How to understand that a dog is dying of old age: help pet

It doesn’t matter how the dog gets into the house – from the street or from the elite nursery, unexpectedly or after much deliberation, being blind a tiny or adult dog— In any case, the family sticks to him, perceived for granted, as one of full members. But, unfortunately, the age of dogs is short-lived, and even healthy pets who receive good care leave, according to human by the standards too soon. How to understand that a dog is dying of old age, and, most importantly, how to behave in this difficult period?


  • 1. Signs that the pet is “about to leave”
    • 1.1. Breathing changes
    • 1.2. Digestive system changes
    • 1.3. Disorders in the musculoskeletal system
    • 1.4. Violation of urination and bowel movements
    • 1.5. What does the skin and mucous membranes look like?
  • 2. Signs of old age: how to understand that a pet has become an elderly dog
    • 2.1. The dog becomes less mobile and playful
    • 2.2. Change in food addiction
    • 2.3. Sleeps more often and longer
    • 2.4. Loss of sexual activity
  • 3. Care for the elderly animal
  • 4. Euthanasia is a scary word, but sometimes –– inevitable

Signs that the pet is “about to leave”

Death takes loved ones, but cannot be deleted memories of pleasant moments that were given by favorites. but each owner of a four-legged friend acutely experiences separation and, even knowing with my mind that a long-lived dog cannot always be there, It’s impossible to prepare for his departure. How to understand that a dog is dying of old age

The reality is that at some point, an old dog will begin to gather in another world. Duration of this period lasts on average several days if owners notice a change in pet behavior, they will be able not only to recover, to reconcile with inevitable, but also brighten up the last days of the pet.

And besides, the owner should make sure that the irreversible physiological processes occur naturally and the dog does not experiencing unbearable pain. Consider the main signs of fading an aging animal.

Breathing changes

A dying dog can start breathing in a different way. days before the inevitable, and a few hours before leaving. Breath becomes superficial, intervals are longer. In a calm, resting animal, the frequency is normal 22 breaths per minute, but at this difficult time this indicator halved.

Before death, the dog begins to exhale deeply and, listening, you can catch that the air leaves the animal’s lungs with noise – as when blowing off a balloon. Regarding frequency heart rate, then at a rate of 100-130 beats / min in the dog the rate drops to 60-80 beats / min, while the pulse becomes very weak.

Most dogs prefer spending their last hours in dark, calm, secluded place. And if the pet is secluded, for a long time lies motionless, his breathing has become shallow, then his time has come.

Digestive system changes

Biological irreversible processes affect the work of everything organism, including the digestive tract. The dying man the pet’s appetite disappears, it shows absolutely no interest in neither food nor drink. With the approach of demise, the organs alone after another, they slow down and stop functioning. When is that occurs with the liver and kidneys, system activity the digestive system stops.

Due to severe dehydration, it can be seen that the dog’s mouth becomes dry, rough. In addition, the animal vomiting may develop in which the vomit is not composed of food, and is a foam or acid of a yellow / greenish tint, which she acquires due to the secretion of bile. Similar also arises from loss of appetite.

Disorders in the musculoskeletal system

As a result of a critical decrease in glucose, up to zero indicator, the dog has muscle twitching or involuntary cramping. The animal is weakening, practically no moves. All reflex activity stops, the dog does not will respond to pain. How to understand that a dog is dying of old age read the article

When the pet tries to get up or walk, there will be coordination disturbances are noticeable, the gait becomes staggering. IN In some cases, the dog cannot rise and move at all. Before leaving, the animal falls into a state of coma or loses consciousness.

If the dog died of a chronic or prolonged illness, then its appearance will be very exhausted, exhausted. Muscle tissue volumes will decrease significantly, they can completely atrophy.

Violation of urination and bowel movements

Usually the toilet habits of a dying animal undergo changes. The pet cannot control the action of the bladder and anal sphincter. Before leaving, the pet begins to urinate and defecate without control, and even the most educated and patient favorites. The body just stops work properly, and nothing depends on the dog.

