Eclampsia in a dog after childbirth: causes, symptoms, treatment

Eclampsia in a dog after childbirth – an acute condition leading to crisis, which causes a sudden decline to a critical level calcium in the blood. Imbalance of the most important structural element of bone tissue regulating muscle contraction, including cardiac, involved in the transmission of nerve impulses and permeability blood coagulation normalizing membrane – threatens violation of the functioning of the basic systems of the body.


  • 1. The causes of pathology
  • 2. Symptoms of pathology in the postpartum period
  • 3. Treatment of eclampsia in dogs

Causes of pathology

So far, the reasons leading to a violation of assimilation calcium in the body of an infant dog, it’s definitely not managed. Increased mineral utilization during pregnancy is clear – calcium goes to the formation of the bone skeleton of puppies, is involved in accelerated metabolism during pregnancy, part of milk. Therefore, for the body of a pregnant bitch and during feeding puppies requires much more. To imbalance calcium may cause:

  • low activity of thyroid hormones involved in trace element assimilation;
  • insufficient amount in food, with unbalanced nutrition;
  • anomalies associated with the breed and exterior of the bitch;
  • uncompensated high need for an element (pregnancy, lactation);
  • increased excretion of calcium from the body with diarrhea or vomiting
  • increased introduction of antagonists of the element into the body (iron, zinc, cobalt, lead, magnesium);
  • estrogen deficiency.

It is not known whether the pathology is genetically determined, but it is noted that in dogs in which after previous birth symptoms of eclampsia were observed, the risk of recurrence of the disease significantly higher.

Symptoms of pathology in the postpartum period

Due to a violation of the amount of calcium in the body of the animal The following symptoms are noted:

  • involuntary muscle contraction, tremor of the limbs, which subsequently may develop into convulsions. Due to being violated signal transport along the neuromuscular ends, a failure occurs muscle coordination;
  • heat transfer disorder and fever up to subfebrile (40-41 ° C) values;
  • impaired cardiac function due to destabilization of function calcium pump and conduction disturbances of nerve impulses, up to the development of heart failure, accelerated palpitations (tachycardia) and arrhythmias;
  • tissue hypoxia, dyspnea, intercostal dysfunction muscles leading to asphyxia;
  • impaired motor function due to dizziness and muscle weaknesses;
  • decreased visual acuity, “split objects”;
  • inability to concentrate attention, manifested in “running” look, fussiness;
  • impaired muscle function throughout the body affects and visual analyzer. Due to muscle atony, the pupil of the eye increases, and the dog experiences discomfort and photophobia;
  • dysfunction of the nervous system affects the mental condition – the animal experiences apathy, refuses food, ignores offspring and the owner;
  • a sharp change in mood and behavior – apathy can be replaced impetuous movements, causeless barking, bustle caused by feeling of fear and anxiety.

If at the first symptoms of eclampsia the animal is not shown medical care, then the progression of hypocalcemia may lead to coma and death of the pet. Most three are dangerous in terms of manifestations of hypocalcemia postpartum period:

  • with multiple pregnancy hypocalcemic crisis may develop a few hours after birth;
  • the first few weeks of feeding – calcium leaves with milk and does not have time to recover;
  • at the end of the period of breastfeeding, when the imbalance accrues and accumulates corresponding violations of system functions organism.

Dog Eclampsia Treatment

Before the veterinarian arrives, you must provide first aid to the animal:

  • when cold extremities and cramps, the animal follows warm with a heating pad;
  • inject intravenously 10% solution of calcium gluconate, warm the solution is administered by calculating the dose by weight of the dog;
  • if there are no intravenous injection skills, then the drug can be injected intramuscularly, dividing the volume by 4 and introducing each dose in the paws of a pet;
  • with moderate severity, the drug is bred in the ratio 1: 1 saline and injected subcutaneously into the scruff area;
  • at an easy stage, while there are no tonic muscle cramps, the drug poured into the jaws of a bitch.

To normalize cardiac activity, the dog is given Valocordin drops. The drug is diluted 1:10 with water and poured into the mouth. For to normalize the functions of the nervous system, put intramuscular Sulfocamphocaine injection, calculating the dose, depending on weight animal. To relieve pain during muscle spasm, you can prick diphenhydramine. beagle at the veterinarian

After stopping the crisis, treatment is carried out to restore the level of calcium in the body. For this, the dog is given calcium preparations in tablets or a solution of calcium chloride, diluted in milk. Calcium chloride is administered intravenously at the dose prescribed by the physician. Course treatment 5 days.

To maintain cardiac activity and sedation, drip tincture of valerian or Corvalol on the root of the tongue of the dog. Taking drugs – according to indications. Before normalization give 3-30 drops of tincture three times a day.

Until the dog’s condition returns to normal, puppies should be excommunicated and transferred to artificial feeding. Only quick response and knowledge of the necessary delivery methods emergency care can save the dog from death. If you suspect a pathological condition that may manifest itself before childbirth trembling and fatigue of the animal should be taken preventive measures:

  • change a dog’s nutrition by reducing protein intake and increasing the amount of foods rich in calcium;
  • after consulting a doctor and performing the necessary tests, You can replenish the diet with vitamin and mineral supplements;
  • if necessary, introduce homeopathic preparations for normalization of calcium levels;
  • avoid stresses that lead to disruption hormonal background and mineral metabolism;
  • supplementation with vitamin D supplementation for better assimilation of calcium.

If the dog has had attacks of eclampsia before, then closely monitor the condition of the pet in the third trimester pregnancy and from birth until the end of feeding the puppies. Pathological condition detected at an early stage is easier amenable to therapy. At the terminal stage, the dog may die due to heart failure, asphyxia, or cerebral edema. Especially often a similar condition is observed in dogs of small and medium breeds. Therefore, veterinarian supervision and calcium monitoring are necessary in the entire period of gestation and after childbirth.

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