Flanders bouvier

These shepherd colorful dogs from the Flanders region of Belgium, as soon as they called it a “dirty beard,” “cow dogs,” “cattle drovers.” And thanks to shaggy, plentiful wool and large sizes they received the formidable nickname “Belgian bears “. The official name of the breed is” Flanders Bouvier ” or “flanders shepherd.” And if the Dutch and French have long been appreciated by these amazing animals, then in our country the breed is considered quite rare. But if such a handsome man appears on the street, he will never be left without attention!


  • 1. The origin of the breed
  • 2. Description of the breed Flanders Bouvier
    • 2.1. Coat and possible colors
  • 3. The nature of the Flanders Bouvier
  • 4. How to train Bouvier?
  • 5. Features of the content
  • 6. How to care for Bouvier?
  • 7. Feeding the Flanders Bouvier
  • 8. Breed diseases
  • 9. Photoflandre Bouvier
  • 10. Video of the Ofland Bouvier
  • 11. Where to buy and how much does a Flanders Bouvier puppy cost?

Origin of breed

More recently, it was believed that the Flanders Bouvier – the result natural selection. These dogs became full helpers. local farmers. The awkward climate and hard work made them hardy, strong, courageous, dogs could not only perform work, but also independently make serious decisions. They are successfully grazing and guarding cattle, dragging baskets with cargo, guarded the territory adjacent to the house and the owner’s family. Flanders Bouvier

Dogs have evolved over time, constantly adapting to the changing demands of farmers. Their woolly the cover became tougher, they got a dense undercoat, protective mustache and beard.

Later, scientists were at a crossroads, there was evidence that such dogs were deliberately taken to the monasteries as early as 12 century. So, the native origin of the breed today is in question.

By 1912, the first breed standard appeared, and a year later There was an official adoption of the breed at home. By the end of the 40s The breed Flanders Bouvier has received international recognition.

Description of the breed Flanders Bouvier

Representatives of the breed are strong, compactly built dogs. At They are a short body, covered with a hard coat. One a glance is enough to understand that you have a strong animal, devoid of clumsiness.

According to the standard, dogs are described as follows:

  1. The head is large, but proportional to size dogs, with a flat forehead, clear lines of the head emphasize luxurious mustache and beard. Between the eyes is a subtle, frontal groove. Due to elevated superciliary arches, transition from the frontal bone to the face looks sharper than it actually is.
  2. The eyes are oval, the iris is colored in dark brown color. The look is bold, decisive. The ears are high, they are sensitive to catch any movement. Auricles can be stopped by shaping them small, pointed triangles.
  3. The muzzle of the dogs is quite wide, perfectly full, to the nose tapering, with flat cheekbones and tight-fitting lips. Lobe black, large, wide nostrils. The mouth is equipped with a full a set of strong, large, white teeth, the bite is correct, type of “scissors”. Flanders Bouvier breed description
  4. The neck is strong, covered with muscles, expanding to the shoulders. If a If you look at the dog from the side, a graceful bend will be noticeable. The body is shortened, wide, firmly knocked down, but not heavy.
  5. The chest is wide, down to the line of the elbows. Ribs have good bend, long. The abdomen line is moderately selected.
  6. Limbs. The front legs are fitted tightly elbows adjacent to the body and short, slightly sloping, with the metacarpals. Delivered smoothly, parallel to each other, strong backbone. Hind – strong, well muscled, hips wide and strong. Shin of medium length, shortened metatarsus, there is a noticeable plumb line. Paws are round, fingers are long, curved, compressed into a tight lump. Pads are dense, claws are solid, pigmented in black color.
  7. The tail is high, smoothly turns into line of the spinal column. Stop short, only 2-3 remain vertebra.

Male growth is 62-68 cm, females varies from 59 to 65 cm, medium are considered ideal indicators. Shepherd dogs move freely and confidently.

