Greater Swiss Mountain Dog (photo): Dog, always ready to help

Great Swiss Mountain Dog


Origin: Switzerland

Class: group 2, section 3 by classification FCI.

Color: primary color – glossy black, wide enough white mark on the chest and throat, red marks above the eyes, on the cheeks, on the paws, and also near the chest. Perfectly – white tip of the tail. White color around the nose, maximum to the corners the mouth passes into a white stripe between the eyebrows, stretching to the forehead.

Sizes: growth of males from 65 to 72 cm, bitches – from 60 to 69 cm. The weight of the first is 50-64 kg, the second is from 48 to 54 kg.

Life expectancy: average 10 to 11 years old.

The big Swiss mountain dog in the photo is not much different from Bernese, or rather it also looks, but as if short cut. It is thanks to the short hair of this dog, as it is otherwise called, gross, was isolated in a separate breed.

In the photo, the big Swiss mountain dog may seem to you adults, but at heart he is most likely still a playful puppy.


  • 1 Breed History
  • 2 Psychology
  • 3 Application
  • 4 How to choose a dog
  • 5 Care features
  • 6 combing
  • 7 Walk
  • 8 Power
  • 9 Health
  • 10 Vaccinations
  • 11 Knit

Breed history

There is no reliable information about the origin of the great Swiss mountain dog. It is only known that a rock appeared in the mountain terrain in the Swiss Alps.

The basic theory is that gross is the result of a cross large dogs brought to the alpine terrain Neapolitan mastiffs who came here together with the Roman legionnaires more than two thousand years ago.

It is interesting! It’s funny that such uncertainty is inherent not only to the Swiss breed, but also to Swiss, because they can not consider themselves to belong to one specific European people.

Great Swiss Mountain Dog

Calmness and a confident look in these dogs are combined with great energy and desire to work

There is also an assumption that the appearance of gross is not “guilty” the Romans, and the Phoenicians, who are a thousand years earlier than the Romans contributed to the spread of their large dogs from the territory current Spain.

It is these breeds, according to some experts, that have become the ancestors of the great Swiss mountain dog.

By the beginning of the 20th century, Switzerland had remained for several centuries. an isolated country, so dog breeds formed here inbreeding, that is, crossing closely related breeds. Exactly therefore, all varieties of mountain dogs are so similar.

Great Swiss Mountain Dog

Grosses have a truly aristocratic look and can do themselves file in the appropriate light

At the beginning of the 20th century, Swiss dog handlers drew attention to Sennenhund with short hair. It was then that dog breeders became it is clear that they are dealing in a separate particular species dogs.

Perhaps only thanks to this episode today we have opportunity to start both puppybern and large Swiss mountain dog.


Calmness, poise, sobriety of actions – it’s all about Great Swiss Mountain Dog, with proper upbringing, of course. Medium or moderate temperament, like bullmastiffaili or tosa inu but not phlegmatic.

Grosses are pretty funny, but they are also fervent and not lazy. you name it. Parenting can be easily. Single trait character that can interfere with training – stubbornness. If the dog tired of something, he can just lie down and refuse to flatly perform teams.

Great Swiss Mountain Dog

It depends only on you how the mountain dog grows and what character will be inherent in him

But the owner’s love is always able to find workarounds through stubbornness of the mountain dogs. It’s important to note the late maturation of the breed, which is also a hallmark of the German boxers.

Even dogs that seem like adults can be fun positive puppies who want to play all day. Gross without Labor finds a common language with children and other domestic animals. Although he does not always listen to children.

It is interesting! Not exactly proven, but accepted take that the big Swiss mountain dog is tied in first turn to the hostess. Therefore, if there is this dog in the house and he sees for the first time, be careful in communicating with the mistress of gross.

Sennenhund is a pack breed. Therefore, if he is alone in the family, then you for him automatically become a native pack. Important from the very began to teach the dog to obey every member of the family.

Subsequently, the dog will develop an individual relationship with each of you. And also remember that this is a big mountain Swiss who need a lot of free space and movement. When kept in apartment, daily walks and physical activity – required!

It is interesting! Greater Swiss Mountain Dog I’m used to working, so give him this opportunity. Let it will be a game. So the dog will not be sad and wither away without realizing his skills that are in his blood and transmitted from strong and strong-willed ancestors.

The psyche of the big Swiss mountain dogs is different sustainability. If the dog shows excessive aggression or leads yourself too shy and timid, then this is the result of the wrong education and lack of socialization.

Important! Never put the gross on the chain not allowed.


During World War II, the Swiss army actively used gross as draft animals. Indeed, they have there were all inclinations for this.

Not only that, the gross easily passes where the path for the horse closed so it still has good stamina and strength for long-distance haulage of 10 kg cargo.

It is worth noting that by that time the breed was not yet finally formed.

Great Swiss Mountain Dog

In such a team the big Swiss feels confident: this inherited from his ancestors

Ancestor of the Great Swiss Mountain Dogs – a dog named Barry von Herzogenbuchsee. For 10 years from 1912 to 1922 in pedigree book was entered 11 dogs. Correct in terms This breed was bred after the war, in 1956.

During the fighting, the number of grosses was about a hundred individuals, and by the 50s this figure has decreased again. Only due to the growing popularity of the breed in Germany, and then in other countries, today the number of representatives of the breed is very impressive.

The big Swiss mountain dogs are able to perform on competitions in various sports for dogs, obedience. Thanks to their love of work, grosses – perfectly cope with his work in the field of training.

Their strong spirit requires the same spirit from the trainer. but there is a detail that makes them unsuitable for hunting and Agility is a large weight and large dimensions.

Important! Grosses like Alabai, do not tolerate harsh treatment: it can lead to the complete disappearance of positive traits in character dogs.