When death draws near, the dog may have loose stools, it often gets an unpleasant odor, and sometimes it becomes color blood. A pet-laden pet will urinate and defecate in the last time is a signal that muscle control is completely lost.

What does the skin and mucous membranes look like?

As a result of dehydration, the skin of the animal becomes dry, elasticity decreases – if the skin is folded, then it will not be smoothed out, as usual, taking the usual form.

The mucous surface of the gums, lips turns very pale, when pressed, do not turns pink, even after a long time. Normal mucous membrane one second takes on its original color.

Signs of old age: how to understand that the pet has become elderly dog

Some four-legged animals stay alive throughout their lives, activity and positive attitude. Whereas the other, larger brothers, by the age of 7-8 they acquire stable signs of old age.

Of course, it all depends on the breed of the pet, its size, condition health and other features. But still at some point the owner will begin to notice that the pet has become less frisky and more “seasoned.” How can you understand that the dog migrated to the group “older” animals and requires special care?

The dog becomes less mobile and playful

If in general the life of the four-legged has not changed, he independently eats, drinks, walks, responds to a nickname, plays and executes commands, but more often rests and moves more slowly, then, most likely, it’s not worth worrying – the pet is healthy, but old age nevertheless crept up to him. The dog is dying

It’s just that the dog no longer needs frequent jogging and long walks, so you should not wear it out. But too Protecting, depriving active entertainment, is also not recommended.

Change in food addiction

An old dog usually eats less than before. This is due to the fact that he is less mobile and spends much less calories. But old age should not affect appetite – the dog should consume I eat regularly, according to the accepted regimen, and drink the necessary amount of water.

Also, some four-legged “old men”, on the contrary, begin eat more. Especially if the owner spares the pet, offering very tasty slices outside the meal. This state of affairs negatively affect the physical condition of the dog – he will soon will earn obesity.

Sleeps more often and longer

Even if the pet performs all the actions on its own, with as he ages, the need for a longer a dream. If earlier he could tirelessly rush about an apartment or a street, then in old age the dog goes to bed even after a short walks, and in the morning he is in no hurry to wake up.

The owner should be alarmed if his pet is constantly sleeping, but at the same time lies motionless, refuses to get up and eat, trying to hide from people. Most likely, the doggie is sick or getting ready to leave. When the dog sleeps a lot, but at the same time is ready for communication and does not miss the meal – a matter in the natural aging.

Loss of sexual activity

Everything is individual here. – Some individuals, being in very old age, will not refuse to participate in a dog’s wedding, driven by insurmountable instincts, even if there is no chance of becoming the dog has no favorite. The same with bitches – often they become mothers almost on the verge of death. Unfortunately, more often just bear healthy offspring and give birth to live puppies they don’t succeeds.

But often in pets, libido decreases, and if always active the dog does not show interest in the opposite sex, then most likely he is aging. There are a number of external signs, thanks to which you can distinguish a young animal from an elderly one:

  • gray hair appears, whitened areas on the coat –– this is especially noticeable on the pet’s face;
  • in areas often subject to friction – elbow joints, pelvic area, worn out, bald plots;
  • teeth start to fall out.

If there is no doubt, and the calendar does not lie – the pet is aging steadily, the owner should review the regimen four-legged friend, schedule and diet, paddocks. Maybe, a series of changes will be needed to make the life of an aging dog more comfortable.

Caring for an elderly animal

If the owner can not extend the life of the pet, then in his power brighten up the everyday life of an aging pet, give him everything that is needed. This is especially important when the dog becomes weak, vulnerable, experiencing all the “charms” of aging:

  • place the dog in a room with good ventilation, where it is dry and warm;
  • it’s best to lay the dog a more comfortable, soft litter, on which he could stretch to his full height;
  • food should be regularly offered to the pet, even in addition to the regimen, but you cannot force him to eat;
  • water should be in the bowl all the time, you can also drink a dog, but only if she does not resist it;
  • do not forget that time is running out, and if you don’t pay today dog of attention, tomorrow it may become impossible – to the owners it’s worth more time to allocate for a four-legged friend, to sit with next to him, stroking, talking.

