Everything You Need to Know About Chihuahua’s Teeth

Most dog owners provide their pets only basic care: walk, feed and periodically comb out. However, most tetrapods need more – shearing claws, hair cutting, ear cleaning, eye wash, inspection and brushing teeth – The latter is especially important for representatives decorative breeds, as many of them have a dentition is a weak point. For example, the cause of serious problems in the most popular chihuahua dogs in the world can become tooth change process. But this trouble is almost all decorative modest-sized babies. What are Chihuahua tooth features, and what the owner can do to reduce the risk of developing diseases?


  • 1. Basics of care for teeth and gums “sneeze”
  • 2. About the dental formula and tooth change
  • 3. Possible disorders and pathologies
    • 3.1. Retention
    • 3.2. Dystopia
    • 3.3. Oligodontia
    • 3.4. Polydontia
    • 3.5. Malocclusion
  • 4. The solution to the problem
  • 5. How to care for chihuahua teeth

Basic Chiha Gum Care

Chihuahuas are in first place, like the smallest dogs, and in the third – according to the number of pathologies associated with oral the cavity. But with proper care and preventive measures many problems can be avoided:

  1. Care is required thorough. Don’t think that special treats and dentological toys will be enough for the care of the baby’s oral cavity. Of course, they are needed, but not able to control the formation and progression of caries and not prevent violations that often occur when changing dairy teeth.
  2. Not only teeth, but also gums. Most of pathogens located in the soft tissues of the gums, therefore, it is important to take care of their health.
  3. Feature – soft bone. At Chihuahua is a relatively soft bone structure. Some individuals even throughout life there is no prolongation of the fontanel. that not considered a vice. The same applies to teeth – even in sneezes indigenous bone formations are not as strong as in other dogs, which threatens premature attrition.
  4. The specific structure of bone tissue can become cause serious illness. Due to unusual structure tissue, in dogs of this breed cervical caries is often detected. Pathogenic bacteria destroy teeth, move to the gums, and after they can “go on a journey” throughout the body, striking along the way are soft tissues of various organs. Tiny owners chihuahuas should focus on the fact that many young individuals of this breed lose their teeth due to their defeat caries.

Accustom your pet to the necessary hygiene procedures recommended from an early age. The sooner you start, the calmer he will relate to this process later. All you need to know about Chihuahua teeth read the article

If you miss this moment or the dog gets into the family for adults, the first brushing is best done in the veterinary clinic – an experienced specialist in practice will show how to do this correctly. Also do not forget about the psychological component – the doggie will not associate similar unpleasant for him event with the owner.

About the tooth formula and tooth change

All newborn puppies, regardless of presence or absence breeds are born toothless, and Chihuahuas are no exception. BUT when the dentition is established, it becomes one of the important aspects of the exterior of the animal.

If there are no special complaints about pets – bite flaws and other shortcomings that do not affect the dog’s health, owners may not even notice or easily forgive. But to the exhibition specimens requirements are much stricter, are not allowed here even minor errors.

Often, representatives of decorative breeds reveal so much serious pathologies that make it difficult not only to chew food, but and its further digestion, which means they provoke serious four-legged friend’s health problems.

According to the breed standard, an adult chihuahua must have 42 teeth, two tens are located in the upper jaw, the rest – in bottom. The first baby teeth in a baby sneeze can be expected to 12-16 days of age. According to the formula, they erupt in the following order:

  • 2 central incisors in the lower jaw;
  • 2 central incisors in the upper jaw;
  • 3 and 4 incisors in the lower jaw;
  • 3 and 4 incisors in the upper jaw;
  • lower fangs (order unimportant);
  • upper fangs (order unimportant);
  • premolars and molars.

But this is a perfect picture, in fact, like human babies, puppies this process often develops individually, and miniature canine representatives can be even more unpredictable.

For example, in chihuahas, fangs are often the first to cut through. Besides In addition, according to the standard there should be 28 deciduous teeth, however become the owner of 26 or even 30. It is worth noting that the best fewer option, as their surplus signal that indigenous growth should no longer be expected.

Specialists managed to find out the connection between the ears of these tiny creatures and teeth – in the process of their change in the dog’s body, calcium deficiency, which often leads to falling ears. Practice showed that this defect can be corrected with gluing. Chihuahua's teeth

Replacement of teeth in sneezes begins in 3-4 months, if the process proceeds normally, ends by six months. In a special literature can be found a detailed description:

  • the baby’s incisors are cut, and at this time there is a thinning and dissolution of necks of primary teeth;
  • when they begin to stagger, any impact (eating dry pellets, playing with a toy, etc.) leads to natural breaking incisors – this process does not cause discomfort or pain;
  • after the same process concerns premolars, and then molars;
  • the fangs are replaced last in sneezes.

