Dwarf dachshund

In today’s world, there is a growing trend of popularity. small dogs and there are many decorative rocks. However, dwarf, or in other words, miniature dachshunds, though and they are small in size, yet they are hunting dogs. Representatives of the breed are very pretty, but at the same time wayward pets requiring a special approach and training. But such nuances are not scare owners, according to most of them, the dwarf dachshund in the house is a great joy and a lot of positive.


  • 1. The origin of the breed
  • 2. Description of the breed dwarf dachshund
    • 2.1. Wool and acceptable colors
  • 3. Characteristics of the breed
  • 4. How to train a dwarf dachshund?
  • 5. Care and nuances of health
  • 6. Breed diseases
  • 7. Mode and diet
  • 8. Conditions for keeping small dachshunds
  • 9. Photo of the dwarf dachshund
  • 10. Video about dwarf dachshund
  • 11. Where is the best place to get a puppy?

Origin of breed

Selection work was carried out in Germany under the leadership of F. Engelman, and at the beginning of the process specialists expected failure. how it turned out later, the mistake was the choice of breeds – reduced the dachshund standard size and dwarf pinscher, the offspring turned out small size, but lost its hunting qualities. Dwarf dachshund beige color

Then the breeders used a different tactic: selection and crossbreeding the smallest representatives of the breed. Similar activities more painstaking and lengthy. Complicated matter is that in litters there were much fewer small dachshunds of puppies.

But, in spite of everything, the desired result was achieved – there were small dogs that possessed qualities and the temperament of a real hunter. Complete rock formation happened at the end of the 19th century, in addition to the dwarf one, they also brought rabbit variety. The resulting dogs showed themselves perfectly in the hunt for a hare and other small game.

Description of the breed dwarf dachshund

The miniature dachshund has the same exterior as representatives of the type “standard”. These are small dogs with outstretched torso and short, strong limbs. The standard states following description:

  1. Head. The shape is triangular, elongated, but without peaks. Skull convex, medium width, well palpable the back of the head. The jaws are strong, well developed, the lips fit snugly – saggy lips of a dwarf dachshund are considered serious pedigree vice. A complete set of teeth, the bite is correct. Nose nose black, marble dachshund clarified, oval. Eyes are proportional, with close fitting centuries, oval, interested look, there is a sparkle. The shade of the iris varies from dark brown to light amber. Again, dogs with marble hair stand out, they have eyes may be blue. The auricles are large, triangular, dense, hanging on the sides of the head, they have a wide base and rounded tips. When the dog shows interest, ears rise at the base and turn forward. Dwarf dachshund on the bed
  2. Torso. Like other types of breed, dwarf dachshund body has a rectangular, elongated format. Back strong, with a powerful withers, the neck gracefully bends, suspension missing. The loin is elongated, the croup has a bevel. The chest goes down below the elbows, broad, long. The line of a stomach is tightened.
  3. Limbs. They have a strong skeleton and large joints, placed under the body. Forelegs have slight curvature, since the metacarpals are too close. what touches the hind limbs, they are spaced wider than the front, their muscles are better developed.
  4. Tail. Has a saber shape or a bend closer towards the end, medium size, set low.

Wool and acceptable colors

There are several types of coat in dachshunds: smooth-haired, long-haired and wire-haired. In the first two types The standard allows the following colors:

  • Plain. This category includes individuals with dark red, red, sand wool, as well as dogs with similar colors, but having an admixture of black hair. Most preferred is clean color without impurity, and auburn color is valued above the rest. Even in the presence of a strong black impurity, the dog still refers to this type. Dwarf dachshund is worth it
  • Two-tone (with tan marks). Dogs with fur are found here. deep black or brown with tan marks – rusty brown or sandy tones. Two-color dwarf dachshunds
  • Marble. The main color is a dark shade, wool may be black, dark red or gray. It is desirable that the spots arranged without symmetry, were gray or beige shade. Dwarf dachshund eating a slipper
  • Tiger. There are two types – dark red or sand wool with stripes of a darker tone. Tiger Dwarf Dachshund

In wire-haired dachshunds, all of the above colors are allowed, but the dominant are vibrations of all tones – from light to dark, including the color “stale foliage”.

