Karelian-Finnish husky (photo): graceful and clever hunter

The Karelian-Finnish husky is a graceful, quick-witted, playful dog with excellent hunting qualities and self-esteem. It is considered one of the most beautiful and spectacular varieties of huskies.


Origin: USSR, Karelia

Class: FCI – 49

Usage: Hunting Dog, companion dog

Color: all shades of red

Sizes: Height at the withers: males – up to 50 cm, females – up to 45 cm, Weight: males – up to 15 kg, bitches – up to 12 kg

Life span: 10 – 12 years

Karelian-Finnish husky, which you can buy in nurseries or at breeders, is a graceful, quick-witted, playful dog with excellent hunting qualities dignity.

She is considered one of the most beautiful and spectacular. varieties of huskies.

This breed is also known as the Finnish Spitz. due to some similarities with Pomeranian and German Spitz, although it is much larger them.


Karelian-Finnish husky is faithful and loyal to its master, to strangers people are wary, but quite tolerant and without any anger


  • 1 Breed History
  • 2 Psychology
  • 3 Application
  • 4 How to choose a dog
  • 5 Care features
    • 5.1 Combing
    • 5.2 Walk
    • 5.3 Nutrition
  • 6 Health
    • 6.1 Characteristic diseases
    • 6.2 Vaccinations
  • 7 Knit

Breed history

The breed appeared on the territory of Karelia and Finland. Northern nature and features of keeping dogs by local residents left their mark on the formation of the features of the likes.

As an independent breed, the Karelian-Finnish husky formed by the mid-sixties of the twentieth century, and before that, huskies lived like yard dogs.

The breed is based on commercial dogs of Karelia and the Olonets region, Crossing with Finnish huskies was also carried out.

Because dog breeding work on breed restoration It was produced not without the participation of Finnish material, for many years not disputes about the exact name of the breed subsided.

In 2006, the Russian Kennel Federation and the Finnish Kennel The club signed an agreement, as a result of which Karelian and Finnish breeds were merged under the name “Finnish Spitz”.

Although many do not agree with such a union, believing that Finnish Spitz and Karelian Laika – completely different for workers dog qualities.

Karelian-Finnish husky - attentive, sensitive and smart  существо с задатками лидера. Хозяину нужно показать, что он - "leader", and then the dog will completely obey him and  почитать

Карело-финская лайка – внимательное, чуткое и смышлёное существос задатками лидера. Хозяину нужно показать, что он – “вожак”, итогда собака безраздельно будет его слушаться и почитать


Karelian-Finnish Like (video perfectly presents the image typical representative of this breed) – a cheerful dog, playful, with a cheerful disposition.

  • Like the West Siberian Laika, the Karelian-Finnish faithful and loyal to her master, she treats strangers even wary, but quite tolerant and without any malice.
  • A playful disposition allows the Like to get along well with the children, but at the same time while she will not tolerate an unceremonious attitude towards herself – maybe grin.
  • Карело-финская лайка – внимательное, чуткое и смышлёноеa creature with the makings of a leader. The owner needs to show that he is “вожак”, и тогда собака безраздельно будет его слушаться иto read.
  • Strongly attached to the house and can guard the territory.
  • The dog is quite independent and freedom-loving, waiting from the owner patience and fair attitude, subtly responds to differences mood.
  • Like tail – a barometer of her mood. Peppy, fun the dog’s contented life bends into a ring, but if it’s offended some kind of injustice of the owner or severe punishment, he straightens up, and the dog walks sullen, displeased. Resentment may remember for life.
  • Like carriages are unpretentious, hardy, smart and reckless in the laughter.
  • Likes perfectly find common ground with other dogs, but here the neighborhood with them is not safe for small pets: first of all – it’s still hunting dogs, so the parrot or a hamster for them, first of all – game, not home favorite.

The Karelian-Finnish husky is a great helper and friend to the hunter and fisherman. She has excellent characteristics characteristic of hunting dogs, while she is relatively more mobile and excitable.

Karelian-Finnish husky is a great helper and friend to the hunter and to the fisherman. She has excellent hunting characteristics. dogs, while it is relatively more mobile and excitable


Karelian-Finnish husky is a great helper and friend to the hunter and to the fisherman.

She has excellent hunting characteristics. to dogs such as Russian and Estonian hounds, while more mobile and excitable.

From his famous ancestor – the old Karelian husky, which was a great teddy bear, the Karelian-Finnish husky inherited perfect instinct and hearing.

With it you can hunt for a wild beast or bird. Fine works in a team with other dogs, and independently. Also Karelian-Finnish husky is a good companion dog.

She can be kept at home, in urban environments, like Samoyed Like.

A husky tail is a barometer of her mood. In a peppy, cheerful, contented life, the dog bends into a ring, but if she is offended by some kind of injustice of the owner or severe punishment, he straightens up and the dog walks sullen, displeased. He can remember the offense for life

Like tail – a barometer of her mood. Peppy, fun the dog’s contented life bends into a ring, but if it’s offended some kind of injustice of the owner or severe punishment, he straightens up, and the dog walks sullen, displeased. Resentment may remember for life

How to choose a dog

Since the original purpose of the Karelian-Finnish husky is hunting, when choosing a dog, first of all, pay attention to performance, and the exterior fades into the background.

Most often, owners prefer to purchase puppies of age five to six months that are already vaccinated, and they already have an exterior manifested itself.

