Great Dane (photo): gentle devotion and noble power

Being an excellent companion, a well-educated mastiff eloquently declares the high status of its owners


Origin: Germany

Class: according to FCI – group 2 (molosses, Schnauzers and pinschers), 2 section (molosses)

Usage: Watchman, Bodyguard and companion

Color: marble and black; fawn and brindle; blue

Sizes: growth at the withers: males – from 76 to 86 cm, females – from 71 to 81 cm; weight: males – from 54 to 90 kg, bitches – from 45 to 59 kg

Life span: 7-8 years

Nobleness, elegance, strength – these are the first epithets that come to mind if a German Great Dane dog appears before us.

Breeders made sure that these dogs were excluded clumsiness of mastiffs (remember the Neapolitan mastiff), but tremendous strength, combined with aristocratic harmony.

Other beautiful dog breeds can be found. here: https: //

Being a great companion, well-mannered dog eloquently declares the high status of its owners.

In many ways, the characteristics of this breed are similar to dogo argentinian

The Great Dane is characterized by extraordinary power, combined with aristocratic harmony

Great Dane is characterized by extraordinary power, combined with aristocratic harmony


  • 1 Breed History
  • 2 Psychology
  • 3 Application
  • 4 How to choose a puppy
  • 5 Care features
    • 5.1 Combing
    • 5.2 Walk
    • 5.3 Feeding
  • 6 Health
    • 6.1 Characteristic diseases
    • 6.2 Vaccinations
  • 7 Knit

Breed history

In 1878, German breeders gathered in Berlin for a meeting with the goal of creating a single standard for the Great Dane breed, inside which at that time was a wide variety of types of dogs.

This situation was facilitated by the fact that the Great Dane breed has very ancient ancestors – mastiffs, which even before our era fell into Europe from Asia.

In different countries, breeders tried to bring out their version of the breed, combining strength and power, nobleness and poise, formed into a perfect “design”.

We worked hard on the breed and eventually got the dogs, whom we Today we know how the Great Dane.

In 1880, thanks to the Berlin exhibition, a clear standard.

Although then some adjustments were made to it, however, with of that time, the parameters of the breed are changing.

Great Dane - a real aristocrat who likes to relax in comfortable conditions

Great Dane – a real aristocrat who likes to relax in comfortable conditions


Do not overestimate the aristocratic slowness of the dogs, they love to play and are quite reckless.

Such entertainments of giants are not always safe, since they are not deliberately can knock anyone down.

Among the qualities with which the Great Dane dog wins hearts, The following can be distinguished:

• Tenderness. Yes Yes exactly! These the giants are so courteous and courteous that, despite their dimensions can, like bullmastiffs and the Beaucerons, rather delicately behaving with children.

• Courage. By virtue of this quality these noble dogs are well suited for the role of watchdogs. They do not bark very loud, because, like Bordeaux dogs, their trump card is size and strength.

• Energy. These animals very fond of physical activity. Run for a flying saucer or stick – for them an incredible pleasure!

If you prefer calmer dogs, we recommend read the following list: https: //

Dogs are full of energy, they love to frolic in the fresh air

Dogs are full of energy, they love to frolic in the fresh air • Easy to learn. These dogs are enough easily perceive the fact that they constantly need someone listen. The training and learning process bring them great joy.

• Good memory. Although the owner periodically it will be necessary to remind who the leader is here, all the teams and Dogs remember the desired behavior in different circumstances without special efforts.

• Moderate independence. If a a situation arises when the dog himself needs to make a decision, he is ready make it excellent.

• Insight. Dogs are fast “calculate” the intentions of the person standing before them: are they good or evil. The sand will carefully study behavior and character each, building with him an appropriate line of behavior.

• High adaptability. If you decide for the summer to go with a dog in a country house for a couple of months, the dog will quite easily accept new circumstances and regulations.

• Sociability. Although the dog will not to impose their society when the owner is out of sorts, yet she is very needs communication. It’s important for these giants to feel full members of the family.

The temperament is influenced by the color of the Great Dane. So, it was noticed that black dogs are calmer, and fawn – more mobile and playful.

Great Dane knows a lot about stylish accessories

Great Dane knows a lot about stylish accessories


Previously, German mastiffs were used, like hovawartam and groendales as hunters and bodyguards, as combat and even riding dogs.