Surprisingly, even becoming almost weak, unable to get up and walk, dogs remain very grateful. Such a decrepit dog Feeling the touch of the hands of a beloved master, may try to wag tail or faithfully look into the eyes. And even the last minute pets spend their lives making people happy, make him pleased.

Euthanasia is a scary word, but sometimes –– inevitable

Sleeping a dog for a person who loves his whole heart pet, akin to betrayal. And indeed most owners prefer to take care of their dogs until their last breath tormented by the fact that they can’t help, valued by the latter days spent with a true friend. Sad dog

Unfortunately, in some cases, euthanasia is the most humane exit for the pet itself, and the owners have to make a difficult decision. When “killing an animal in a humane way “–this is how this procedure is described in Merck’s veterinary guidance, is a necessary measure? Euthanasia has the main goals:

  • relief of pain and suffering of the animal;
  • minimization of pain, suffering, fear and anxiety, which the animal experiences before the loss of creation;
  • cause death of the animal – light, without pain and torment.

If euthanasia provides the pet with easy care, it is considered appropriate. But if you evaluate the future perspective, is it better solution?

  1. First of all, you should not act in a hurry, decide on holding the procedures are necessary in the family circle – perhaps someone from Households will be categorically against.
  2. Accurately say whether a dog requires euthanasia can only veterinarian who knows about the features of certain states. But even recommending the procedure, the last word remains with the owner.
  3. When deciding on euthanasia, the owner takes all responsibility – and you need to be prepared for this.
  4. Emotions away – when diverse feelings are literally torn apart everything inside – pity, sorrow, affection, the inevitability of the future, it is difficult to focus on the main –– condition of the four-legged friend. It is about the needs of the dog should think, discarding all unnecessary, whether he deserves to experience torment due to the fact that the owner does not have enough strength of mind to give good?

If doubts do not go away, it’s worth answering important questions:

  1. Have all resources been used to extend life darling?
  2. Does the dog experience pain and suffering from which he cannot relieve medications and other means?
  3. Is the dog in a serious condition that does not lend itself cure but cause severe pain?
  4. Has the disease developed to the point that the quality of life of a dog is significantly decreased? Can a dog eat, drink, move, relieve independently and at the same time there are chances for improvement condition?

The issue of euthanasia has to be decided by owners whose dog contracted a dangerous hazardous disease for people and other animals. For example, often with this ailment it turns out to be rabies.

If the positive answers are the only true ones, then humane deprivation of life is the right decision for the pet. It is recommended to contact a good clinic with excellent reviews. Perhaps the dog throughout his life was observed in one and the same veterinarian, then the task is easier, as the doctor is familiar with the whole history of his patient, his illnesses and pathologies.

An experienced specialist will correctly assess the condition of the animal, he will give the main recommendation – whether the dog should be euthanized or a morally difficult procedure can be avoided. It is impossible agree to euthanasia if the clinic only listened to concerns the owner and did not look at the patient himself. It is incompetent approach and it is worth abandoning the services of this institution.

There are a number of conditions that are grounds for euthanasia of an animal, but only if they accompanied by pain and suffering:

  • dog involvement in a car accident;
  • severe form of demodicosis, especially if the disease does not respond treatment;
  • final stage of renal, liver failure;
  • the presence of invasive or malignant tumor formations, which cannot be operated on;
  • incurable diseases caused by dangerous infections.

In addition, euthanasia can be resorted to if the animal suffers behavioral problems. For example, you have to euthanize extremely aggressive animals that are dangerous to humans and other animals. Doggie

Owners of an old, feeble pet, the decision to euthanize you have to accept if the dog has completely lost mobility and interest in the environment, he has difficulty breathing, whines and cries from pain, body temperature drops to critical conditions.

Some pets leave quietly, others suffer themselves and make worry about the owners. Often, dogs “run off the rainbow” earlier due, while some owners manage to carry out pet of a deeply advanced age, holding his head in his lap. No matter how this happens, it is inevitable. Our favorites live much less than we would like.

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