Dog cramps

Dog cramps, especially those that started for the first time and all of a sudden, always cause increased anxiety among owners. This and not surprising, because convulsions can not appear spontaneously, always there is any reason that provoked their occurrence. In this In this article we will try to understand why dogs have cramps.

What are dog cramps

Muscle cramps are considered muscle contractions, accompanied by pain, and sometimes loss of consciousness. Cause of seizures – brain disorders. Cramps that make the dog’s body shake делятся на виды:Dog cramps

  1. Тонические судороги – как правило, это судороги заднихpaws in the dog when the spasm keeps the muscles in one position long enough (the dog’s limb is either extended or bent);
  2. Clonic cramps – short-term contractions, which alternate with the relaxation phase and then repeat again;
  3. Epileptic seizures – dog unconscious, out of mouth profuse salivation (or foam). The whole body twitches cramps
  4. Convulsions – abrupt contractions of usually all muscles (doggie, without losing consciousness, twitches with his whole body).

Moreover, if cramps affect only some muscles (for example, muscles of the forelimbs), they are called localized. And if the whole body of the dog is trapped in the power of spasms, then cramps are called generalized. Cramps can develop in dogs of any age, any breed. However, more often muscle cramps are observed:

  • In miniature pets, especially in males (cramps in small dogs and dog-boys are more common than large due to their predisposition to epilepsy, in addition, Euclampsia is often found in small pets – a disadvantage calcium, as well as hypoglycemia – lack of glucose);
  • Dachshunds, poodles, collies, husky dogs, Labradors (these dogs rocks more often than others have epilepsy).

Why a dog may have cramps

It should be noted that strong muscle contractions never appear by chance. Cramping is a symptom of any serious ailment. Рассмотрим причины судорог у собаки:Sick Dog

  1. Эпилепсия – (наследственная или приобретенная вthe result of head injuries, infectious ailments, tumors, etc.). At dog epilepsy can happen not only a real fit with loss of consciousness, but also involuntary incontinence of urine or feces, go foam (saliva) from the mouth closed tightly, eyes can rush at one point (look nowhere);
  2. Poisoning – (for example, arsenic, rat poison, chemicals for the destruction of insect pests, etc.). If a the animal swallowed something inedible and toxic, then in addition to seizures can be such symptoms: difficulty breathing, vomiting and diarrhea, blanching of the mucous membranes, bleeding, weakness;
  3. Complications of diabetes mellitus (hypoglycemia) – in acute dog glucose deficiency can develop severe cramps with loss of consciousness, limb paralysis and even coma. In the lighter cases in an animal, convulsions without loss of consciousness, foam from the mouth, lethargy, chills;
  4. Infectious diseases (viruses, bacteria, fungi) – all ailments in which there may be convulsions are difficult to list. Usually muscle cramps occur with ehrlichiosis (after a tick bite), infectious enteritis, coronavirus infection, leptospirosis and many other ailments. Often infectious ailments do not cause only cramps, but also an increase in body temperature, nosebleeds and eyes, digestive tract disorders, weakness, refusal to eat (and sometimes water);
  5. Inflammatory processes in the internal organs of a non-infectious nature – if the dog cramped, then the reason for this conditions can be covered, for example, in jade, meningitis, hepatitis and other ailments, the symptoms of which vary depending on which organ is affected;
  6. Metabolic – in animals with problems with both involuntary convulsions and overweight, thirst, digestive disorders, palpitations, skin problems, fatigue;
  7. Heart Disease – In Core Dogs Not Only Can be cramps, but also frequent excruciating cough, shortness of breath even after minor runs, cyanosis of the tongue and mucous membranes;
  8. Oncological processes of the brain – in cancer in animals can be the strongest muscle cramps, shaky gait, unconventional behavior (the dog does not recognize the owner, it becomes too aggressive or affectionate, etc.), lack of appetite, vomiting, loss weight.

How to behave if a dog has cramps

So, as we found out, muscle cramps do not start on an empty location (slight twitching of limbs during sleep does not count). In a good way, the animal after the first attack is worth showing to the vet. But what to do directly at the moment when the body pet twisted cramp? Owner required так:Dog poodle breed at the veterinarian

  1. Отбросив панику, внимательно понаблюдать, какие группы мышцcramped animal (whole body, front or rear limbs) whether the dog lost consciousness. This information will help. the doctor will further determine what the dog is sick with;
  2. If the animal lies on a hill (for example, on a sofa), it should be quickly laid on the floor, preferably on a pillow during avoidance of head injury and choking on saliva;
  3. It will be easier for the dog to breathe on its right side;
  4. During a seizure, do not put your fingers into the dog’s mouth or a spoon. Animals are not able even during an epileptic seizure swallow your own language;
  5. With canine convulsions, you don’t need to shout loudly (radio and it is advisable to turn off the TV). It is believed that noise only exacerbates the condition of an animal affected by a body spasm;
  6. First aid for cramps – the use of drops “Valocordin”, which will help the dog recover as soon as possible (the drug is dripped on animal language);
  7. Muscle cramps can be stopped with sulfate injections. magnesium (but only after agreement with the veterinarian!);
  8. A dog that has come to its senses should not be fed immediately, but water the animal must be given plenty to drink;
  9. Treating seizures in dogs with serious drugs (Phenobarbital, Diazepam, etc.) can only be started after visit to the veterinary clinic. Self-medication will not only not heal the pet, but will bring him additional torment.

An experienced veterinarian will tell you how to stop spasms by taking the animal has all the necessary tests. Sorry, help the dog You can only call the veterinarian. And contact as soon as possible to a specialist if:

  • The duration of the attack is more than 10 minutes (usually muscle spasm passes through 1-5 minutes.);
  • If the dog fainted;
  • If the condition of the dog before the seizures caused concern (diarrhea, vomiting, refusal to eat, panting, etc.);
  • When cramps cover the animal again and again (usually 2 times in day);
  • If the dog has severe chronic illness, is in puppy or senile age.

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