The owner should not worry if he missed this important moment and only after the fact discovered the absence of a tooth in the puppy. Actually, the baby himself does not attach importance to the ongoing process. In addition, he can swallow a tooth that has fallen out if at this time eats food.

All of the above applies to a normal change in the dentition, not overshadowed by pathologies and disorders. Unfortunately, these crumbs various problems often arise.

Possible disorders and pathologies

Most of the pathological processes that occur with teeth Chihuahuas are caused by genetic traits. Representatives this native breed originating in Mexico is often detected hereditary edentulousness, that is, a violation of modern dogs were transmitted from their distant ancestors.

Significantly aggravated situation on the background of incompetent breeding when unscrupulous breeders have one the goal is to make a profit. They are used for mating individuals with pathologies, thereby transmitting violations to the following offspring.

Chihuas have a tendency to almost all diseases oral cavity, and they can be detected at any age pet. The situation is complicated by the fact that 100% protection from them is not maybe even quality care, since there is hereditary component. What can owners of sneezes face?


This is a delay in the growth of bone formations, which is more often associated with molars; less commonly, it relates to primary teeth. The fact, that even if one of them “lingers”, the overall process is inhibited. For example, many owners of doggies of this breed note that their complete change was completed only by 8-9 months, and sometimes only by one year old.

Specialists identify the main causes of retention: heredity, weakening of the immune system, infectious diseases, periodontal disease and other gum diseases, helminthic invasion, lack of vitamins and minerals. Pathology may be like full and partial, in the second situation, the tooth is cut, but so and remains in an underdeveloped state.


This pathology is a consequence of retention. Tooth that is not grew in due time, begins to do it out of turn, and so as the dentition has already formed, it happens outside of it. Such a violation leads to the following conditions:

  • chess set of fangs and incisors (molars and premolars are rarely affects) – in this case, the enamel is often covered with tooth stone, increasing the risks of inflammatory processes;
  • improperly placed fangs are at risk of injury surface of the sky.

It’s not uncommon for a chihuahua to have a second dentition, when indigenous teething occurs earlier than prolapse dairy. If the problem is detected on time, then you can turn to to a veterinarian to remove a crooked tooth. It will give the ability for others to erupt correctly. Possible disorders and pathologies in Chihuahua with teeth

If the doggie has already grown teeth in two rows, milk must be removed to prevent rotting. But fix bending of incisors and fangs is no longer possible. Foresee development dystopia is impossible, however, it is possible to control the process.

As early as 3 months, thorough oral examinations should be performed pet cavities. To detect erupting doubles in time teeth, it is worth probing the back of the gums. If bent molars are healthy and do not injure the jaws, they are not delete.


Another pathology faced by owners of sneezes – lack of teeth. With this pathology in the dentition are formed voids, which provokes a shift in adjacent teeth.


Pathology is also called supercomplex, when the dog has more teeth than it should be. There are two forms of polydontia – false (with preservation of primary teeth) and true. The latter is attributed to mutational changes.


By standard, the bite of a chihuahua must be correct, scissor-shaped, there should not be any gaps between the incisors. When giving an expert assessment, experts pay special attention to setting ranks, as individuals having the wrong bite, cull and not allowed to breed.

It is worth noting that if the International Dog Training organization is more strict on chihuahuas and allows bite only by type of scissors, the American Club also allows you to participate in exhibitions of individuals with direct closure.


Small bite deficiencies are subject to correction. veterinarian orthodontist. But similar procedures are recommended only for improve the health of the pet, and not to be allowed to breeding.

Most often, bite correction consists in grinding or tooth extraction. But there are situations in which without prompt the intervention is not enough:

  • jaw deformation – their sides have different lengths. Without the intervention of surgeons a doggie is not able to fully eat and experiences pressing pain;
  • significant curvature of the teeth – leads to damage to the gums, is solved by grinding and subsequent coating of treated plots of artificial material.

Today, more and more owners of tiny doggie come across extreme veterinarians offering to remove dairy in advance teeth to the puppy in order to “avoid” possible complications. However it is offer cannot be called professional – teething indigenous teeth will pass randomly, they can grow under any angle.

How to care for chihuahua teeth

First of all, you need to brush your pet’s teeth regularly, using special tools and brushes. Another important nuance is do not play with the doggie so that it pulls toys, until the pet acquires a set of indigenous teeth. How to Care for Chihuahua Teeth

Tartar is another common problem with tiny dogs. which cannot be ignored, as well as decided independently. A rock removed in a veterinary clinic, using ultrasound or manual method.

When choosing a future pet, you should contact experienced breeders or nurseries who care about the quality of their toddlers. Otherwise, you can purchase a puppy with dental hereditary diseases. Then even prevention cannot solve problems.

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