Dog Worms

Signs that a dog has helminths may be different. Everything will depend on the type of worms that hit the body of the pet. Let’s see how to determine that an animal is suffering from worms, and what type of parasites your dog has. The presence of worms in a dog can be determined by a number of common signs. The main symptoms of infection: lethargy, bloating, lack of appetite, persistent cough, vomiting, weight loss (despite the presence of a protruding abdomen), diarrhea. One or immediately several of the above symptoms may appear if in the body your worm develops worms that disrupt many animal organs. Helminths take away from your pet a huge amount of nutrients disrupt the functioning of internal organs and actively continue to infect the body.

Symptoms that cause certain worms

Now let’s talk about specific symptoms that appear when the animal has various, but so common types of helminths. Please note that besides those signs that will be considered, there may be others manifestations of the presence of worms. In this case, all the signs consider simply impossible. This is because the dog’s body may respond differently to these parasites.

  • Tapeworms. Tapeworms are those worms which are easiest to identify visually. As a rule, such worms transmitted through fleas. In the animal’s body, these worms reach quite large, have a flat look. Very often availability worms can be identified by the eggs they lay. Them can be found in the dog’s feces, as well as on the hair around the anus. Outwardly, they resemble rice. Quite often they can even be found on the floor or furniture, and more often on the rug where the dog is sleeping.
  • Roundworms. Roundworms resemble spaghetti, outwardly they are long and sticky. Such worms are easily transmitted to other dogs, and even people. They can also be easily found in bowel movements and animal vomit. In the presence of such parasites in the body, often all of the above symptoms appear. Besides, a long stay of worms in the body of an animal can lead to bowel obstruction. Therefore always keep an eye on the condition of the dog, as she goes to the toilet.
  • Whips. Whips, which are also known as whipworms, not visible to the naked eye, but symptoms of presence these worms are highly visible. These include: anemia, lethargy, dehydration, gas, bloody stools, sharp losing weight.
  • Nematodes. Nematodes enter the dog’s intestines through the oral cavity. The main signs of the presence of nematodes in the body include: animal irritability, anemia, bloody stools or rectal bleeding.
  • Heartworms. It may seem that cardiac helminths belong to a different category of parasites than those which were described earlier, because they live in the respiratory system animal, not in the digestive system. However, it is also worms, and they manifest themselves according to such signs: dry cough, shortness of breath, fainting, general malaise and weakness, high blood count pressure, heart failure.

Dog Worm Treatment

If you suspect the presence of helminthic invasion, you must immediately see a doctor. After all, only the correct definition varieties of helminth will be the key to recovery. And exactly determining the type of worm is possible only through a series of studies, collection of feces, their research under a microscope, etc. Only after an accurate determination of the type of worm, an appointment is possible medicines and treating worms in a dog. Wherein, taking medication is often not a one-off. May have to carry out systemic treatment for a certain heartworms – a more serious problem for anyone the vet. That is why experts always recommend prevention of such diseases. Those animals that after lesions of their body by heartworms survive, subsequently suffer from heart problems. Dog Worm Treatment usually consists of a series of injections with mandatory hospitalization, with the aim of constant monitoring of the condition animal.

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