Is it possible to get worms from a dog: dangerous species of parasites

Worms – parasitic worms, which in one of the vital cycles, the host body is necessary to fully grow and leave progeny. As a habitat, they can choose as people, so animals. Moreover, it is often from friends of tetrapods parasites move to humans. And if the owners are interested the question is whether it is possible to get worms from a dog, then the answer positive – helminthic invasion can be an unpleasant side effect effect obtained as a result of contact with a pet. But always there is a way to minimize risks and take care to neither the dog nor its owner had “uninvited” guests.


  • 1. Why dogs infect humans with worms
    • 1.1. Mandatory hand washing
    • 1.2. Determination of a separate place for a pet to relax
    • 1.3. Avoid frequent contact with dog mucous membranes
  • 2. Species of parasites
    • 2.1. Cucumber chain
    • 2.2. Echinococcus
    • 2.3. Pork chain
    • 2.4. Toxocara
    • 2.5. Hookworms
    • 2.6. Unzinaria
    • 2.7. Dirofilaria
  • 3. Watch the video whether a person can be infected with worms from domestic cat or dog
  • 4. Preventive measures

Why do dogs infect humans with worms

Conditionally, the reasons for the transmission of parasites from animals to humans can be divided into 2 large groups:

  • Worm infections
  • accommodations.

An important aspect is the conditions in which a person lives – a potential carrier, as well as features of its health and physiological nuances. It is worth focusing on the fact that not all parasitic creatures can take root in the human body. But most worms that infect dogs still dangerous to people, since the structure of the systems and organs of these species do not have significant differences. Is it possible to get worms from a dog read the article

No wonder adults do not stop reminding children of hygiene standards – after all, this is the main measure precautions against infection with parasites – helminthiasis. TO Unfortunately, often people themselves neglect them, but in vain. To protection was effective, it is worth remembering the main points.

Mandatory hand washing

The most common way for worm eggs to enter the body person – their contact with mucous surfaces and skin. To get here, just touch the animal – caress, feed or comb, and after – do not wash your hands, on which may already have helminth eggs.

Further, the path of parasites into the body is simple – they find themselves under with nail plates and in skin folds, they linger there until until a person begins to eat food with his hands, sneezes or yawns, covering his mouth with a palm. Also, eggs often fall on the mucosa surface of nasal cavity, if contaminated with your fingers.

Avoid “sharing” of unpleasant “neighbors” or protect yourself, when it is not known whether a dog has worms or not, you can simply way – wash your hands with soap after each contact with four-legged.

Determination of a separate place for a pet to relax

Sometimes the owners consider the dog a full member of the family, and then the dog sleeps on master’s beds, sofas, not having his sunbed. In addition, often pets have access to children’s bedding, toys, games. But in this case the risks of human infection with helminthiasis from an animal are significantly higher.

Experts recommend, regardless of the size of the pet, to allocate in his house or apartment a place equipped with a house, a mattress or another sleeping place. It should be suitable for the dog, which should feel comfortable and comfortable.

Although most dog owners and breeders regularly conduct deworming of their pets – every 4-6 months, the risks of contracting worms are still present. Therefore, to reduce the risk, it is better to teach your pet not to rest master bed, and in its own place.

If an animal suffering from helminthiasis still lied on bedding or bedspreads, you must immediately replace the bed. Laundry should be washed in the washing machine at maximum temperature – 90 degrees, and then ironed, also with the highest mode or process with a steamer.

Avoid frequent contact with dog mucous membranes

Worm eggs can be found not only on the coat animal, but also on mucous surfaces – they are often act as sources of worm infection for humans. Nature has disposed in such a way that animals, including dogs, monitor body hygiene with the help of the tongue. But the same part the body is also used for eating, surveying the world, licking the owner – so the dog shares not only positive emotions with your beloved owner, but also parasites.

Naturally, a person is pleased when his hands and face lick an enthusiastic, joyful pet. But do not forget that such manifestations can have very unpleasant consequences. After all before this manifestation of feelings, the dog may have carried out hygienic procedures, licking the anus, or sniffing at feces street other animals. Is it possible to get worms from a dog

A dog is the most common pet living side by side side with a person, and it is often perceived as by itself for granted. But no matter how people love their four-legged friends, Do not forget about the existing threat.

Species of parasites

Not all parasites need a human body to full habitat, for some it is not at all suitable. But in In the case of dogs, the risks are high, especially when you consider that animals, even without being infected by worms, they may turn out to be carriers of larvae. On the dog, the eggs “come” to the house, and with it contact with the owner, migrate to a suitable environment.

There are a number of helminths that, getting to a person, do not take root in his body and die, because the internal environment is not fits their needs. For other worms, man the most suitable “owner”, providing their colony to everyone necessary. But some parasites can only exist in the human body, and animals do not suit them at all.

There are many intestinal and extra-intestinal worms, to them include tapeworms and roundworms.

Cucumber chain

This helminthiasis belongs to the group of cestodoses – tape worms, parasitizes in the intestinal tissues of various animals, including the number of cats and dogs. The chain grows to very impressive sizes – 50-60 cm. It becomes the cause of helminthic invasion – dipylidiosis.

Most often, the disease develops without obvious symptoms. Sometimes accompanied by digestive disorders:

  • soreness in the abdomen;
  • itching in the anus;
  • general weakness;
  • increased salivation.

In some cases, animals have gagging, nausea, sleep disturbance, there is also a chance of occurrence allergic manifestations.

Dipylidiosis disease is rare. For infection an infected flea with a parasite egg or salivary is required the liquid of a sick animal penetrated through the oral cavity into gastrointestinal tract. More often the disease is diagnosed in children. The parasite, its defiant, lives in the organ of the final host. With the help of competent therapy, you can completely cure disease.