Characteristics of the breed

A dwarf dachshund is an animal full of contradictions. Possessing small size, it is still not inferior in militancy and courage to his, more overall, brothers. Such a pet without hesitation will rush to the defense of his master, if he feels that he in danger. In addition, such a baby is excellent as a watchman and will surely repulse an attacker who has penetrated territory protected by him.

The miniature dachshund is very smart, but, like other representatives hunting breeds, not without stubbornness. Therefore, when learning, it’s important do not forget that before you, though small, but a hunter. Dachshunds cunning and able to sabotage the educational process, pet able to find the owner’s weak spot and will definitely make attempt to manipulate. The owner should not forget for a moment that in his “flock” he is the main, otherwise the dog will quickly intercept initiative.

Dachshunds are very active, curious and contact. They are bad tolerate loneliness and can “do things” out of boredom. therefore Before leaving, the owner should pay maximum attention “Fidget”, play or take a walk for a favorite. Dwarf dachshund on a beautiful background

Representatives of this breed are by no means “silent”, which is easy to predict, given their hunting orientation. This little the dog is able to bark very loudly, floodly, expressing various emotions – joy, anxiety, indignation, etc.

Without proper attention, the animal can become aggressive, the owner often needs to spend time with the pet and not deprive him the pleasure of observing and even participating in family affairs. Dachshunds love children, are ready to rush around for days and hours and play with by them, however, they are not devoid of their own dignity and will not allow offend yourself.

Dachshunds get along practically with other pets impossible. If you can accept a dachshund like yourself, then more a small belly will always remain a desirable prey for her.

How to train a dwarf dachshund?

Many owners make the mistake of thinking that such a crumb training is not needed and as a result – the doggie grows ill-mannered and self-willed, able to dirty and avenge. To to adjust his behavior, to make more complaisant, should be with early childhood to educate the dog.

Training basic teams will save you from the inherent dachshund negative qualities, and if you do the training closely, then your pet can be a great hunter or guard. Representatives of this breed are very touchy and vindictive, therefore, in physical punishment is not recommended or raise your voice. Rudeness will cause aggression in the dog, it can become nervous or shy. Dwarf dachshunds

Among the most effective punishments, experts say ignoring – the dog will immediately understand that he made a mistake and will try to fix it. Any success must be encouraged – with a kind word, affection, a treat.

Care and health nuances

Given that there are several varieties of miniature dachshunds, their care will depend on the type of coat. Short-haired individuals do not need to be combed out, the surface of their coat Wipe with a suede surface 1-2 times a week to remove dead hair, dirt and dust.

Wire-haired dachshunds require regular trimming – removal dead hair with forceps. The procedure can be learned spend alone or entrust it to a professional. Spend her every 4-6 months, show-class dogs happen more often.

Dogs with long hair are combed 1-2 times a week, using a special brush to make the pet look well-groomed and exclude the formation of warlocks. Special attention should be given ears and abdomen. The rest of the procedure standard: Dwarf dachshund is running

  • regular examination of the auricles for inflammation and parasites, cleaning from dirt;
  • eye examination and rinsing as necessary;
  • clipping of claws when not naturally occurring grinding

Breed diseases

Taxes, including miniature ones, can be called prosperous dogs in terms of health. Among hereditary ailments, you can note only two pathologies:

  1. “Swimmer’s Syndrome” – a disease that develops in the background osteoporosis. Puppies born with this pathology are not 3-4 weeks old able to rise on their paws, they move, crawling on the abdomen. In some cases, they can recover and begin to walk, and sometimes this does not happen. Dwarf dachshund is played
  2. Intervertebral disc defect – a more severe developmental abnormality, in which the spinal cord is impaired and the dog is paralyzed. Often a similar disease occurs in dogs older than 5 years, however, there is a tendency to “rejuvenate” pathology.

