Dog dandruff

Hated dandruff in humans can occur for any reason: due to vitamin deficiency, hormonal disorders, the introduction of pathogenic fungi in scalp, depression, allergies to cosmetics. But unpleasant white scales of dead skin annoy not only us, but and to our pets: dandruff appears in dogs at least as often as in people. Let’s try to figure out what are the causes of seborrhea or the appearance of dandruff in animals.

Why does dandruff appear in dogs?

Sometimes dandruff is confused with seborrhea. In fact, the differences between there are these ailments. Seborrhea – problems in the functioning of the external glands secretions in which, in addition to dandruff, a sick animal will have redness and oily skin, wounds, thinning of hairs and even foci of baldness, sometimes the paw pads can swell. Dandruff the same is a strong exfoliation of dead skin of an animal, one of symptoms of seborrhea or a consequence of another disease. And if dandruff sometimes you can “expel” from the body of the pet with the help of special shampoos, then seborrhea will have to be treated with antibiotics, antifungal medications, vitamins after meeting with veterinarian. Often the owners are noticing on the surface of the body or on animal hair exfoliated white particles, rushing to the pet store for dandruff shampoo. Or they don’t take any measures at all, assuming that the problem does not exist. And in vain, because in some cases of dandruff in a dog may appear due to the following problems, that can lead to a deterioration in the quality of life of a pet:

  • Stress. Emotional overstrain (change of ownership, moving to another house, changing the diet, etc.) in itself not able to lead to the development of seborrhea or dandruff. But able to level the protective functions of the canine organism and give green light to harmful fungi;
  • Skin diseases. Such ailments can be caused fungi (in fact, seborrhea, microsporia and trichophytosis); parasites (flea dermatitis, otodectosis, demodecosis); allergy (on feed, plant pollen, shampoos, etc.); oncology (lymphoma); autoimmune problems (pemphigus, lupus, sebaceous adenitis glands);
  • Hormonal disorders (diabetes mellitus, syndrome Cushing, hypothyroidism). Almost always such disorders accompanied by dermatological problems, including the appearance of dandruff;
  • Avitaminosis. Vitamin deficiency (especially vitamin A) in the animal’s body is one of the reasons why a dog has dandruff;
  • Diseases of the internal organs (including bacterial and viral nature). Often the dog has dandruff and wool falls out due to malfunctioning of the kidneys, intestines, pancreas, reproductive organs.

In addition to the above reasons for the appearance of dog dandruff, you can to name also insufficient care (rare washing, lack of combing wool); unsuitable or cheap and substandard cosmetic substances (shampoos, conditioners). Still contribute draining the skin, and therefore the formation of dandruff, can be unnecessarily dry air and high temperature in the room where the dog lives.

How to rid a dog of dandruff?

How to choose the right treatment for dandruff in a dog? For starters, you can try to figure out what caused the problem. When canine skin peels off due to new feed or recently acquired shampoo, do not worry. Will have to, really adjust the diet of the animal, change shampoo and start better take care of the animal’s fur coat. But if relatively harmless the reasons are marked, you need to contact the veterinarian, reporting how long flakes of animal skin pour in, what symptoms are present at the same time (itching, refusal to eat, apathy, fever, etc.), where is the problem area (dandruff on the ears, head, back, dog’s stomach). The specialist will suggest making skin scrapings, prescribe a blood test, urine or feces (depending on the disease, which led to dandruff). And after she prescribes treatment, determining the correct cause of dandruff.

Dog Dandruff Prevention

Based on the foregoing, do not underestimate the problem. But what do the owner of the dog to prevent dandruff? Nothing difficult:

  1. Bathe an animal with professional grooming shampoos for animals (“BIO-GROOM”, “8 in 1”, “Beaphar”, etc.) at least 1 time per month. Use the “human”, even the most expensive shampoos are not recommended;
  2. Regularly comb the dog’s coat with brushes or a furminator. (daily during molting or once a week at normal times);
  3. Minimize stressful situations, communicate more with a dog;
  4. Wash dog beds and rugs regularly, wash brushes, bowls;
  5. Feed your pet high-quality prepared dry or wet wet premium or extra premium. Or translate a dog for natural food: meat and offal, cereals, vegetables, boiled fish;
  6. Keep a balanced diet. With industrial feed no problem, because the dog eating them gets everything essential vitamins and minerals. With natural feeding in the diet must be periodically (at least twice a year) included vitamin supplements recommended by the veterinarian;
  7. Exclude food from the table (borscht, stew, sweet desserts, seasonings, etc.);
  8. Promptly (quarterly) prevent ectoparasites (ticks, lice eaters, fleas);
  9. Show the dog to the veterinarian for prevention (2 to 4 once a year) to prevent the occurrence of diseases that may cause dandruff;
  10. Do not self-medicate the animal after seeing dandruff on it back, head, legs, face. As we found out, most often dandruff – Only one of the symptoms of a serious malfunction in the body.

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