Stafford puppies (photo) – educate yourself true friend

Stafford puppies, even with their miniature size, already give out their strength and fearlessness

Parenting skills, the power of love and patience to the fullest checked when a staffordshire puppy appears in the house terrier.

These energetic and curious kids will not let you get bored.

Having paid enough attention to their competent education, you will receive a dog to be proud of.


  • 1 Feeding Staffordshire Terrier puppies
  • 2 Neatness training
  • 3 Vaccinations for Staffordshire Terrier puppies
  • 4 Raising a staffordshire terrier puppy
  • 5 Physical activity
  • 6 Contact owner

Staffordshire Terrier puppy feeding

Before you buy a stafford puppy, you need to decide what you you will feed him – with natural products or dry feed, as well as where his bowls will be located and place to stay.

Having decided on the place of feeding, adhere to common rules.

You can’t force the baby to eat. The reason for the refusal may be poor feed quality or a puppy’s disease

You can not force the baby to eat. Reason for refusal may be poor feed quality or puppy disease

In no case do not throw the doggie food from your table, otherwise he never learns to wait for food in the designated place.

Do not feed him with a spoon or hands, because then it will be difficult to accustom it is from a bowl.

Do not replace food with delicious foods if the baby is naughty and does not eat, otherwise he will understand that you can “swing the law”.

Puppies feel very subtly when the owner “gives slack” and can great opportunity to use.

In this way they remind their brothers Bernese Mountain Dog puppies.

At the same time, you can not force the baby to eat.

Failure may be caused by poor feed quality or puppy disease.

During the meal, the dog, like the puppy St. Bernard, should be accustomed to the correct stance.

Carefully place his front legs parallel to each other, and the back so that their joints form a right angle.

In order for the adult dog to set correctly, her bowls must be fix on a special stand.

The height of the latter should reach the baby’s chest or be slightly higher.

In no case do not throw the doggie food from your table, otherwise he will not learn to wait for food in the designated place

In no case do not throw the doggie food from your table, otherwise he never learns to wait for food in the designated place

After the terrier eats, the remnants of the food must be removed. BUT here a bowl of fresh water should stand full all day.

Regarding the choice of type of food – dry feed or natural products, there are some nuances.

If your choice is dry food, it must be of high quality. Usually the sale of Stafford puppies is accompanied by recommendations on this.

If you decide to feed your baby with a different feed than what the breeder gave him, anyway, the puppy should be given some time habitual food, gradually introducing something new.

If your choice is organic food, make it your rule include the following in the dog’s menu:

  • meat and offal, cooked and cut into pieces
  • soft-boiled eggs
  • milk and dairy products
  • boiled fish, large, boneless
  • cereals, except for barley and uncrushed oatmeal
  • vegetables other than potatoes and legumes
  • fruits

Stafford puppies really miss their mom. Take care that the baby is surrounded by your attention and care.

Stafford puppies really miss their mom. Take care so that the baby is surrounded by your attention and care

The proportion of protein food in the diet should be 30% or more.

In no case should you add spices, salt to your dog’s food or sugar.

The rest “not allowed” include:

  • confectionery
  • sausages, sausages, various smoked meats
  • fat meat

Neatness training

In general, Stafford must be educated by encouraging behavior.

Take the puppy out to the street so that he does his “affairs” there every time he eats or wakes up, and also every two to three hours.

Yes, troublesome, but literally in a week or two the baby will realize what they want from him, and there are no problems with puddles and heaps will be.

Stafford puppies are particularly savvy, as in other things, and cubs.

As soon as the doggie appears in your house, determine where there will be its place for rest and sleep. It is good when the baby chooses a corner for himself where you will take his bed.

As soon as the doggie appears in your house, determine where it will be its a place to rest and sleep. It’s good when the baby chooses for himself the corner where you take his couch

It is also important to be careful: if the terrier began to worry and look for where to relieve the need, quickly bring it to the street.

Important! After each successful trip to The toilet must be vigorously praised puppy. He must feel that the “deed” made by him is very pleasing to his master.

As soon as the doggie appears in your house, determine where it will be its a place to rest and sleep.

It’s good when the baby chooses a corner for himself where you will take his couch. Perhaps the dog will like the place that offer him to you.

If the dog didn’t like it, you’ll have to look a compromise, otherwise the baby will try his best to escape with unloved place.

Staffords family is ready for the journey

Staffords family ready for the journey

Vaccinations for puppies of the Staffordshire Terrier

Vaccination is necessary because Stafford puppies torn off breastfeeding gradually lose strong immunity.

The price of the first vaccinated puppy will be higher than the cost of the baby who did not start passing vaccination.

Important! If the puppy is not torn from the breast feeding, vaccinating him does not make sense. Mother’s milk neutralizes any drug.

Stafford puppies are making great strides in raising and training. However, praise must prevail in all your actions.