This tapeworm is the causative agent of echinococcosis. Adult echinococcus live in the intestines of canids, both wild and and domestic, much less often detected in cats.

The parasite is very dangerous for the human body. Upon infection worms in the tissues of the liver and lungs arise special cysts, which in over a short period of time sizes. The disease is accompanied by severe symptoms:

  • aching or cramping pains in the peritoneum;
  • the occurrence of nausea and vomiting;
  • lethargy, weakness, decreased performance.

In addition, in some cases, the disease for a long period does not appear in any way, which complicates its diagnosis on early stages of development.

Pork chain

This parasite is also called pork tapeworm or armed tapeworm – a tapeworm from the cestode detachment parasitizing the body of mammals. Almost any animal, this applies to pets can act as an intermediate the host in the life cycle chain of this parasite. The final link in this process is the colonization of tapeworm in the small intestine person. Is it possible to get worms from a dog

Parasitizing on the organ mucosa, the worm provokes development teniosis. This disease primarily causes dysfunction digestive system. With teniosis, the following symptoms are observed helminthic invasion:

  • liquid feces with a mucous impurity;
  • weight loss;
  • vomiting;
  • insomnia;
  • headaches;
  • throbbing abdominal pain.

A blood test reveals a decrease in hemoglobin in the blood.

In addition to tapeworms, the causative agent of helminthiasis can also become round helminth – nematode. This category includes various types of parasites that enter the body through the skin or the oral cavity. Roundworms include toxocar, hookworm and other


These worms from the group of nematodoses, outwardly resembling ascaris, cause serious helminthic invasion – toxocariasis. At the following forms of the disease can be detected in humans: larval toxocariasis (visceral, ophthalmic type) and imaginal (in intestines). Toxocara larvae during organ migration damage the intestinal walls, penetrate the bloodstream. Thanks this parasites are carried throughout the body.

The larvae are covered with a specific film that forms protective capsule. In such a cocoon, the parasite can exist a long time, almost to death, and not ripening to adult. But not even turning into a full-fledged worm, toxocara larva causes serious damage to the human body, often fatal.

The severity of the disease and the symptoms depend primarily on in which organ are the larvae located. The hardest toxocariasis with damage to the tissues of the eye, liver, lungs. Most vulnerable to this form of helminthiasis are children, they a sharper clinical picture is observed, but for recovery It takes a long time.


There are several types of these parasitic organisms related to subgroup Strongyloid. Adults colonize the intestines vertebrates. But for helminths to develop and multiply, they special conditions are required. For example, hookworm ancylostoma duodenale can only live in humans, a source of infection worm-infected people also appear. In dogs, they can other types of parasites.

Worm eggs find themselves in the environment along with fecal masses of animals, and if the environment is favorable, they are transformed into larvae. They can penetrate the skin, move through the blood channel, causing the development of dermatological disease.


Helminth, belonging to the group of nematodes, which is more often affects the body of dogs and other carnivores, very rarely detected in humans. Penetrating into the body through the skin, provokes the development of uncinariosis – a disease accompanied by dermatological disorders – dermatitis, urticaria. Dog for a walk

The main transmission method is contact-household, diagnosed helminthic infestation is rare, this form of helminthiasis can be cured by yourself.


Nematodes, including 40 species of parasitic worms that can parasitize both in humans and animals, causing Dirofilariasis disease. Infection with parasites occurs with the defeat skin during bites by blood-sucking insects or penetration into the mouth of a mosquito, flea or tick infected larva from a dog.

The main symptom of the disease is swelling, significant compaction places of skin damage. It may arise, then pass, and also manifest in various parts of the body. Human can feel the helminths stir in the seal, often this process accompanied by severe pain in the area dirofilaria. In addition, the disease causes general weakness, lethargy, headache, nausea.

Watch the video whether a person can get worms from home cats or dogs

Preventative measures

Vital activity of any parasites adversely affects state of systems and organs of people and animals. Therefore worth take preventative measures to eliminate the possibility of infection. In order not to become infected with worms from his four-legged comrade, it is worth listening to the following medical recommendations:

  1. Hands should be washed. It doesn’t matter if the owner stroked favorite, touched his coat or a dog from gratitude licked outstretched hand – in any case requires water procedure.
  2. Be sure to regularly carry out wet cleaning premises. It is recommended to use a disinfectant means. In this case, special attention should be paid to the surface where The pet lounger is located. At the pet shop you can purchase special formulations suitable for prophylactic treatment dog places – this is usually true in the spring and summer, when a spike in parasite infection is observed. The usual wet processing should be carried out at least once a week.
  3. It is advisable to limit the pet. As much as the dog was not close to the owner, it is undesirable that he lay or slept in the owner’s bed, and even more so – the child. If he does periodically ends up in prohibited places, replace, wash and iron bedding.
  4. Deworming should be carried out regularly. There are many drugs that, if they do not protect the animal is 100% of the worms, then prevent their development in the body. Usually drugs are given to the dog for preventive purposes, even if there are no visible signs of worms. Do it with certain a period of time – every 4, 5 or 6 months. If the dog had parasites are detected, then deworming is carried out not only pet, but also other pets, as well as family members.
  5. Be careful about raw meat and fish products. in the pet’s diet. As you know, raw meat and fish are often act as sources of parasites. It should be excluded from the dog’s menu raw fish, and river not to give even in boiled form. Meat should buy only if it has passed the veterinary check and has all the necessary documents. Before serving it should thaw, and then scald with boiling water. Pork can contain helminths dangerous for dogs, so it is also removed from diet.

Dogs are man’s best friends, but don’t forget about that they can be a health hazard. It’s important to take care not only about the pet, but also about his own physical condition.

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