Diet and diet

Owners of a miniature dachshund have a choice – feed their favorite natural food or dry rations. But in both cases it is necessary to take into account a number of nuances. First of all, products, that make up the dog’s diet should be natural, not contain artificial additives. It’s important to create a menu that includes useful components:

  • dairy products – cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt;
  • cereals – buckwheat, rice;
  • meat is the basis of the diet, lean beef is best you can give chicken, but only if it does not cause pet allergies.

Mixed feeding is allowed but not encouraged. As in in case of natural feeding, the pet will need additional vitamin and mineral supplements. Preferably they were prescribed by the veterinarian when necessary.

Adult dachshund is recommended to be fed twice a day, if it is it’s about a healthy animal that does not have digestive problems. Representatives of this breed are prone to obesity, therefore, it is necessary strictly control how much food a pet receives. Dwarf Dachshund on a Skateboard

In case of feeding dachshunds with industrial feeds, choose a high-end product follows – premium or holistic. At the introduction of a new diet is worth a closer look at the pet – does not cause whether the food is allergic, the dog has digestive upsets, or other signs that the feed is not suitable.

Do not depart from the manufacturer’s recommendations – he indicates what is the daily food norm for a dog, depending on its weight. Most dachshunds love fruit and can be used as a treat treat your pet with slices of apples, pears, bananas. But from it’s better to refuse dog confectionery, since they negatively affect the digestive tract, the condition of the teeth and “figure”.

After the dog has eaten, the bowl needs to be cleaned, even if in it food left. Residues are thrown away and the dishes washed thoroughly. At the animal must have round-the-clock access to the tank with a clean drinking water. It is recommended to give food to the dachshund after walking, not before him, since a well-fed dog should not be actively move.

Conditions for keeping small dachshunds

A miniature dachshund is a great option for small-sized housing, such a pet does not require a lot of space. Naturally, representatives of this breed, even with a long woolly, not suitable for outdoor use – this is exclusively pet animal.

Shorter-haired dogs need easier care. Wool enough 1-2 times a week to wipe with a cloth suede surface and comb out with a stiff brush. Pet with long hair requires frequent procedures – to make the dog look neat and well-groomed, combed out every day using a comb whose bristles are made of natural material. Dwarf dachshund and ball

Shorthair dachshund is rarely bathed, and a doggie with rich hair more often, but in any case using detergents suitable for dogs. Owners of rare wirehaired have more problems miniature dachshund. This dog needs regular trimming – plucking dead hair, since the dogs themselves are not capable fully fade.

Walking dachshund is necessary daily, and walks should be long and active. Pets with short hair during low temperatures are freezing, so the pet should be clad in insulated clothes and shoes. A dog with long hair will not be superfluous to put on jumpsuit and boots that protect against moisture.

Photo of a dwarf dachshund Dwarf dachshund and other dogscute creaturesblack dwarf dachshundcute dwarf dachshunddwarf dachshunds are playeddwarf dachshund resting

Dwarf Dachshund Video

Where is better to get a puppy?

Dwarf dachshund is a pedigree species that is found not as often as the standard one, however, you cannot call it rare. Usually, with the acquisition of such a four-legged friend, there are no difficulties arises, unless the future owner wants to buy a puppy from a large nursery breeding exclusively dachshunds. IN this situation may have to go to another city. dwarf dachshund runs along the road

Today, miniature dachshunds are mostly turned on as companion and family dog, therefore its hunting abilities, in most cases are not evaluated. However, if you need a dog, who will be able to participate in breeding and exhibitions, he must not only have all the documents, but also comply with the standard requirements.

The best nurseries specializing in breeding various types of taxes, including dwarf:

  • “The Gift of the Gem”, Moscow http://darsamocveta.ru/
  • “Emerald Tale”, Moscow https://izumrudnayaskazka.jimdo.com/
  • “Country Lemon”, Kiev https://stranalimonia.jimdo.com/

People purchasing a miniature dachshund puppy should remember – this tiny pet is second only to larger individuals the size, otherwise it’s a serious dog with well-developed hunter instincts.

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