Labrador Retriever (photo): indefatigable energy and endless kindness

Labrador - a very beautiful, elegant, intelligent and clean dog


Origin: Canada

Class: according to FCI classification – 8 group (retriever, water dog, spaniel), 1 section (retriever)

Usage: mainly girlfriend dog for forest hunting. Family dog, great companion, safe for children.

Color: black, golden, chocolate

Sizes: growth at the withers: male from 56 to 58 cm, female from 54 to 56 cm; weight: male from 27 to 40, female from 27 up to 35 kg

Life span: 12-13 years

Charming appearance, playfulness and friendliness – that’s what Labrador Retriever is popular all over the world.

This large enough dog is, in fact, large a toy ready to tirelessly entertain its master.

By the way, this breed, like kuvas, is A great option for parents of a fidget child.

Labradors get along well with other dogs: they will play, run, jump - in general, they will become real friends!

Labradors get along well with other dogs: they will play, run, jump – in general, become real friends!


  • 1 Breed History
  • 2 Characteristics of Psychology
  • 3 Application
  • 4 How to choose a dog
  • 5 Care features
    • 5.1 Combing
    • 5.2 Walk
    • 5.3 Feeding
  • 6 Health
    • 6.1 Characteristic diseases
    • 6.2 Vaccinations
  • 7 Knit

Breed history

Authoritative sources agree that the black retriever Labrador was brought to England from Newfoundland Island relating to the east coast of Canada.

Initially, this breed was called Small Newfoundland. – drawing a parallel with the rock of the same name dogs.

However, history indicates that on the island of dogs indicated initially was not the first representatives of man’s best friend were also brought in by sailors and fishermen.

And this is the whole mystery – the ancestors of the Labrador remain unknown.

This breed was recognized in 1907, at that time the standard Labrador Retriever – black color – was considered the only one valid option.

If you are interested in looking at unusual colors of dogs, we recommend get acquainted with articlehttps: //

And only after a couple of decades, chocolate and golden retriever labrador became full representatives pure breed.

Despite all its nobility, Labrador Retriever is very friendly and open in communication

Despite all its nobility, Labrador Retrievers are very friendly and open in communication

Character Psychology

Due to the character traits, the Labrador Retriever (chocolate, black or golden) is an ideal family dog.

  • Playfulness. If you think the Labrador is early or gets tired and stops asking to drop a ball or stick, then this far from it. Yes, after 20-30 minutes he will lie in a shade, so that catch your breath and cool down a bit. But before you have time to look back, like a dog will be ready for new games again, as if nothing had happened before was happening.
  • Friendliness. Representatives of this breed do not show sternness at the sight of new people. If the dog was raised right, that is, they didn’t hurt her and didn’t beat her severely, to love everyone with whom she will be introduced.

Labrador Retriever - a good-natured dog without a trace of aggression or excessive shyness

Labrador Retriever – kind by nature, without a trace of aggression or excessive shy dog

  • The complete absence of aggression in Labradors laid on genetic level. The consequence of this character trait is that they are not fit to be guards and command “face”, like fighting dogs, do not can. And although their thunderous barking can scare anyone, it the only formidable feature of this breed.
  • Devotion. Labradors choose one owner, for which they are ready to go into the fire and water. Of course they will listen to the commands of other family members and execute them. But following the orders of the owner also makes them happy Opportunities to please someone whom they especially love.
  • Obedience. The dog is able to perfectly perceive and obey the orders of the owner, but for the first three years she still I want to fool around! In the end, this dog will understand you with half look and joyfully do whatever you say.

Labrador retrievers are very cheerful dogs, friendly even with strangers

Labrador Retrievers are very cheerful dogs, friendly even with strangers

  • Labrador is ready to show patience simply endlessly. Young children may try to tie his ears in a knot, saddle or check how well his skin stretches; even if baby hurt him, the dog will not bite him.

If you want to please your pet with homemade toys, recommend reading articlehttps: //


In English, the word “retriever” (retriever) means “hunting dog”.

Labradors are just natural born hunter seekers; a duck that has fallen into a pond will be quickly delivered to the owner.

At home, the dog will be happy from the task of bringing slippers or finding a toy.

And for the dog it does not matter who its owner is the gun hunter or girl of 12 years old – for everyone she is ready to become smart and faithful friend.

Labrador Retriever is an indispensable assistant for the game hunter in the ponds

Labrador Retriever is a great game hunter on ponds

How to choose a dog

Labrador retriever puppies are well-fed strong with massive legs and smooth, shiny hair.

They are calm, playful and curious, easily make contact with by any person.

Important components of the exterior are wide and low-set ears, massive paws and rib cage, these features are Essential Labrador Standard Features retriever.

Signs of marriage – crooked paws, tail too long, narrow muzzle.

Labrador Retriever golden and black may have a slight a white spot on the chest, if there are contrasting stains or other spots in color – this is a sign of a “mysterious” cross.

This little fluffy labrador puppy is a big mischievous and prankster. When he grows up he will be an equally active and athletic dog.

This little fluffy labrador puppy is a big mischievous and prankster. When he grows up he will be just as active and athletic dog

Care Features


Retrievers do not need to maintain a beautiful look. unique grooming and grooming.

It is enough to comb them once a day by the facilitator.

Labrador is usually not required to bathe, this is due to features of his coat, which itself repels dirt and water.

