Estonian Hound (photo): The smartest pet and hunting assistant

Estonian Hound


Country of Origin: Estonia

Use: For hunting hares, lynxes and foxes

Color: black-pied, brown-pied and black-pied with stained

Sizes: Growth of males – 45-52 cm, females – 24-49 see Weight of males – 15-20 kg, females – 10-15 kg.

Life expectancy: 10-12 years.

The Estonian Hound is one of the smartest hunting dogs, refers to the order of hounds.

She is easy to train, becoming one of the best companions of a hunter or a person who prefers an active style of life.

And with proper upbringing, a dog can live not only for city, but also in an ordinary city apartment.

About other dog breeds suitable for keeping in an apartment, can read here: https: //


Estonian hound obtained by crossing hounds with foxgounds and beagles. Thanks to the beagle genetics, appeared qualities and features such as strong legs, tenacity in work and perseverance.

Estonian Hound

The hounds gave the breed a good voice and short stature.


  • 1 Breed History
  • 2 Psychology
  • 3 Application
  • 4 How to choose a dog?
  • 5 Content Features
  • 6 combing
  • 7 Parenting and training
  • 8 Power
  • 9 Health
  • 10 characteristic diseases
  • 11 Vaccinations
  • 12 Knit

Breed history

The Estonian hound owes its appearance to roe deer. In Estonia banned from hunting them. In this regard, a ban appeared the use of large dogs in the hunt, as they can scare roe deer.

According to the law, dogs were allowed to be hunted no more than 45 cm at the withers.

In connection with this legislative initiative, in the 30s of the past centuries breeding work begins.

In the UK they bought beagles, which they began to cross with Swiss hounds, foxhounds and small Russians hounds.

As a result, in 1959 an Estonian hound appeared. She It is mainly used for hunting foxes and hares.

The resulting breed was characterized by good smell, endurance, energy and a pronounced hunting instinct. Unlike many breeds, it easily tolerates the Estonian climate.

The photo shows her short stature, which allowed the use of this breed while hunting in new conditions.

After the collapse of the USSR, the Estonian Kennel Club becomes member of the International Canine Federation (FCI). Standard The breed was harmonized with FCI regulations back in 1998.

But he still has not received full recognition in this organization. since Despite this, the breed is the most popular in country.

Estonian Hound

Estonian hound is a small and energetic dog with a strong hunting instinct


The Estonian Hound is a gambling hunter with a keen mind. On the hunt the dog shows increased aggression towards animals. It’s home affectionate, gentle and calm pet. He goes to the master by the first call and is ready to carry out any of his orders.

The breed has the following advantages:

  • Devotion;
  • Malice to the beast and the ability to long pursuit on hunting;
  • Early readiness for work;
  • Energy and courage;
  • Obedience;
  • Weasel and kindness.

The disadvantages of the breed:

  • Tendency to hyperactivity;
  • Missing work;
  • Quickly takes a trace and runs away if there is no leash on it, therefore it is worth keeping the dog in harness.

Note! Future owners should Be aware of the breed’s tendency to bark.

Dogs can bark very loudly and almost without stopping. This is required by hunting instincts. But they don’t bark too often, although much louder than most breeds.

The problem is reduced due to competent training. But her completely remove will not work. If you plan to keep the dog in city apartment, she will become a rather noisy neighbor.

If you want to learn more about dog training at home conditions, we recommend reading the following article: https: //

It must be borne in mind that the dog needs an active and long walk. If you are looking for just such a pet yourself prefer to spend a lot of time outdoors, Estonian hound will suit you.

Estonian Hound

Estonian hound must walk in the fresh air each day


Representatives of this breed are persistent and stubborn. character. Therefore, puppies need earlier training.

Usually dogs are taken with them in case of a planned hunt for hares and foxes. They are even capable of hunting wild boars. With competent training, puppies are capable already from 5-7 months of age participate in the hunt.

Estonian hounds are naturally obedient and executive.

And their low growth and low weight become an advantage in forest terrain when you need to chase the beast in dense thickets. Their price cannot be low. Otherwise, there is risk of acquiring a dog with mild instincts.

Estonian Hound

Judging by the look, the Estonian hound puppy is ready for serious hunting

How to choose a dog?

This breed is widespread in Estonia, unlike others. countries. If you want to buy a puppy, it is better to get it in nursery.

The price of puppies starts from 150-200 dollars. They can be picked up already from 1 month of age. Keep your puppy healthy and movable. His coat should be shiny.

Find out if the puppy has everything done vaccinations according to age. You should submit relevant documents.

If you need a dog for hunting, make sure that it comes from working parents. Otherwise she will unsuitable for hunting.

Such puppies may have a weak sense of smell, which is negative affects hunting qualities.

Advice! Check your dog for shyness. For of this you can throw a bunch of keys or coins. Puppies should not to get scared. Curiosity will be a normal reaction.

If the puppy has the necessary qualities and has everything documents, it can be safely purchased. At the same time, the price for it should be acceptable. The breeder will give you recommendations on care and vaccinations. They must be strictly observed.

Estonian Hound

Experts advise getting a dog in a country house, where she can spend a lot of time outdoors. Here she can capture natural odors and learn to distinguish them. More important visit a dog in the forest, teaching her to hunt

Content Features

The Estonian hound is more suitable for living outside the city. She will not cause great inconvenience when living in an apartment. But it’s important that you are ready to walk with her for a long time.

This is due to the fact that the breed needs long and regular loads, active games like agility.

Training should begin at an early age as soon as puppies will be able to go out. By about 5-7 months the puppy should acquire basic hunting skills if you regularly take it to forest.