Coat and possible colors

Dogs have a rough, coarse coat. The rest of the hair has a kink, the undercoat is plentiful, dense, much softer than the top layer. Bouvier has a thick mustache and beard, the upper part of the muzzle is covered shorter, tighter coat. Lower jaw covered a heavy beard, giving the breed a stern, serious expression. Eyebrows are thick, but do not close their eyes.

There are several variations of Bouvier colors, but are more common individuals of black color with gray hair of various intensity. Besides, breed standard allows the following coat colors:

  • salt with pepper;
  • plain gray;
  • brindle;
  • fawn, light shades of wool, but not white.

Spotted dogs do not meet the standard, they are not used for breeding and not allowed to show. One or two puppies small spots refer to the pet class, which includes pets, suitable exclusively as pets.

Character of the Flanders Bouvier

Being initially shepherd dogs, during the First World War war they had to retrain. They performed the role perfectly. bodyguards, security guards, and also performed military service. it strengthened the security instincts of the Flanders Bouvier.

Such a pet is very suspicious and wary of strangers and will not be happy to welcome guests. No dog not aggressive to people, and if properly educated, he can Be very polite.

Shepherd puppies need early socialization, because if miss this moment, then the pet can grow angry, aggressive. Thanks to the sensitive hearing, Bouvier produces excellent watchmen, when approaching strangers, they will certainly be loud, menacingly barking.

Dogs of this breed have developed protective qualities, and if the owner or another family member will be in danger, pet necessarily intervene. The shepherd will not immediately rush to the attack. First of all, the dog will evaluate the situation, take a threatening pose will growl. But if it doesn’t work without hesitation, rush to the defense, regardless of quantity and size offenders. Flanders Bouvier in nature

Shepherd dogs get along well with children, and if the pet grows at the same time with the child, they make excellent friends. But when communicating with other people’s children, it’s worth it to be very attentive – it is not known how the dog can react to those or other sounds, movements.

You should not start a bouvier if there is another animal in the house, including a dog. The maximum that you can is to take into the house two heterosexual puppies of this breed. These dogs, both males and females, tend to dominate and do not give up if anyone is trying to resist.

Socialization makes dogs more flexible and tolerant. other pets, but does not completely eliminate this character trait. In addition, like other shepherd dogs, Bouvier vigilantly monitor their “herd”, pinching and “putting in place” all who show disobedience.

Small animals live in the same house with such a “neighbor” just dangerous, the dog can regard them as an object of hunting. Some puppies once in the house where there are cats, get used to them. But it is rather an exception than a rule.

How to train Bouvier?

Representatives of this breed are very smart and active. They are not labor to learn the proposed program. However, if not approach or during adolescence, the pet may stubborn and disobey.

If the owner did not deal with such breeds before, then it is better just seek the help of professionals. But if such there is no possibility, the owner should adhere to the following rules:

  • the Flanders Bouvier must see a leader in his master, firm and confident;
  • give clear and consistent commands to achieve that the pet performed them the first time;
  • all shepherd dogs, in fact, are working dogs, which means they sufficient physical and mental stress is required; on this aspect should be given particular attention if the dog is kept in apartment;
  • if the pet is stubborn during training, and there are no visible reasons for this behavior (the dog is unwell, received injury, etc.), it is important for the owner to be firm and not to go on his about.

Bouvier tolerates both high and low temperatures, therefore, you can walk them, regardless of the weather. Such a pet need fresh air, regular active walks, the opportunity throw out excess energy.

Great bodyguards are made from dogs of this breed, trackers, defenders and guards. They also show themselves well. in sporting events, achieving high results in offense and agility. Their memory allows you to quickly and for a long time. memorize commands. But it is important that the dog respect his master and unquestioningly accepted his authority.

Content Features

The ideal place to keep the Flanders Bouvier is private house with a spacious yard, in which the pet could calmly walk. It is worth noting that such a dog will be it’s uncomfortable to feel in the aviary; him there temporarily.