But the frequent use of shampoos or other chemical funds upsets the delicate balance of the dermis, the dog’s skin becomes dry, flaky, and the coat is dull and strews heavily.

The wool of Labrador Retriever is their property, so you need to take care of it regularly with a hard brush.

The wool of Labrador Retriever is their property, so look after behind it you need regularly with a hard brush

Labrador nails should be cut a maximum of a couple of times a month.

Rinse eyes and ears as needed; they are usually clean but copious discharge may indicate some kind of disease.

If you want to know how to clean your dog’s ears, we advise you to read the following article: https: //


Retrievers are very agile dogs, their activity necessary for good physical and mental well-being.

At least twice a day for 30-40 minutes they should be displayed in a park where doggies can run in plenty.

Active games like agility will suit them. Also, they are very amenable to training.

If there is a pond nearby, the Labrador will be delighted and be sure to make several heats.

After this, it is important to wipe the dog, paying special attention areas of the back closer to the tail.

Labradors are very fond of diving and swimming - this activity brings them a lot of pleasure

Labradors are very fond of diving and swimming – this activity brings them a lot of fun


It’s important to remember that a retriever almost always experiences need to eat something.

Do not give in, otherwise the dog will become like piglet.

The nutritional schedule by age looks like this:

  • Up to 2 months – 6 times a day
  • From 2 to 4 – 5 times
  • From 4 to 6 – 4 times
  • From 6 to 12 – 3 times
  • From year to year – 2-3 times

Do not let the puppy become active after eating, do not immediately go for a walk with him, otherwise a twist may happen the stomach.

Labradors need to be raised in an atmosphere of love, kindness and family comfort - then the dogs will become the most faithful and devoted friends

Labradors need to be raised in an atmosphere of love, kindness and family comfort – then the dogs will become the most faithful and devoted friends

It is impossible:

  • Feed from the table
  • Give sweets
  • Any bones carry no nutritional value and only clog intestines

The easiest way to organize a Labrador’s diet is with balanced special dry feed.

Usually on the packaging, the manufacturer makes a calculation of feed consumption taking into account the weight of the dog.

Up to 3 months, such food should be soaked in warm water, and then gradually give a drier version of it.

It’s better not to purchase economy class products, as it’s difficult to call it balanced.

The main food, consisting of dry food, can be given supplement – natural products, but do not confuse them with food with the table. Such an additive may be:

  • Meat. It must be finely chopped and scalded with boiling water. Minced meat is not recommended because it passes through the intestines, not “clinging” anywhere. Puppies from 4 months old can be introduced into the diet every other day beef, and once a week sea fish, also scalded.

Inborn forethought and excellent memory of routes make Labrador Retriever irreplaceable assistants.

Congenital forethought and excellent route memory make labrador retrievers indispensable helpers

It is strictly forbidden to give pork, as it affects badly on the liver, the dog will weaken and you can get infected from it worms.

  • Internal organs. Introduce from 6 months, replacing meat, and offal must be boiled.
  • The eggs. In raw form, give only in mixture with dairy products or make an omelet. Puppies 3 times a week to give raw quail egg yolk and chopped shell.
  • Dairy products are well absorbed by all but raw milk.
  • A fish. It must be freed from bones, river be sure to cook. If you give raw sea fish, be sure to increase the dosage of glandular preparations.
  • Vegetables. Do not feed starchy foods – potatoes, beans, peas. Otherwise, retrievers may consume any vegetarian food. And carrots and cabbage can chop, rub and give raw.


Characteristic diseases

Labradors retrievers are not allergic and differ in surprisingly good health, but it only remains with proper care, nutrition and physical activity.

Among the diseases found in these dogs, there are:

  • Dysplasia of the hip and elbow joints
  • Bloating
  • Angiosarcoma
  • Progressive Retinal Degeneration
  • Epilepsy
  • Food allergies
  • Cataract

Labrador puppies are very playful. Although they understand commands poorly at an early age, they still begin to learn a little human language.

Labrador puppies are very playful. Although they’re bad at an early age understand the team, yet the human language begins a little master


Vaccination schedule:

  • 1st in 8 weeks
  • 2nd 3-4 weeks after the first

A couple of weeks after the second vaccination, you can go with baby labrador walk on the street.

After 6-8 months, the retrievers completely change their teeth, therefore it is necessary to carry out deworming.

Two weeks after this, the puppy is vaccinated. Then vaccinations are done regularly once a year.

In terms of training with Labrador Retriever it will be quite easy: quite strict intonation - and they will understand everything at a glance

In terms of training with Labrador Retriever will be enough easy: quite strict intonation – and they will understand everything with half a word


A partner should be chosen, given the color of the dogs – he should coincide.

The mating is carried out after the onset of the third female estrus.

In general, mating a Labrador Retriever requires certain tests to know the result for sure crosses.

Only the dog’s genetics can improve the breed.

The Labrador Retriever needs justice, firmness, consistency, reward, and respect.

Labrador Retriever needs justice, firmness, consistency, reward, and respect

Labrador Retriever: indefatigable energy and infinite kindness

Charming appearance, playfulness and friendliness – that’s what Labrador Retriever is popular all over the world.

Dubrov Bogdan8 Overall result CharacteristicAgression2Adaptability10Activity10Weight8 Training10Friendliness10Grushiness10Intelligence10Noise6 Add your review | Read reviews and comments

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