How to wash a dog

In most cases, dog bathing issues arise in last of all, after more pressing problems – walking and catering. But more often than not, this moment is the most perplexing beginners. How many times can I bathe my pet, which use funds, wash more often in winter or summer, etc. These are important points in keeping and caring for the dog that are necessary find out in advance. So, how to wash a dog?

How to wash a dog


  • 1. With what frequency is it necessary to wash the dog
  • 2. Bathing according to age and breed
  • 3. Proper bathing of dogs
  • 4. What tools should be used
  • 5. Pet washing algorithm

How often do you need to wash your dog

Of course, any pet should be clean and swimming – This is a very reasonable hygiene procedure. If the pet resides in an apartment, moves throughout the territory and may even recline on master sofas, this question becomes the most acute.

No matter how the owners want, the dog often does not it is recommended, as the necessary for it is washed off from the integument of the dog grease, which is restored for a long time.

A street dog living on a chain or in an aviary does not require swimming. Its habitat is close to natural conditions, and in in the familiar environment, these animals do not bathe on their own. If a severe winters come, dogs are allowed to sleep in the house, of course, before this, the pet will still have to arrange a “bath day”. Such a rare procedure will not harm the pet, most importantly, do not let it out street to dry completely.

Flat dogs are washed more often, but this happens more as needed. After a daily walk, it’s enough wipe their paws with a damp cloth.

Representatives of dwarf breeds that go to the toilet in the tray and rarely appear on the street, also do not need frequent washing. You cannot handle these cute creatures like toys, and bathe when the soul desires.

In the offseason, when it often rains outside, there are puddles and slushy dirt, the dog has to be washed after significant pollution. In summer, this is done much less often, you can replace this splashing in ponds. Many dogs love this. entertainment.

In winter, care must be taken, not sufficiently dried the pet can catch a cold, since without a natural layer fat skin does not cope with the cold.

It is sometimes very useful to wipe the dog’s coat with clean snow, and also let him wallow in it. Back home, enough shake off the remaining snow from the dog.

In addition, in the winter it will be useful after walking rinse the dog’s paws. This will remove particles from the pads. reagents. These chemicals sprinkle the streets of the city, to make snowmelt more intense.

How often to wash a dog

See also: causes and treatment of dandruff in dogs.

Bathing according to age and breed

Almost all dog breeds, regardless of coat length, It is recommended to bathe once or twice a year. Exceptions include show-class dogs intended for exhibitions and possessing long hair – cockers, terriers, Afghan hounds and others similar breeds. Their coat requires constant grooming, grooming, combing and styling.

In the midst of exhibitions, the pet takes a bath 3-4 times a week, in the rest of the time on average twice a month. I must say that the coat after such frequent water procedures is absolutely not spoils. And swimming is a prerequisite for a full care, in his process only special means are used, designed to care for sensitive skin. Dog breeds, prone to frequent molting, bathing should be done less frequently.

Puppies are real children who, being on the street, are very often get dirty. Therefore, up to six months of age they bathe once or twice a month. Later, when the baby grows up and gets stronger, it transferred to rare adult bathing – twice a year or when There is a need for this. Little puppies not yet accustomed to street, after each toilet it is necessary to wash, but do not wash completely.

Pets of advanced age are washed even less, since the wool becomes drier and grease recovery occurs extremely slow. Quite often, dogs show a special love for swimming. Is it worth indulging in such weakness? Specialists not recommend, nevertheless, wash the dog as necessary, and not at her request.

Some breeds have a specific smell, which secrete the glands of the pet. In most cases, pet owners cease to notice him, but the guests who arrived will turn to him Attention.

If suddenly in such a situation you want to get rid of the smell dogs through daily washing, it’s worth knowing that even very frequent washing will not affect the functioning of the glands and production a secret. The smell will remain, in addition, with wet coat will become even more intense, but the four-legged friend will be inflicted significant harm. You can choose a more gentle option – bathe pet once every two months using special soft funds.

Proper bathing dogs

A quality water treatment carried out in accordance with all the rules, will allow for a long time to forget about its repetition and will not cause pet harm. To do this, you must adhere to some professional recommendations:

  • Compliance with safety. While swimming should be avoided the penetration of gels, shampoos and water into the eyes, nose and inside the ear shells. It is worth taking care that there is no strong pressure of water. The jet must be guided as accurately as possible, while the head it’s better to keep your pet in the right place for safe washing, position.
  • If the jet enters the nose, the animal may choke.
  • Before the procedure, puppies can plug the ears in pieces cotton wool.
  • If water enters the senses, the dog may become persistent. hostility to water procedures, or even panic fear. therefore such incidents should be avoided.
  • Dog training for swimming should occur early age, as an adult pet is unlikely to convince will work out.

How to wash a dog

What means should be used

Experts strongly recommend not using a pet to wash human detergents as they are considered too aggressive to animals. For dogs there are special shampoos that have a mild effect, cleanse the coat well and integuments, but at the same time they do not dry out.

You can also purchase funds with specific characteristics, for example, for dogs with allergies reactions to care for thin long hair, from education and to remove dandruff.

If it so happens that there is no special tool at hand, then You can use shampoo designed for dry hair.

For a better distribution of the product on the wool, it can be pre-dilute in warm water, shake and wash the dog the resulting foam.

Pet Wash Algorithm

When bathing a pet, follow this algorithm action:

  • First of all, you need to provide a suitable place, like pet, and the owner. It’s most convenient to wash the dog by placing it in a bath. You can cover the bottom with a rubber mat so that the dog’s paws do not parted, and she did not leave scratches on the coating.
  • Before washing, the pet’s hair must be thoroughly moistened, and Only then apply detergents.
  • It’s better to start the process from the back, smoothly moving to the sides and paws. The anus area is especially thoroughly washed.
  • The muzzle must also be washed, especially in the place where the pet growing beard and mustache.
  • Shampoo is washed off using the same technology as applied. To remove the soap solution from the head of the pet, it is necessary tilt down and hold in this position until the end of the procedure.
  • If necessary, various coatings are applied to care for the coat. balms and conditioners.
  • Using cool water will make the coat harder warm and fluffy.

After the procedures, you must make sure that the coat has dried as quickly as possible. Of course with there is no particular problem with short-haired pets, they dry out independently and quickly, with long and medium hair tinker with. You can’t send them for independent drying, as running around, rubbing on all surfaces can knit wool in tricks.

Initially, the wool must be wrung out with your hands, then get it wet with a towel. It is necessary to give the pet the opportunity to run – so he regulates the process of heat transfer, not allowing itself to freeze. Ears can gently wipe with a dry cotton swab to rid them of excess moisture.

Water treatments for dogs with short or hard hair can replace with rubbing with a solution consisting of vodka, table vinegar and water.

You can’t bathe a pet before four months of age, immediately after vaccination or surgery. Sticking to simple rules, bathing for the pet and the owner will be incredible pleasure.

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