Dog cyst

A number of diseases in dogs at first glance do not cause unrest in owners as they seem quite harmless, but the consequences may to be irreparable. Such diseases include pathological education. The cyst in dogs in most cases does not carry danger, but some of its species can deprive the pet of health and even lead him to death.


  • 1. Types of cysts and their causes
  • 2. Symptoms of the disease
  • 3. Diagnosis of treating cysts in dogs
  • 4. Disease Prevention

Types of cysts and their causes

A cyst at a dog

Photo of a cyst in a dog

A cyst is a cavity inside which is formed fluid is the secret. The secret is natural decay products, as well as microorganisms and even parasite eggs. IN in the event that a cyst with such filling bursts, then seriously nearby organs and tissues will suffer, infection will occur organism.

In some cases, a cyst can degenerate into a malignant neoplasm, therefore, the diagnosis of a veterinarian and regular monitoring.

The type of cyst is determined by many signs – the place of formation, structural features of the cavity, the tendency to growth and development and others.

An epidermal or skin cyst is quite common. To her Distinctive features include the following:

  • Location – the upper layers of the epidermis.
  • A cavity in the shape of a circle or ball.
  • The softness of education, you can check it during palpation.
  • The cyst does not bring pain to the dog.
  • The size of the formation rarely exceeds 50mm.

The causes of cysts formed on the surface of the skin, the most diverse. Often they appear against the background of clogged pores, which does not allow skin secretions to go out. Eventually a cavity forms, which gradually fills.

Pores may become clogged due to adverse environmental conditions. – chemical emissions into the atmosphere, excessive gas contamination, ozone holes. All this disrupts skin metabolism, resulting in an external cyst may appear.

Not the last role is played by the hereditary factor. Scientists found that the chance of an epidermal cyst in a dog higher if her immediate family suffered from this disease. The formation of such an etiology can be congenital. External cysts in dogs are most often found on the gums, between the toes, in auricles.

The hereditary factor plays a big role in the formation of cysts

In addition, dogs have cystic cavities formed on the internal organs. Most often they occur on the ovaries and mammary glands. Internal education can disrupt work organs and systems of the dog, some of their types lead to infertility, and in in case of ruptures, the probability of death is high.

The causes of internal cysts include inflammatory processes in organs and hormonal disorders. Less education occurs due to exposure to parasites.

The causes of cysts are still poorly understood by modern medicine.

Symptoms of the disease

1. A cyst located on the surface of the skin

A cyst located on the surface of the skin is determined visually. Education on the gums can be detected in the initial stages. Tissues, at the site of the appearance of the cyst, swell, are bright red a shade. Over time, the spread of the tumor throughout gum.

During this period, quite often the dog feels unwell, tired quickly, can refuse food, in some cases body temperature rises. When examining the mouth will be revealed a tumor of white or yellow color, filled with pus. If a do not help the pet, then he will suffer pain sensations, asymmetry of the mouth, flux.

2. Sweat gland cyst

Sweat gland cyst – blue, blue or grayish tint, its size rarely exceeds 1cm. Often a sweat gland cyst occurs in the ear cavity, in most cases is not dangerous, the pet does not feel discomfort.

3. Follicular cyst

The follicular cyst occurs in the root of the hair, its filling – dead cells. The characteristic color is gray, size varies from 1mm to several cm.

4. Dermoid cyst

Dermoid cyst is a congenital malformation. It is a closed soft rounded cavity rising above the hairline cover. In some cases, there is a risk of infection nervous system, so veterinarians recommend timely to conduct treatment.

5. Cyst in the hyoid area

A cyst may also appear in the sublingual zone. She looks like purulent round bag of white-pink color. With the formation of cysts in at this point, the dog often refuses food, as it feels inconvenience in the process of eating food. If the size of education reach critical sizes, the dog may stop eating even drinking, will begin to wither away from exhaustion.

6. Interdigital cyst

The interdigital cyst in most cases does not cause pain sensations in the pet, in appearance it looks like a rounded swelling. The formation is mild, the temperature in the cyst is not elevated, there are both single and multiple swelling. Shorthair dogs are particularly susceptible to this disease. IN the basis of the disease is ingrown hair into the skin.

Skin cysts have the same symptoms:

  • Slowly increasing in size.
  • Does not cause pain, the dog leads through the palpation of the cavity calmly, does not whine, does not try to push him away the owner.
  • During the palpation of the cyst, its smooth structure is revealed, heterogeneity, granularity – a dangerous “bell”.
  • The pet gets tired quickly, sleeps more than usual, does not want walk for a long time.
  • In some cases, body temperature rises.
  • Loss of appetite.

If a seal is found on the surface of the skin or mucous membranes, urgently need to see a doctor to exclude cancer education. The vet will diagnose and, if necessary prescribe treatment.

Most internal cysts are asymptomatic and they are diagnosed by accident. However, sometimes found following signs:

  • Elevated body temperature in the pet.
  • Loss of appetite.
  • Weakness, unwillingness to walk, apathy.

The asymptomatic course of the disease is dangerous because the cyst can burst. In this case, the following symptoms are recorded:

  • Bouts of vomiting.
  • Bloody discharge as a sign of internal bleeding.
  • Attacks of pain, during which the dog whines, behaves unnatural, can lose consciousness.
  • Elevated body temperature.

These symptoms suggest that the dog needs urgent medical assistance, you can’t postpone a visit to the doctor even several hours.

Diagnosing cure cysts in dogs

General blood test in a dog cyst

You can contact a general veterinarian with this problem. or an oncologist. The doctor will conduct the following diagnostic tests:

  • Examination of the dog, during which the veterinarian feels the outside education. If any, conduct a general assessment of the condition animal health.
  • General analysis of urine and blood, checking its coagulability and level hemoglobin.
  • Ultrasound to study nature education.
  • X-ray.
  • CT scan.

After diagnosis, the treatment is resolved. In some cases when there is no obvious danger to the health and life of the pet, no action is taken. Veterinarian offers the owner observe the development of the cyst if it does not grow or cause inconvenience to the dog, then no treatment is required. In when education is progressing or there is a threat health of the dog, the doctor will take action.

Medication for cysts rarely gives apparent positive effect, but in some cases the dog is assigned subcutaneous administration of drugs aimed at resorption education. This method applies only to small formations on large cysts drugs are not act.

The most effective way out of the situation is surgical intervention. The operation is carried out as under local anesthesia, for example, when you need to remove a cyst under the tongue, and under general anesthesia, in the case of formations on the internal organs. After surgery, the doctor makes recommendations, which will help the dog recover in a short period.

The owner must independently process the seams, for this use a solution of manganese or iodine, furatsilin. Important right feed the pet. In case of surgery on the oral cavity of the dog It is forbidden to eat dry food for several hours.

Disease prevention

Since the causes of the formation of most types of cysts are unknown, veterinarians give general recommendations for the prevention of this diseases. First of all, the owner must provide the dog proper and balanced nutrition. Doctors specifically recommend developed feed, they contain the necessary amount of vitamins and minerals for every day.

It’s important to observe dog’s hygiene and to comb your pet regularly. cleaning hair from possible accumulations of dirt, as well as cutting wool. Wash the dog followed with special tools that wash the coat and skin. Longhair breeds are washed 2 times in month, dogs whose hair has a medium pile, it is enough to bathe once a 2 months. Too frequent washing dries the skin of the pet, violates it water balance.

It is necessary to regularly examine the skin of the dog, in case of the appearance of neoplasms, a visit to the veterinarian is not possible save.

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