Northern breeds of dogs

Wolf color, thick coat, fluffy ponytail, curled bagel, and blue eye ice – northern breeds dogs, always beckoning people to their royal dressing, predatory nature and at the same time moving playfulness. Faithful, hardy, strong and resistant to extreme cold from ancient times they serve people in the conditions of the North, are active in team, help in the search. Among all northern rocks, the largest Husky and huskies gained popularity and fame. But only them the diversity of northern rocks is not limited.


  • 1. Classification of northern rocks
  • 2. Sled dogs
    • 2.1. Malamute
    • 2.2. Samoyed
    • 2.3. Siberian Husky
    • 2.4. Greenland
  • 3. thoroughbred hunters
    • 3.1. Laika Russian-European
    • 3.2. East Siberian Laika
    • 3.3. West Siberian Laika
    • 3.4. Emthund
    • 3.5. Norbotten Spitz
    • 3.6. Laika Karelian-Finnish
    • 3.7. Karelian Bear Dog
    • 3.8. Lundehund Norwegian
    • 3.9. Elkhound Norwegian
  • 4. Security Dogs
    • 4.1. Buchund Norwegian
    • 4.2. Suomenlapinkoyra
    • 4.3. Spitz Visigoth
    • 4.4. Icelandic dog
    • 4.5. Lapinporokoyra
    • 4.6. Lapphund Swedish

Classification of Northern Rocks

All “northerners” are divided into three large groups:

  • sledding;
  • hunting;
  • security.

Each of the subspecies of rocks has its own distinctive characteristics. in appearance, behavior, features of care.

Sled dogs

Some of them date back over 7000 years.

Malamute Malamute

The oldest of the northern breeds. Their distinguishing feature is that dogs are not bark. They have their purpose – they do hard work, very rarely used as security guards. Adult dog weight from 32 to 37 kg. The undercoat is thick, the color of the wolf.

The breed needs daily long walks, the dog It is necessary to provide moderate physical activity. One more nuance – deep holes are dug on its territory, as in Dog’s natural habitat used to be food.

Samoyed Samoyed

Samoyed breed looks like a “bear” from fairy tales, with snow-white color, as well as thick and fluffy hair. Growth in males – from 54 up to 62 cm, weight from 20 to 32 kg. In females – from 47 to 54 cm, body weight from 15 to 21 kg.

The character is friendly, but overly stubborn. Dog is different mind and playfulness. Care requires daily long walks and physical activity. Wool should be combed daily.

Siberian Husky Siberian Husky

Friendly breed, especially towards children. In content dogs should pay attention to the fact that the animal needs constant attention and long walks. Appearance has many similarities with the breed malamute, the difference is in size.

Greenland Greenland

The breed is over 6,000 years old. Thoroughbred representatives have erect ears, twisted tail, differ a variety of shades of wool, excludes the standard only white Colour.

Male height at withers is from 57 to 69 cm, females from 49 to 62 see. The weight of the animal ranges from 28 to 33 kg. Character – strong-willed, quite difficult. The owner must initially show that he the main one, otherwise the animal cannot be trained.

Thoroughbred hunters

Their main purpose is to hunt small and large animals.

Laika Russian-European Laika Russian-European

The breed is distinguished by impeccable acuity of hearing and vision. Animal endlessly devoted to the owner, does not show aggression to strangers to people. The dog needs training, gladly performs team, but only if he has a mood for it.

They are distinguished by excellent health. Adult dog has body weight from 19 to 24 kg, growth from 49 to 60 kg.

East Siberian Laika Laika East Siberian

This is the largest type of husky. The dog is beautiful a sense of reference, hardy to any climatic conditions. Has a complaisant character, aggression towards strangers missing.

Sharing content with other household members is not recommended. animals that can be considered a dog as prey. In care procedures, there are no particular difficulties, but in she is completely unpretentious eating. Dogs need daily intense load. Sizes of an adult dog: body weight from 17 to 24 kg, growth from 53 to 63 cm.

West Siberian Laika West

The breed was bred for extreme northern climate conditions. Dogs are resistant, resistant to intense physical exertion. The pet will feel good in a family with children.

The character is friendly, while the dog protects and protects his housing and landlord. In care, huskies require maximum attention, are mobile, energetic, need many hours of walks. Adult Size dogs: height from 51 to 65 cm, weight from 19 to 26 kg.

Emthund Emthund

These are truly unsurpassed hunters. Dog first tracks its prey and drives it into a corner, and only then signals his find to his master with a joyful bark. Breed incredibly powerful and hardy, but hiding behind this power friendly character.