If you plan to buy a dog of hunting breed, forget about the use of perfumes, scented candles and oils, as well as other smelling products.

They irritate receptors, which in hounds are very sensitive. The dog should not be left in a room in which smelling paints and gasoline in cans.

This dog has a genetic predilection for hunting. For for this reason she looks at all type pets lemmings, degu, ferret even cats as potential prey.

A problem may arise with neighbors if you live in country house. Puppies should not react to neighboring chickens, ducks, rabbits and cats.

Estonian Hound

Do not let the dog off the leash if you walk near the driveway part. Thanks to the developed sense of smell, the dog purposefully runs in the wake. At that moment, she stops listening to commands


A dog of this breed does not require serious care. She is enough clean. Make the Estonian hound look good special attention to her coat. It will take a little effort.

The dog is washed as necessary. And for combing use special rubber glove. Hounds rarely molt, and they almost no undercoat, therefore You do not need to use a host.

Parenting and training

Estonian hound easily perceives training. She is literally grabs everything on the fly. This is a contact dog with training which even beginners can handle. The main thing is timely socialize her, avoiding harsh punishments.

During training, the dog should beep when hunting horn. When she comes running, give me a treat. This skill is necessary fasten, as it will be needed during the upcoming race.

She is better off working with a specialist. But you can hold work on your own. It begins in the period of 8-9 months. Early In the morning of September, a surge is carried out. Fresh at this time traces of a hare that goes on a bed.

The dog must find the beast, raise it and drive. Process should be accompanied by barking. If she loses the beast, the hunter helps her.

He begins to tap the bushes with a stick to frighten away the beast. Over time, the dog will need less and less help. the hunter.

This dog is truly athletic. Estonian hound can use for the following classes:

  • Racing next to the owner;
  • Freestyle
  • Frisbee
  • Cycling

Estonian Hound

The Estonian Hound is a very playful dog that easily enters human contact


Estonian hounds are picky about food. The price of food will not be too high, because the dog is relatively small, which can be seen according to the photo. She is not prone to overeating. But intense loads requires a lot of energy.

For the development of the skeleton and strong muscles, it is necessary a sufficient amount of calcium and protein. If you prefer natural nutrition, the following should be in the diet Components:

  1. milk products;
  2. meat;
  3. cellulose;
  4. fats
  5. fat soluble vitamins.

If you plan to feed your dog, Prefer a special brand for hunting dogs. She takes into account all the features of their life, and its price optimal.

If you still have not decided what to feed your pet, Check out the following article:

Do not make the mistake of combining natural and dry feed. it can lead to pet health problems.

Estonian Hound

They stop feeding the dog a day before the hunt. During this period, she give only clean water


With the right diet, walking and exercise, these dogs differ in good health.

But if your dog is actively hunting, it must be protected from tick bites, as they are carriers of pyroplasmosis. She also needs to be vaccinated regularly.

Characteristic diseases

In general, the Estonian hound does not apply to often sick dogs. But there are diseases from which they should be protected.

  1. Rabies. This is an incurable disease that the hound can get infected during hunting by contact with sick animals. Therefore, she needs to be vaccinated against rabies timely.
  2. Pyroplasmosis. This dangerous disease is transmitted by ixodid ticks. A clear manifestation of the disease is lethargy, a sharp increase temperature and yellowness of visible mucous membranes. Dog must be regularly treated with ticks and fleas. At the first signs of the disease you need to turn to to the vet.
  3. Musculoskeletal problems. They appear in the result of increased motor activity. It may cause to the development of arthritis and other joint diseases. To avoid of this, it is necessary to properly balance the dog’s nutrition by the content of minerals and vitamins. Introduce the load gradually, do not allowing hypothermia and overeating.

Estonian Hound

The dog will be healthy if the owner timely vaccinates and monitors her condition


In the first year of life, puppies need to be vaccinated 2 times. The first vaccination is done at the age of 6-8 weeks.

If you plan to buy a puppy from a breeder or kennel, vaccination should already be done.

You will be provided with a puppy along with a veterinary passport in which there will be a corresponding mark. The second vaccination must be done in 12 months. Then vaccinations are done annually 1 time.

Before vaccination, it is necessary to consult with a doctor. The vaccine is not only from one disease.

More common are complex drugs that protect against several diseases. For 10-14 days, the dog is given a drug against worms.

Not only well-being depends on the correct vaccination dogs, but also her health.


Obtaining a viable and healthy offspring is only possible subject to specific rules. Thoroughbred breeding is better carry out under the supervision of an experienced specialist.

The male must be kept in good conditions. For supporting good shape he needs regular walks and uniform physical exercise. On weekends, he should be taken to the countryside, where he can frolic in plenty.

You need a quality and balanced diet. First knit possible at 2 years of age. It should not be done before, so as a male has not yet reached full maturity and his offspring will be not viable enough.

As for the females, they reach maturity by two years. At this first estrus occurs in the period from 7 to 10 month. But at this time she is not yet ready to fully bear and childbirth.

The first mating should occur in about 2 years, i.e. during third estrus. Please note that the female should not be knitted more often. once a year. More frequent knitting may cause problems with health.

It’s important to use genetically perfect and healthy dogs, having pronounced features of the breed, characteristic parameters and color. Some time before mating, the male and the female are better to walk and feed together.

Estonian Hound: The Cleverest Pet and Hunting Assistant

The Estonian Hound is one of the smartest hunting dogs. She is easy to train, becoming one of the best companions of a hunter or a person who prefers an active style of life.

Igor Bazhyn7 Overall result CharacteristicAggression4Adaptability10Activity10Weight4 Training4Friendliness8Playfulness10Intelligence8Noise6 Add your review

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