “not long in coming, because the hairs climbing in the eyes will constantly irritate the mucous membranes of the eye;
  6. Parasitic diseases. External bloodsuckers are capable lead to the release of pus from the eyes when there is an allergy to bites. Worms from squads of nematodes, cestodes or trematodes are pests that able to affect not only the internal organs of the dog (intestines, stomach, lungs, etc.), but also the organs of vision. So sometimes u dogs are red eyes and fester due to insidious parasitic infestations;
  7. Various ailments. Not only eye diseases are meant. (entropion, non-infectious keratitis, etc.), but also of other organs: heart, lungs, liver. Many of the diseases can contribute. weakening of immunity, which is fraught with picking up any eye infection. By the way, to factors influencing depression immunity, include the old age of the animal (in old dogs eyes often fester);
  8. Vitamin deficiency. Does a dog have pus flowing from his eyes? Perhaps the reason is a lack of vitamin A. A lack of vitamin A (he contained, for example, in offal, vegetables (carrots, pumpkin), greens, eggs) often leads to eye problems – worsening vision, the development of inflammation. Disabled animals eat varied, often suffer from hypovitaminosis (including including if poor-quality food is eaten, which is poor vitamins and nutrients).

How to treat a dog if her eyes are festering?

So, why the dog’s eyes are festering, we found out. Now come it’s time to talk about how to help the animal with a similar problem. First, it should be noted that festering eyes are a problem serious, which can result in even loss of vision for the dog, because you have to contact a specialist. Only he will tell you how treat the cause of the appearance of exudate. And what if the visit to the vet is not possible right now (for example, the appointment is scheduled for the next day), and the dog’s eyes hurt and fester? Take action to alleviate the condition of the animal, you can independently:

  1. First you need to remove the pus with a clean piece of bandage (cotton wool can stick to a sore eye) dipped in anti-inflammatory a decoction of chamomile (St. John’s wort, coltsfoot, etc.). Every eye follows wipe with a new bandage;
  2. Then, 1-2 drops can be dripped into each eye of the dog Chloramphenicol. These antibiotic drops fight pretty well infectious inflammation without causing the dog discomfort (not cause burning sensations). You can dig in “Levomycetin” up to 6 times per day. It is important that the pus is removed before using the medicine. from a dog’s eye;
  3. Well remove inflammation and kill pathogens eye drops for dogs with purulent discharge “Tsiprovet.” Them instill 1-2 drops in each eye of the animal four times in day;
  4. You can wash the eyes of a dog with a solution of “Furacilin”, effective for purulent inflammation. For solution preparation you need to dissolve 1 tablet in 1 cup boiled water (each eye is treated with a new bandage). By the way, drops ophthalmic “Iris” combine both Chloramphenicol and Furacilin, their it is permissible to use instead of a solution;
  5. Good for eliminating bacterial eye infection. “Tetracycline ointment” (1%). It must be applied to the area drawn lower eyelid of the animal, and then, closing the dog’s eye, slightly massage the eyelid to spread the ointment. Apply Tetracycline dog no more than 5 times a day.

All of these measures can slightly alleviate the condition of the animal, but they’re not meant to recover. Visit veterinarian’s office – the necessary action for a problem of pus in the eyes dogs. After the diagnosis, the specialist will prescribe proper treatment: antiviral or antibiotic drugs with infectious diseases; wound healing agents eye injury (including surgery may be required removal of a foreign body from the eyes); antihistamines with allergies the introduction of vitamins for hypovitaminosis.

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