Enterocolitis in dogs

Dogs are subject to many ailments that people suffer from. Sometimes the owner can take vomiting or diarrhea in his pet for the banal poisoning or indigestion, but sometimes these signs speak of such serious illness like enterocolitis in dogs. Better sometimes show your pet to the vet, because only a doctor can deliver accurate diagnosis.


  • 1. Characteristics and symptoms of enterocolitis in dogs
  • 2. Diagnosis of the disease
  • 3. Treatment of enterocolitis in dogs in domestic conditions
  • 4. Prevention of enterocolitis

Characteristics and symptoms of enterocolitis in dogs

Enterocolitis in dogs

Enterocolitis in dogs is characterized by inflammation of the walls of the thin and colon, causing harmful microorganisms cause necrosis of the mucous membrane, allergic reactions, organ irritation.

The most common causes of pathology are as follows:

  • Gastrointestinal infections, which in turn are divided by type pathogens – viruses and bacteria. With poor nutrition, the dog can catch salmonellosis, but not vaccinated individuals easily fall ill parvovirus. These and other microorganisms lead to inflammation. intestines of the animal.
  • Parasites are another common cause of enterocolitis. Dog communicates with the outside world in her own way, she wants to sniff everything and lick, while such methods do not guarantee the safety of the dog. An animal can become infected with worms, giardia, echinococcus and other parasites.
  • Severe poisoning entails inflammation of the intestine.
  • Benign and malignant tumors of the digestive organs.
  • Pathology of the cells of the immune system.

Identify the exact problem causing the inflammation. intestines, should the doctor and based on the diagnosis will be therapy is prescribed. The most susceptible to enterocolitis are young and older individuals, least likely to be diagnosed in dogs middle and mature age.

Symptoms of the disease are pronounced, it is impossible not to notice them. TO They include:

  • Diarrhea mixed with mucus if not performed at this stage treatment, then streaks of blood appear in the feces.
  • Progressive disease characterized by false urge dogs to be emptied.
  • As a result of loose stool, irreversible processes occur on muscle level, cases of prolapse of the intestine are recorded.
  • Often a dog is tormented by vomiting.
  • Against the background of diarrhea and vomiting, a sharp decrease in mass occurs body.
  • Pet’s hair deteriorates, it starts to fall out, the view becomes dull, running – this is due to instant flushing vitamins and minerals from the body.
  • The dog is tormented by abdominal pain, the owner can fix bloating and flatulence in your pet.
  • In some cases, fever and increased Body temperature.

In addition to such signs of enterocolitis, general symptoms occur ill health – lethargy, apathy, refusal to eat, unwillingness to walk.

Diagnosis of the disease

Dog nutrition for enterocolitis

If one or more symptoms occur go to the veterinary clinic. But before that, the owner able to independently provide first aid to his darling. First of all, you need to provide your pet with water in a sufficient amount, because with diarrhea and vomiting is fixed dehydration of the body.

You can restore the water-salt balance in the body using divorced Polysorb. They should give their pet small doses. In one hour. Castor oil helps cleanse the dog’s intestines, which will facilitate the diagnosis of the disease by a veterinarian.

Upon arrival at the clinic you will need to answer the doctor on the list following questions:

  • Was there a sharp transition of power from one type to to another?
  • Has the animal been in contact with other individuals?
  • Did you make long trips with your dog?
  • Does the animal like to dig in bins and bins?
  • Is there a walk on or without a leash?

The veterinarian should be aware of all the painful symptoms of the animal, as well as vaccinations given. After talking and visiting the dog Assays are assigned.

A blood test for biochemistry will allow the doctor to evaluate condition and possible violations in the activity of internal organs – kidney, liver, pancreas. Results will show level nutrients in the body. If there is a shortage of any element vitamins may be prescribed. Biochemistry also reveals dehydration. This analysis is given in the morning to the hungry stomach, but in emergency cases, blood can be taken, neglecting these rules.