Today, by virtue of their wonderful nature, these dogs become good watchmen and companions.

You can safely start them for those who have no experience in dog training.

You can read about other dog breeds for beginners. here: https: //

The Great Dane dog is incredibly cheerful, she is ready to show her tongue for any problems

Great Dane dog is incredibly cheerful, any problems she is ready to show tongue

How to choose a puppy

The breed is quite difficult to breed, so carefully Take a look at the following:

  • In profile, the line of the nose and forehead should be parallel.
  • The paws should also be parallel.
  • The transition from nose to forehead should be well defined, and the upper the lip is large enough.

As with St. Bernard cubs, better wait for the Great Dane puppies to grow up to 3-5 months, when their appearance is well formed.

In general, these are well-fed, kind strong men with a powerful skeleton and dry muscles.

The Great Dane puppy is the best present you can give your loved ones.

Great Dane puppy is the best gift you can make your loved ones

Care Features


Dogs molt weakly, so a sufficient procedure is weekly cleaning along the body with a rubberized glove or brush, but not a host.

Often it’s not worth bathing the dog, besides it’s quite troublesome by virtue of its size. The best option would be to use dry shampoo.

But the nails must be carefully monitored, they should be short and don’t “clatter” on the floor.

Animal teeth also need regular brushing. And here nose, ears and eyes are washed as needed.

Great Dane won't give up foam spa treatments

Great Dane won’t give up foam spa treatments


At normal dog temperature, it is advisable to walk 2-3 times for an hour or more. In crowded places wear a dog harness.

In the cold season, the duration of going out is necessary cut back.

During walks, dogs should be given sufficient physical load, otherwise they will begin to have problems with the musculoskeletal apparatus. Dogs don’t mind agility.


Feeding schedule by age:

  • from 1 to 2 months – 5-6 times a day
  • from 2 to 6 – 4 times
  • from 6 to a year – 3 times
  • further it all depends on physical activity and circumstances, usually 2 times

Dry feed is much simpler and easier. arrange meals.

Great Dane, like other dogs, needs a balanced diet, so you need to focus on professional products premium and remember to change feed depending on age dogs.


Great Dane prefers British cars

The following should be present in the natural diet:

  • Low-fat meat (scalded) and offal (cooked);
  • Sea fish (scalded or cooked, freed from large bones);
  • Chicken or turkey meat (boiled and peeled bones);
  • Milk and dairy products;
  • Vegetables and fruits – up to 15% of the diet, with the exception of potatoes and legumes;
  • Cereals (all except barley, corn and wheat, which poorly digested).

For the growth and strength of the puppies of the Great Dane, you need to properly feed

For the growth and strength of the puppies of the Great Dane, you need a good feed


Characteristic diseases

Representatives of this breed are not affected. allergies, but have a certain set of ailments:

• Bloating • Hypothyroidism • Glaucoma • Demodecosis • Dysplasia Hip • Cardiomyopathy • Cataract • Cutaneous histiocytoma • Interdigital dermatitis (pododermatitis) • Osteosarcoma • Lick granuloma • Aortic stenosis

Great Dane is an intelligent and quick-witted dog, able to get along with children

Great Dane is a smart and smart dog who can get along with children


1st vaccination is carried out in a two-month age against hepatitis, glanders, parmovirus and leptospirosis;

2nd – three weeks after the first, then against the specified 4 diseases are vaccinated once a year;

at 3.5 months, the vaccine is given only against leptospirosis, its repeated every six months.

Periodically, especially before vaccination, do deworming.

Before you start a Great Dane, keep in mind that he will need a large sleeping bed

Before you get such a pet, keep in mind that he will need large sleeping bed


The mating is carried out on the 11-14 day estrus, when the bitch willingly admits a male. 12 hours before this action no need to feed the dogs.

It’s better to organize the knitting in the morning and on the “male” territory.

At the end of the process, clumping often occurs, continuing from a few seconds to an hour.

We must wait and in no case do not separate the dogs by force.

Great Dane: gentle devotion and noble power

Great dane dog attracts with his athletic physique and aristocratic manners. Unpretentious in leaving, she can become a good friend to many.

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