The breed is not suitable for sitting on a leash. The Bouvier guard needs to keep the situation under control, going around his territory. A dog needs a booth, and even if he lives in the house, she will allow him to stay outside longer if he wants it.

If the owner decides to start a bouvier in the apartment, then do it it is possible, if the area allows and is able to spend time with his four-legged friend a lot of time. The Flanders Bouvier sits

Regardless of the conditions of detention, the dog needs regular, long walks. This allows the pet to maintain good physical form and stay longer next to the owner. Stroll – this is a comprehensive event that includes not only walking in the park or other locality. Need to plan training, games, exit in crowded places – for socialization, etc.

Representatives of this breed do not tolerate long-term loneliness, bored bouvier can raise bark for no reason and spoil things. The owner should give the pet as much as possible attention.

How to care for Bouvier?

You can already understand by the appearance of these dogs – special attention requires their coat. It is stiff and, like Schnauzers, hair cannot fade on its own. To help with this, dog should be combed regularly using a brush suitable for this type of coat. The procedure should be carried out every 2-4 days.

Traditionally, dogs of this breed are not customary to cut, as such manipulation can ruin the structure of the hair. They need trimming – plucking dead hairs. This procedure can spend in the petting salon or master the technique and carry out by yourself. If we are talking about a show-class pet, then trimming It is carried out more often and with the help of a specialist.

Bouvier does not need frequent bathing, wash your pet should only if necessary, using special shampoos and air conditioners. If you do this more often, the skin will lose the necessary natural lubricant. Experts recommend periodically inspecting auricles and eyes of a dog for the presence of skin parasites.

Another necessary manipulation that the owner desires to master – nail clipping. You need to do it regularly, but carefully so as not to damage the plate or injure the vessel. At If you wish, you can contact the clinic or salon for animals.

Feeding the Flanders Bouvier

Proper nutrition is the key to good health and excellent appearance of the pet. In the homeland of the breed, breeders give preference for dry production feeds providing the body animal with all the necessary elements.

You can feed your pet with natural food, but in this case It is important to choose a balanced diet. Its basis should be meat and to a lesser extent offal. In addition, the dog needs in additional sources of vitamins and minerals, suitable the complex will be selected by a veterinarian.

Mixed food is also allowed, but give regular food and feed pellets should be taken in different meals. After feeding should wipe the pet’s face with a damp cloth each time to clean from food debris.

Breed diseases

The average life span of a Flanders shepherd is 11 years old. They have fairly good health, but there are a number pathologies to which Bouvier may be exposed. What is it like genetic and acquired diseases:

  • hip dysplasia – pathology, which is often affected by representatives of large breeds; at her early identifying a high chance of recovery, with a late diagnosis requires surgical intervention;
  • glaucoma (accumulation of fluid inside the eye) – if the disease is not treated, then over time the pet becomes blind; You can correct the situation with surgery.

In addition, dogs of this breed are often disturbed. thyroid gland, there are noises in the heart muscle.

Photoflandra bouvier Flanders Bouvier beautiful photoThe Flanders Bouvier runsFlanders Bouvier with a puppyFlanders Bouvier with a girlTheFlanders Bouvier Evil

Video ofland Bouvier

Where to buy and how much does a flanders bouvier puppy cost?

The breed in our country is quite rare, so people those who decide to have such a pet may face a problem – There are quite few nurseries and experienced breeders of the Flanders Bouvier.

You should not risk and get a puppy from random breeders, especially if the puppy has no documents. Chances are high that the puppy is not purebred or has genetic abnormalities or unstable psyche.

The average price of puppies of the Flanders shepherd is 30000-40000 rubles, it may be higher if the offspring is received from titled parents and has excellent characteristics.

Flanders Bouvier – a dog with an unusual appearance, complex character and a lot of advantages. Daring to take this curly family miracle, it is important to evaluate your strengths and capabilities – the dog must need to be engaged – to educate, train, care for him appearance. And then the shepherd will become a great friend, protector, beloved family member.

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