Myositis in dogs

The muscular framework for dogs is an important component guaranteeing the full life of the animal. However, this system often violated, which significantly worsens the state of everything organism. Myositis in dogs refers to pathological conditions muscle tissue, the inflammatory process in which can not only hamper the movement of the pet, but also completely immobilize it. There are several types of diseases whose clinical picture It differs, but one thing unites them – muscles are affected.


  • 1. Traumatic myositis
  • 2. Purulent form of myositis
  • 3. Rheumatic myositis

Traumatic myositis

The dog does not eat with myositis

The name of this type of myositis speaks for itself – inflammatory processes in the muscles develop due to injuries – open wounds, bruises, muscle breaks or sprains.

Traumatic myositis is accompanied by the following symptoms in dogs:

  • the dog’s appetite decreases;
  • the animal is limited in movement, motor is reduced activity;
  • palpation (palpation) reveals swelling in the area muscle tissue.

They can be different in size, accompanied by pain a syndrome. When touched, the fabric feels hot, on surface visible damage to the skin. In those places where there are tears of the skin, often the formation of purulent fluid associated with the development of hematomas.

The muscle affected by the disease becomes more voluminous, tense.

Treatment for this type of myositis in dogs includes the following procedures:

  • applying cold objects to the affected area (first two days);
  • application of a short novocaine block with the addition of an antibiotic;
  • after using warming procedures – compresses, paraffin wax applications;
  • therapeutic massage (only after the complete elimination of pain syndrome).

If the pet has developed a chronic form of traumatic myositis, then to eliminate the growths of muscle tissue use replanting tissue products, ointments and creams with irritating action, therapeutic ultrasound procedures. Muscle breaks special stitches are applied.

The terms of treatment and the consequences of this type of myositis directly depend on the complexity of tissue damage. If it is about minor injuries, the forecasts are quite favorable. The resulting hemorrhage is absorbed, and all signs of the disease pass, it can take from three to 15 days.

In more complex cases, the course of the disease is long, hematomas not completely absorbed. In addition, in damaged tissues the formation of blood cysts or ulcers is possible. In some Cases of muscle fiber degeneration, to complications similar phenomena include:

  • shortening the affected muscle;
  • atrophic changes;
  • irreversible disorder of muscle functions.

Cysts and purulent formations are subject to opening, treatment carried out in the same way as with other wounds.

Purulent form of myositis

Traumatic myositis

This type of myositis is infectious – the area of damaged tissues penetrates the pathogenic pathogen – staphylococcus, E. coli, streptococcus. It can happen due to accidental injury of an animal, injection procedures without the use of aseptics and antiseptics, as well as in the distribution purulent process from other tissues and organs.

The clinical signs of purulent myositis include the following status:

  • the animal is depressed, lethargy is noted and low activity;
  • when probing, the dog feels severe pain;
  • muscles are in tension;
  • body temperature is elevated.

With the development of the disease in the center of the swollen area appears softening, which is a sure sign of the development of an abscess. Later muscle fibers die and decay. Extracted by puncture, the liquid has a purulent character, dark brown coloring, very often contains gases.

At the initial stage of the disease, the veterinarian spends a short block with novocaine and antibiotics are also given intramuscular injections antibiotics. For internal administration, drugs from class of sulfonamides.

The resulting abscesses in the clinic open, purulent fluid is removed. The formed cavity is drained. balsamic liniment (according to Vishnevsky), emulsion solution streptocide or synthomycin ointment.

Complications of purulent myositis include diffuse inflammation, in in this case, purulent exudate often penetrates muscle fiber and provokes the formation of phlegmon. This phenomenon is accompanied by purulent febrile condition. Suppuration is localized between muscle fibers, extending to tendon plates. There is a smoothing of the intermuscular trough, and in the area of the focus inflammation develops collateral swelling in the subcutaneous layers.

Rheumatic myositis

Rheumatic myositis in dogs

This type of myositis has an infectious and allergic etiology, in the course of the disease in the connective tissue muscles neuro-dystrophic processes. It can leak in both acute and chronic form.

The exact causes of rheumatic myositis are still not identified, but there are signs of allergic and infectious (against hemolytic streptococci) nature.

Among the factors conducive to the development of the disease, note the following:

  • frequent and prolonged colds;
  • sharp hypothermia of the body (swimming in water, getting into in the rain, often the dogs get too cold when they run away from the owners and wander for a long time, walking after taking a bath);
  • tendency to allergic reactions;
  • advanced age;
  • obesity;
  • weak immune system.

Most often, working dogs suffer from rheumatic myositis. hunting and shepherd breeds. The disease is always accompanied pain in damaged muscles. Myositis dogs try to move less, whine and squeal when to them touch. Pets are difficult to climb from a lying position, with walking noticeably that they are tense.

Defecation in the pet is difficult, it can moan at this time, and sometimes it can’t even go to the toilet. If the defeat touched only some muscle groups, the signs of myositis are less pronounced.

The rheumatic type of the disease often affects the muscles of the lumbar department and back. Any, even the smallest movement, in this case, extremely painful, the animal appears noticeable hunched up.

With the spread of rheumatoid damage, there are involved the cervical and occipital region. In a similar it’s very difficult for the dog to eat, because of the pain she can neither raise nor lower her head. And besides rheumatism can also affect the muscles responsible for the processes chewing, then the pet will not be able to eat at all. In case of defeat the muscles of the limbs, the animal begins to limp.

On palpation of the location of the disease, you can feel muscle tension and their swelling, the pet at this moment feels severe pain.

With exacerbation of rheumatic myositis, a sharp fever, in severe cases, pain can move with one muscle group to another. Against the background of a chronic illness muscle atrophy occurs.

The treatment of the disease is complex:

  1. If the dog is kept on a chain or in an aviary, it is necessary be sure to place it in a warm room.
  2. To eliminate the pathogenic B-hemolytic bacteria streptococcus is administered antibiotic therapy intramuscularly (Penicillin, Bicillin-3, etc.). For a positive effect The loading dose is calculated.
  3. For internal administration, funds with a specific anti-rheumatic effect – Brufen, Butadion, salicylic acid sodium.
  4. To relieve pain, injections of Analgin (subcutaneously or into muscle tissue).
  5. An effective procedure in this case is blood transfusion (blood should be stabilized with sodium salicylate);
  6. Often, therapy is supplemented with glucocorticoid drugs.

The following procedures also give a positive result – UHF, light irradiation, therapeutic massage. It is useful to rub the affected muscle liniment irritant. For the same purposes, you can prepare a special mixture of bleached and camphor oil, salicylic acid and methyl ether. Use of this method with subsequent wrapping has an effective anesthesia.

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