How to choose a dog

A puppy is a small fluffy source of joy, but you have to understand that Gross is the responsibility and care of the pet on coming at least 10 years.

Of course, buying a dog for the first advertisement is stupid. It is advisable to find a kennel in which some dogs bought acquaintances or at least contact people who already live side by side with dog from the selected seller.

Gross puppy will become a full-fledged breech of your family literally with first steps in your home: you need to understand which the responsibility lies in choosing the right dog.

Great Swiss Mountain Dog

Healthy puppies are always mobile, curious and interested in communication

The first thing you should pay attention to is in which conditions contain puppies, how they look and behave. Good signs are:

  • the absence of a nasal odor in the room with puppies
  • clean floor and birth box;
  • lively behavior of babies and their mobility, curiosity;
  • clean coat, clear eyes, wet nose without discharge;
  • eyes also without discharge;
  • the anus has no sticky coat (otherwise we can talk about the presence of problems with the stomach).

Puppies can only be lethargic if they are recently woke up or you saw them immediately after feeding.

When choosing a gross, consider the fact that this is a working dog and energetic and she will not lie for days on the floor or sofa. Her the task is to help the owners. The dog must have a straight back and a wide skeleton, a voluminous chest and a wide chest. Movement must be free.

If the reference color is important to you, then pay attention to him. But do not forget that in the nature of absolute symmetry color simply can not be. Up to 5 months old puppy hair More like fluff. It should not have dandruff, it should not be brittle and dirty.

The character of the dog will be completely envious solely from you. Only your attitude, upbringing and socialization will make a puppy pet gross with a complaisant character and confident calm temper.

Try to avoid sellers who guarantee health and good psyche of a dog in adulthood. There are no guarantees just can’t.

Thus, summing up, we can highlight the main idea: Before choosing a puppy, carefully study the nurseries and sellers. This is the only way to get a healthy gross with a big potential.

Great Swiss Mountain Dog

For the Mountain Dogs, the people in their family are real members of the pack.

Care Features

Looking after the big Swiss mountain dog is easy enough. Thanks to the short hair, combing is easy, and in frequent washing gross does not need. The diet is not much different from others large breeds of dogs, but has some features about what will be described below.

Check your teeth, ears, eyes regularly and, if necessary, conduct cleaning these parts of the dog’s body. Suitable for wiping ears and eyes. clean cloth dampened with water.

Great Swiss Mountain Dog

Great Swiss Mountain Dog is not averse to swimming in the hot day

Important! No Perfume: Great Swiss Mountain Dog is known for prone to allergies.

Gross claws usually grind on their own, but if for some reason this does not happen, then trimming is necessary. We should also say about washing.

Gross does not require this procedure often, but remember that after bathing must be thoroughly wiped with a towel.


The wool of the large Swiss mountain dogs consists of two layers:

  • upper – dense and slightly rough;
  • lower undercoat – soft and thick.

The undercoat can be seen in detail in the neck. Shedding the dog is medium in intensity, so sometimes it is necessary to clean wool coat. A hard brush with firm bristles will do either furminator.

Combing minimizes hair loss and makes it possible to grow new hair. Some special care is not required here: brush the dog once a week – that’s enough.


The big Swiss mountain dogs love to work. Walks necessary without a leash and long enough so that the dog can throw out all the accumulated energy. Some like aportovka.

The representatives of the breed have no inclination to run far from the owners, but more living space is imperative. If you want the dog behaved calmly, dedicate to him at least one whole day in a week.


The diet of the big Swiss mountain dog is about the same as and other large dog breeds. It is selected individually. Is worth rely on the lifestyle and degree of mobility of the dog.

It is important to follow a diet, that is, feed the pet in same time in one place.

Great Swiss Mountain Dog

He either stubborn, or rest after a long active walks

Important! Grosses are very gluttonous, but watch out for so that there is no overfeeding, because this is a direct risk of obesity and acute bloating, and in the latter case, it may be required surgical intervention.

Since grosses are notorious for diseases musculoskeletal system, then nutrition should be present components necessary to prevent such problems. You can give dry food, but in moderate quantity.

In any case, making a diet for a large Swiss mountain dog, it is necessary to consult with specialists and those who have been successfully breeding dogs of this breed for a long time.


The Greater Swiss Mountain Dog is reasonably healthy breeds, but still some diseases characteristic of the breed are present. It:

  • allergic reactions;
  • often inherited dysplasia of the elbow and hip joints;
  • osteochondrosis of the shoulder joints;
  • vision problems (retinal atrophy, cataract);
  • entropion, which is worth mentioning separately – a disease characterized by the edge of the eyelid turned towards the eyeball and eyelashes, because of which the eye is irritated and which leads to the appearance of others vision problems;
  • oncological diseases.

Thanks to the steady psyche of grosses, in this area common diseases are not fixed.

As with most large dog breeds, such as Ca de Bo and Kangals if you If you want to raise a healthy and active dog, make sure that the puppy was not subjected to excessive physical activity during rapid growth and good, and most importantly balanced meal.

Great Swiss Mountain Dog

Here from such a ball of wool will grow a large and proud gross


Timely vaccination is the key to the health of puppies, and, in consequence, and adult dogs. Vaccinations are done against diseases such as hepatitis, parvovirus enteritis, plague and leptospirosis.


Knitting is carried out under the guidance of an experienced specialist. Usually carried out until the age of 3, otherwise later the male may lose interest in mating.

Greater Swiss Mountain Dog: A dog always ready to come on help

The big Swiss mountain dog looks menacing and impressive. But in fact – this is a good dog, for which you are his pack and the best friends.

Igor Bazhyn8 Overall result CharacteristicAggression4Adaptability8Activity10Weight8 Training8Friendliness10Playability8Intelligence10 Noise6 Add your review

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