How to bring up alabai

Alabai – the oldest shepherd breed that has guarded for centuries cattle, compound and property of man. Anger and fearlessness – that’s what made real weapons out of them, and their unsafe work taught dogs think and make decisions independently. Is it worth saying that education is weak – it’s not at all easy and requires certain knowledge and skills. How to raise a puppy Alabai, and find an approach to Adult Asian?

How to bring up alabai


  • 1. Important points in raising a puppy
  • 2. Features of the education of Alabais boys and girls
  • 3. Adult education Alabai

Important points in raising a puppy

There are several salient features in character and behavior of Central Asian Shepherd dogs, which are worth navigate when raising a puppy:

  • In most cases, Alabaev is acquired for protection, and not because they are large and formidable, but because the security qualities of them in the blood. Still, being completely crumbs, they try to fulfill this function, extending your zeal not only to the territory, but also on the owner and his property. Being selfless, they often demonstrate their qualities where this is not necessary. At the very beginning of such impulses, you need to stop them in place, otherwise then, when the puppy grows up, restrain the dog is no longer will work out.
  • “Foo!” – a very important team for representatives of this breed, by the nature of their creations, they are somewhat evil and distrustful. This the team will teach the pet that causeless aggression is badly. Unquestioning obedience and immediate execution. This will avoid further possible difficulties and dangerous moments.
  • When training, you can use the force by clicking on the sacrum of the puppy and clearly saying “Fu!” As soon as the dog was distracted from started, the team needs to be repeated, but already, looking the pet in the eye. BUT after it must be released. Fulfilled the required? Means you need to encourage him with a treat.
  • Alabai – dogs living according to the laws of the pack. So, already with the first days of stay in a new home, the puppy must understand that the main thing here is man. For this, you must not allow pulling the leash. forward and, as soon as possible, you need to train the team “Next!”. To do this, you need to take a treat with you for a walk and put in your pocket so that the puppy must smell it. Shorten the leash for in order for the pet to feel tension. Hold the leash for some time is very close with your foot and clearly speak the team. Having walked, thus, 15-20 meters, the puppy can be praised and treat delicious. Once the dog has mastered what is required, the leash can will weaken, and later unhook at all.
  • In addition, while maintaining your leadership, you should not give the pet go in the door, the gate, the first, and also climb the stairs.
  • Do not think that a puppy Alabai is a cutie, not capable offend anyone. Instincts are inherent in nature, so doubt not worth it – on occasion can! From an early age it is necessary withdraw it exclusively on a leash, and later only in a muzzle. The absence of these attributes can only be on the run in the uninhabited places.
  • Alabai is very stubborn in nature, so the owner of the dog must surpass the pet in this capacity. The dog must learn that all that a person says must be unconditionally fulfilled, and it doesn’t matter if the dog wants to do this or not.
  • It doesn’t matter if the puppy needs to learn the Sit! Command, or it is necessary to examine his paw for a wound, the dog must obey unconditionally. Should not pay attention to it resistance, if necessary – use force. No matter how I try the pet breaks out, the owner must calmly continue started.

Peculiarities of the education of alaba boys and girls

Having fought for a while and met with resistance, a small male (boy) Alabai will still give up. Yes, he will still be some time look for opportunities to rectify the situation, try not to comply or snap. But still, over time, such thoughts will leave him. head if he understands the futility of his ventures. Naturally, the owner must not show slack.

Features of education alabay

As for bitches (girls), then everything is not so simple. Being by nature more cunning, Alabaiks achieve their goal, but to others by way. Using all their intellect, I must say, they have it and highly developed, they come up with a ton of ingenious ways to Avoid completing assignments. For example, often females upon hearing team, immediately pretend to be sick and weak animals. It turns out they have it so well that often experienced dog breeders “bought.”

The owner panics that he brought the animal to such a state of his drill and, of course, lets your darling rest. Pleased and happy, the dog, in front of his eyes, is recovering and has fun running to play with the other four-legged brethren.

If at least once she has this number passes, then everything, she will constantly manipulate the owner, coming up with ever newer combinations. It can be sudden weakness, panic fear in front of an obstacle, flattery, ingratiating glances and stuff, stuff. Such machinations of a beloved pet must be stopped immediately and be more attentive to the behavioral characteristics of the bitch.

Adult Education Alabai

Thrown by the previous owners, transferred from hand to hand, remaining from deceased relatives – but you never know the reasons for that so that Alabai gets into the family, already being an adult, independent dog. What you need to know about how to gain Asian confidence Shepherd dogs and become for her a full leader?

The first step is to clarify that this breed is not suitable for leash, as it disgusts her natural flock lifestyle. Such a dog needs to be kept in an aviary in which there should be a booth. But this does not mean that the animal is not needed. let out a walk around the territory. Hard limits can apply only when visiting strangers at home, exclusively in as a precaution. If the house is very welcoming, visit strangers come constantly, then you should not start alabai-guard, as he will greatly complicate life.

In addition, the fence must be very reliable, strong and tall, able to withstand the 70-80 kilogram giant, and to he could not jump over it. Especially trying to urgently leave the territory of males, smelling a flowing bitch, and a flimsy fence will not be able to stop.

The second important point – you will definitely need make contact with a new pet. To do this, it is recommended to go to territory yourself and let the dog go there. It’s better not to pay attention to the shepherd, she must take the initiative herself. It will be easier for the dog if the owner sits, but is on one level with her. Any step towards a new owner with a view getting to know should be encouraged by an approving glance.

It is worth noting that girls are more contact and get used to faster to a new environment and people. It’s more difficult for males in this case to leave more time for the adaptation period.

Adult Education Alabai

No need to put pressure on the dog, it can only aggravate stressful state. The pet may not eat at first, refuse put on a collar, do not let yourself touch. All this is quite explainable, and you should give the animal time to get comfortable.

In the process of getting used to it is impossible to do the following things:

  • try to feed the dog by any means, it will only cause aggression;
  • put on a strict collar and pull the animal against it will;
  • constantly keep the dog in the aviary without releasing on territory.

As soon as the Alabai is accustomed, it will calmly respond to putting on a collar, will allow itself to be stroked, you can display it walk. At this moment, it is important for him to show his superiority by leading him to unfamiliar places.

You should calculate your strength, as the Central Asian Shepherd Dog negatively treats other animals and, having seen another dog, will try to attack her. Not everyone can at this moment hold on.

Do not believe the tales of the Alabaev eating children. Shepherds dogs, which is the Central Asian, have long been considered pets, suitable for home maintenance. They are distrustful of strangers, but to their attitude is quite friendly, and with proper education Alabai get along well with children. But there is one caveat. For asians there is only one boss – the leader, the rest of the family will they are considered the same as the owner.

If the family is not all right, scandals are not uncommon, then the dog this will necessarily be taken into account in their attitude to household members. She can growl at the “objectionable” to the owner of the children, block the path for the elderly to people. Therefore, an adult Asian shepherd can be taken only in that a home with a benevolent climate.

Interesting articles:

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  • than to feed alabai;
  • Alabai (Central Asian Shepherd Dog).

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