In the education and training of Stafford puppies, as well as Cane puppies Corso, make great strides. However, in all your actions praise should prevail

A common vaccination schedule for Staffordshire puppies terrier:

  • 1st vaccination – a month and a half
  • 2nd – in 2 months
  • second vaccination revaccination – in 2.5 months
  • in 5-6 months, when the baby’s teeth are completely replaced, need to repeat the vaccination.

Further vaccinations are done once a year.

Raising a puppy of the Staffordshire Terrier

In the upbringing and training of Stafford puppies make great successes.

However, praise must prevail in all your actions.

But you can’t leave offenses without punishment either, the action must be carried out with love and in a timely manner.

Delayed punishment will not allow the dog to understand why the owner was suddenly angry.

You must express your dissatisfaction immediately after the misconduct.

It can be a displeased, judgmental tone, a light slap, or shaking the dog at the withers.

In any case, remember, even with such a mild form of punishment, if it is too much, the dog becomes fearful and insecure to myself.

As he grows older, Stafford will try to check who is the master of the house. And“ capturing

As they grow older, Stafford will try to check who is in the house. master. And the “capture” of new territories is part of his strategy. therefore it’s important to always make it clear to the dog that she has her own place, which is strictly limited

What you need to teach a terrier from the first days of his habitation in your apartment?

To the execution of various commands. You need to start with people like “Come to me” and “Next.”

The first team can be helped to master the baby in a playful way. When you give him something to eat, call him by name and “To me.”

You can also “knock” at any time, rewarding the puppy for dainty obedience.

On the street, periodically encourage the dog to execute this command, giving him something tasty.

As for the “Near” team, here you will need a leash. However, one must be careful not to scare or hurt a puppy.

And, again, all the time, give the staff some goodies for obedience.

Stafford puppies can bite. However, you must make it clear to you that you can bite and that you can’t. Instead of your hand, invite him to sharpen his teeth on a rubber toy.

Stafford puppies can bite. However you must give it clearly to understand what can be chewed and what cannot. Instead of his hand invite him to sharpen his teeth on a rubber toy

To the fact that he has his own place, and he cannot sleep, where is he at will.

If the dog still lay down on the couch or in the chair, take baby on his couch and say: “Place.”

As they grow older, Stafford will try to check who in the owner of the house. And the “capture” of new territories is part of his a strategy.

Therefore, it is important to always make it clear to the dog that she has her own a place that is strictly limited.

To bathing procedures. Special grooming the dog does not require. Combing Furminator is not required.

If from childhood we carefully accustom the puppy to water, cleaning teeth, clipping, flushing the eyes and ears without scaring him and not inflicting pain on him, he will subsequently gladly allow you suggest its beauty.

Mom Staff teaches a puppy to bite a wand

Mom Staff teaches a puppy to bite a wand

Only bite what you can. If the baby is trying to bite you for arms or legs, offer him an alternative – a rubber toy and gently brush it when the puppy grabs his teeth.

When the baby can’t calm down, you can make him strict rebuke.

In a pinch, knock it on its side and hold it until until he calms down.

So he will feel who is in charge here and will understand what’s happening to you. in this way you can’t joke.

Stafford puppies have to walk a lot. Just during the walks you can arrange games with elements of training

Stafford puppies should walk a lot. Just while walking can arrange games with elements of training

Exercise stress

Stafford puppies have a lot to go for a walk. However not worth chasing a doggie to exhaustion, it will only harm him.

The attentive owner will determine when the dog is tired and it’s time to come back home.

On average, you need to walk with a puppy for 40 minutes or more than twice a day. In this case, it is necessary to organize games with elements parenting, welcome agility.

From 4-5 months, you can start attending a training site.

If the kid spoils household things, seeks for himself an “adventure”, harms and does not want to respond to teams, most likely he not walking enough.

Unused energy spills out as unwanted behavior.

After all, not only adults possess enough power, but also stafford puppies, a photo in which the baby is sitting quietly, not so easy to do.


If the kid spoils household things, seeks for himself an “adventure”, harms and does not want to respond to teams, most likely he not walking enough

Contact with owner

For staff, the feeling that he is one team with the owner.

Therefore, from a very early age, the puppy needs frequent eye and tactile contact.

Affectionate words and stroking when he just came up, short games, regular solid, but loving parenting – all this lays the foundation for the future dog became perfectly obedient.

An adult doggie will need not only long walks with games, but also mental loads that can provide elements of training.


For staff, the feeling that he is one team with the owner. Affectionate words and stroking when he just came up, short games, regular solid, but loving parenting – all this lays the foundation for the future dog became perfectly obedient

If the owner is ready to devote a lot of time to his pet, problems with his behavior will not arise.

However, those who decide to get this dog should go several times. to think, because this breed just falls in love with itself!

Strength, Mind, Tenderness and Devotion to Staffordshire Terriers win any heart!

Stafford puppies – educate yourself a true friend

Stafford puppies require a lot of time, attention, patience and love Getting the necessary care, they become very obedient, calm and balanced.

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