If you suspect a foreign object is stuck in intestinal tract, an x-ray is prescribed. Exactly this research can guarantee the presence or absence foreign bodies in the body. Specially prepare the dog for x-ray not necessary.

Identify possible parasites will help stool analysis. Normally should no mucus and blood, no eggs should be found parasites.

The doctor may also prescribe an ultrasound of the pet’s abdominal cavity. To that the study needs to prepare:

  • Within 10-12 hours the dog should not eat, as possible flatulence in the stomach will affect the result.
  • The intestines are cleansed with activated charcoal on the eve of ultrasound.
  • In some cases, an enema is prescribed a few hours before research – this facilitates the examination of the colon.

A modern method for the diagnosis of diseases associated with gastrointestinal tract – endoscopy. During this The doctor’s research has the opportunity to take tissue for a biopsy. The operation is less traumatic, performed under general anesthesia. To the abdominal microcameras are introduced into the dog’s cavity, the doctor at this time evaluates the picture visually on the monitor.

Based on the results of tests and studies, a veterinarian diagnoses the dog and determines subsequent treatment.

Treatment of enterocolitis in dogs in domestic conditions

Treatment of enterocolitis in dogs

Therapy, first of all, depends on the type of pathogen. In most cases, the veterinarian prescribes special nutrition for the patient the dog. A day or two therapeutic fasting may be recommended, only allowed to drink. The pet should get enough the amount of drinking water – this will prevent dehydration organism.

After the first stage of a hunger strike, it is recommended to gradually introduce the usual food for the dog. The first time servings should be are minimal. Every day their volume increases until will not reach the usual size.

If the animal previously fed dry food, then the doctor may recommend special food for dogs with problems in the area Gastrointestinal tract. If the pet is accustomed to natural products, then the veterinarian will give a list of allowed products.

During rehabilitation are allowed:

  • Low-fat meat, chicken, turkey.
  • Curd with minimal fat content.
  • Decoctions on cereals, oatmeal or rice is suitable.
  • Yolks of eggs.

During rehabilitation, the following is prohibited:

  • Egg white.
  • High sugar foods.
  • Bones.
  • Fatty meat and fish.

Essential minerals are prescribed for diet and substances for the body. With enterocolitis, a deficiency often occurs vitamins of group E, A, K, B, calcium is washed out of the body and folic acid. A doctor may be assigned vitamin complexes for dogs or biologically active nutritional supplements. In some cases, it is more rational to implement transition to a balanced feed, which in the shortest possible time replenish nutrients in the body.

The animal can be completely cured only by eliminating the cause inflammation of the intestines. If a fecal test detects parasites, then anthelmintic drugs are prescribed – Dironet, Azinox, Febtal and others. With a bacterial infection, treatment occurs with using antibiotics – Cephalexin VP, Amoxicillin VP, Trimethoprim 2VP and a number of others. In this case, may be assigned antimicrobial drug therapy – Enroxil or Ciprovet. If the cause is oncology, then the doctor chooses chemotherapy or surgical method for removing the tumor.

Medications are also prescribed to eliminate symptoms diseases. Dogs may be prescribed pain medications, such as No-shpu. In some cases, peristalsis modulators are needed, they will help to avoid possible constipation.

Enterocolitis Prevention

First of all, prevention consists in choosing the right nutrition appropriate to the age and health of the dog. If the animal consumes natural products, it is worth giving up meat and fatty fish, prefer broths that are easy absorbed by the body.

Timely passage of vaccinations will save the dog from a row infections and bacteria that cause inflammation intestines.

The dog needs to be regularly anthelminthic if it has not been tormented parasites, then prevention should be carried out 3-4 times a year. If a the owner does not want to give medicines to his favorite, then several times a year you need to take feces for helminths. Decisions on prevention and treatment can only be made on based on the results.

It is necessary to monitor the dog during the walk; allow the animal to dig in trash bins, not desirable allow contact with other individuals, they can be carriers of diseases.

Prevention will reduce the risk of enterocolitis, and any the disease is easier to prevent than to treat later.

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