The pet loves children very much and is ready to play with them all day. The animal needs physical activity and training with frequent workouts. Sizes of an adult dog: height from 56 to 66 cm, weight up to 32 kg

Norbotten Spitz Norbotten

Unlike massive northern breeds, this dog is different small compact size. The color of the coat is light. Dog is an ideal hunter, hardy, despite his small size, very strong.

Character – soft, friendly, completely not prone to aggression. The breed is used as hunting and guard. Dimensions male: weight from 10 to 16 kg, height from 41 to 48 kg. Female growth from 41 to 45 cm, in weight from 7 to 13 kg.

Laika Karelian-Finnish Laika Karelian-Finnish

The real decoration of the breed is its amazing color – noble, golden. The animal is playful, cheerful, fast adapts to the family. Laika is a good guard, protects his master from strangers, has no tendency to aggression, but if it feels threatened, it can bite its teeth.

The character is strong, leadership. In training a person should immediately show that he is the master, otherwise curb the temper the dog will be hard. The dog can be kept both in the apartment and in the private the house. Sharing likes with others is not recommended pets, it can arouse a hunting instinct in her. Dimensions adult animal: height from 41 to 51 cm, weight from 10 to 16 kg.

Karelian Bear Dog Bear Karelian dog

The dog is focused on hunting, next to it should be strong, strict owner. The breed is distinguished by its courage, stamina and devotion. The dog does not show aggression to strangers, which can’t be said about her attitude to other animals.

This dog needs constant training and regular physical exertion, her health will depend on this. Adults pets have a weight of 19 to 24 kg, height – from 48 to 62 cm.

Lundehund Norwegian Lundehund Norwegian

The breed is mobile, flexible, and has long been used by people for hunting. A distinctive feature of representatives – with the help of six fingers on each foot the dog easily moves on steep cliffs, not leaving a chance to his prey. This is an extremely rare breed, which in a certain period of time was almost gone completely, but the breeders were able to restore it and replenish the number.

The psyche of the animal is stable, compact in size, weight from 5 up to 8 kg, height 29-39 cm. In addition, it is strong and hardy pets that should be regularly physically loaded. Only with subject to regular training, the dog will behave calmly in home setting.

Lundehunds are susceptible to diseases of the digestive system, the owners need to carefully select their feed.

Elkhound Norwegian Elkhound Norwegian

The breed is unique and rare. Dogs are able to survive in extremely harsh climate. The house will be nice, loyal and affectionate pet. Sharing content with others is not recommended. pets, but there is an exception – if both animals have grown together, then they get along well with each other.

They love space and freedom, therefore it is better to keep the dog in private house with a large yard. Sizes: from 21 to 27 kg, growth from 40 to 53 cm.

Guard dogs

The purpose of these breeds is the protection of housing, people, goods.

Buchund Norwegian Buhund Norwegian

They are very loyal, faithful dogs, fearlessly defending their territory and owner. The character is kind, friendly, however, if the dog feels the danger, he begins to “go wild.”

The dog should be provided with sufficient loads, long walking. The pet is fastidious in nutrition, requires a balanced diet. Sizes: weight from 23 to 27 kg, height from 44 to 48 kg.

Suomenlapinkoyra Suomenlapinkoyra

Very ancient breed. Dogs are active, cheerful, endlessly loyal to its owner, especially if grown up with it. Pet not prone to conflict and aggression. Applies today mostly lifeguards. Sizes: weight from 20 to 22 kg, growth from 40 to 53 cm. With the same degree of comfort contained in private houses and apartments.

Spitz Visigoth Spitz Visigoth

A dog that, as an adult, forever remains in the shower puppy. The animal is mobile, playful, active. Strong immunity, it can get sick only due to the lack of regular physical activity. If you don’t give the dog proper attention, she can play at home. Sizes: height from 32 to 41 cm, weight from 8 to 15 kg

Icelandic dog Icelandic dog

The pet is energetic, kind and cheerful. Dog absolutely not whimsical in everyday life, but he needs frequent physical activity and long walks. Dog prone to hip dysplasia joints. Height from 42 to 45 cm, weight from 11 to 16 kg.

Lapinporokoyra Lapinporokoyra

This is a rare breed, especially appreciated for its endurance, power and strength. The animal has strong immunity. Dog is strong attached to the family and owner. The pet becomes excellent the guard. Care should be provided with frequent walking and workouts. Sizes: height from 42 to 55 cm, weight from 24 to 31 kg.

Lapphund Swedish Lapphund

This is a universal dog – a brave guard, affectionate and playful. pet used in rescue operations. Dog not will let people and animals that they feel a threat. The dog loves to bark for a long time, so in an apartment its contents can cause many inconveniences. Breed susceptible to urolithiasis.

The dogs of the northern breeds are hardy, they are loyal to their owners, at the same time they are playful, active and especially good towards children. But before you decide to have such a pet, you should understand that such breeds require special care.

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