You can immediately start working with them, because at 6 months the dog may already be trained in game or beast, like Russian greyhound. These dogs are usually purchased in special nurseries.

But since many breeders keep the dog and puppies at home, they it is difficult to grow and maintain them for up to 6 months, therefore, how Karelian-Finnish husky puppies usually sell when It will be a month and a half.

At this time, the appearance of the dog begins to manifest itself, and although the proportions will still change, a general idea of The exterior of the dog is already available.

The Karelian-Finnish husky is quite independent and freedom-loving, expects patience and fair treatment from the owner, subtly reacts to mood swings

Karelian-Finnish husky is quite independent and freedom-loving, waiting from a master of patience and fair attitude, subtly reacts to mood swings

When choosing a puppy, you should pay attention to the following moments:

  • teeth and bite (but at the age of one and a half months it is still difficult determine whether all teeth are molar);
  • ears (one and a half months can already stand, although if soft cartilage, then with a completely purebred dog, ears can stand up to three months);
  • tail (must be undamaged, curled into a ring with a tip on the hip);
  • lack of a fifth finger on the hind legs;
  • smooth, beautiful, shiny coat (without dandruff, eczema and etc.);
  • “does not flow” from the nose or eyes;
  • There are no signs of limb rickets.

Karelian-Finnish husky, which you can buy a puppy in the famous nurseries in Moscow and Leningrad regions or at breeders, can cost from five to 25 thousand rubles.

Much depends on pedigree, working qualities. dogs.

The Karelian-Finnish husky is clean and does not require special care. If the dog is kept at home, then it must have its own resting place, which you must immediately accustom to

Karelian-Finnish husky is clean and does not require special care. If the dog is kept at home, then it must have its own resting place, to which you must immediately accustom

Care Features


Laika is clean and does not require special care. If the dog contain houses, then it should have its own resting place, to which you must immediately accustom.

She molts twice a year. The coat is dense, the undercoat is soft, brush your dog regularly enough a specializer grooming is not required.

Claws like “trust” to cut only the owner.

The Karelian-Finnish husky is a hunting dog, so she needs active walks of at least half an hour and training on dog sites

Karelian-Finnish husky is a hunting dog, so she needs active walks of at least half an hour and dog training sites


Karelian-Finnish husky is a hunting dog, so she needs active walks for at least half an hour dog sites.

If you want to know how to choose the right leash for your dog, recommend reading articlehttps: //kot-pes.com/kakoy-povodok-luchshe-dlya-sobaki/

This breed is ideal agility. Also she lends herself very well to training.

If a working dog is raised, then from four months it is necessary to train on the beast, to train animals from a young age, give sniff the skins of different animals.

Karelian-Finnish husky - a dog cheerful, playful, with a cheerful disposition

Karelian-Finnish Laika – a cheerful, playful, cheerful dog temper


In food, the Karelian-Finnish husky is selective.

Important! It is not recommended to give a husky puppy chicken or pork, as meat is considered too fat. Also bones should be given with caution.

Initially, the basis of the puppy’s diet is fresh meat (beef, rabbit meat, lamb).

The product requires a little and it is better to cut it into small ones pieces, but do not grind into minced meat (the puppy’s stomach is bad for him digests).

From 2-3 months you can give large non-sharp bones with residues meat.

Also included in the diet:

  • cereals (buckwheat, millet, rice) diluted with milk or lean broth;
  • dairy products (sour cream, cottage cheese, kefir, etc.);
  • fruits vegetables.

Read more about what cereals you can feed dogs in articlehttps: //kot-pes.com/kakie-krupy-mozhno-davat-sobakam/

Important! The most important thing is that the dog always there was enough fresh drinking water. And I’m going through twenty minutes can be cleaned so that the dog is accustomed to mode.

Up to a month old you can feed 5-6 times, in two to three months – 3-4 times, up to seven months – 3 times, then the dog can be fed two once a day.

Karelian huskies are excellent hunters and loyal companions

Karelian huskies are great hunters and devotees companions


Characteristic diseases

This breed is characterized by cutaneous diseases, rickets (with poor care), but in general, huskies are in good health.

Allergy in this animal is not observed.


So that the puppy goes out for a walk without fear and talks with other dogs need to be vaccinated:

  • at 1.5 months – run of worms;
  • at 2 months – vaccination (plague, enteritis);
  • at 6 months (when the teeth change) – vaccine against rabies.

Of course, vaccination is not a guarantee against disease, but much lessens this risk. It is also necessary to strengthen dog immunity.

Laika Karelia is unpretentious, hardy, smart and reckless in hunting

Like carriages are unpretentious, hardy, smart and reckless in hunting


Dogs are usually allowed to mate in second heat (approximately 15-18 months), but the most optimal time for knitting considered the age of two to three years.

A bitch is being prepared for mating by vaccinating to the mother by the time puppies had active immunity and babies after birth, receiving immune protection with colostrum, they were also vigorous and healthy.

The breed “Karelian-Finnish husky” refers to infertile dogs. Therefore, pregnancy can not be noticed immediately.

More on pregnancy in dogs: https: //kot-pes.com/skolko-dlitsya-beremennost-u-sobak/

Only by the second month of doghood does the dog become less mobile, growing appetite.

A Karelian-Finnish husky usually has one to six puppies, most often – 4.

Karelian-Finnish husky: a graceful and clever hunter

Karelian-Finnish husky is graceful, quick-witted, playful dog with excellent hunting qualities and self-esteem dignity.

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