Dog cough

It’s not at all surprising that dogs, like humans, are prone to various diseases. They can also catch a cold, pick up infection, virus, or injury. Of course in most Cases this happens much less often than in humans, but still. The main symptom of various diseases is cough. And if u pet he showed up, it makes sense to take a closer look at dog and watch her condition. What can it be about signal coughing in dog?

Dog's cough


  • 1. Non-disease cough
  • 2. Cough – a clear symptom of disease
  • 3. Aviary cough in dogs (it’s also a kennel)
  • 4. Inflammation of the lungs (pneumonia)
  • 5. Heart cough in a dog
  • 6. Collapse of the trachea
  • 7. How can the diagnosis of the disease be facilitated?

Non-Disease Cough

Not always coughing a dog means illness, there are several causes of coughing in dogs not related to this:

  • Reverse sneezing. Although this phenomenon is a cough in principle, it is not considered, yet the external signs are similar and introduced into the delusion of many dog owners. Most often, you can hear from pets of dwarf breeds. Reverse sneezing is not that other than the reaction of the body to spasms in the throat and palate, which are caused by any irritant. As an irritant stressful situations, heavy physical exertion, tightly buttoned collar, pollen of plants and even sharp temperature differences. Since when you sneeze back, the pet quickly and exhales noisily, you might think that he coughed or he asthmatic attack. Such a condition does not require treatment, it is important identify the cause and eliminate in order to rid your pet of this troubles.
  • Foreign object. As you know, many dogs can absorb various objects, and in most cases it happens when the owner is a little distracted. If suddenly a pet suddenly began to cough violently, as if choking, while doing attempts to swallow and lick oneself, it is most likely an unidentified the subject (if the dog was gnawing a bone, then this is it) was delayed by him in the throat. What should the owner do in this situation? Initially, the dog should not interfere, because most often the dogs they manage to get rid of the stuck item on their own. If this did not happen, it is worth helping the pet, as acute objects, bones can cause internal injuries. In case of deterioration condition of the dog, not passing cough, it is necessary to seek veterinary care.
  • Also, the dog may cough, choking liquid.

Cough is a clear symptom of disease

A dog can cough for various reasons, and among common diseases and conditions that are accompanied this symptom can be noted as follows: aviary, cardiac, pneumonia, tracheal collapse.

Aviary cough in dogs (aka kennel)

The cause of this cough may be pathogenic bacteria or viruses leading to the appearance of tracheobronchitis or laryngotracheitis. Such ailments are respiratory in nature, therefore animals very easily infect each other during normal communication, on walking, in time of competitions or exhibitions, where there is a large congestion animals in one place.

Symptoms of an aviary cough may appear as after a couple of days, and in two weeks. If we consider its main features, then dry cough can be attributed to them; it is deep and jerky. Most often, seizures occur at the moments of excitement of the animal, and also in the process of physical activity. Associated symptoms is sneezing, nausea, bouts of vomiting, the dog can often snort.

The duration of such a cough is 1.5-3 weeks, and in periods stress may resume. Most often, the body of the pet copes with the disease on its own, so do not immediately resort to antibiotics and stop the dog from defeating the infection without hard exposure to medication.

Aviary cough in a dog – treatment. If the dog is healthy and neg has no pathologies, the cure occurs through 21 day. Elderly and weak animals will recover in two times longer. Puppies also cope with infection more slowly than adult dogs.

If the pet’s condition worsens, or after necessary for the treatment of time he did not stop coughing, then this means that the body can not cope with the disease and is required drug treatment of coughing in a dog. If in this case not seek medical attention, then the dog may develop pneumonia, a disease dangerous to dogs.

Pneumonia (pneumonia)

If the dog has a wet cough, it means that he has accumulated in his lungs inflammatory exudate, i.e. sputum, which is true a sign of pneumonia. Most often, the condition is aggravated by such signs like weight loss, fever, malaise, lethargy. The dog refuses food, it is difficult for him to breathe. Development pneumonia can cause pathogenic bacteria, pathogenic fungi, fluid that gets into the airways.

Inflammation of the lungs with coughing in dogs

If pneumonia is of bacterial origin, then diagnosis of a specific pathogen. Based on the data assigned suitable antibiotic. In addition, the doctor prescribes immunostimulating drugs. During therapy is necessary provide the pet peace and relaxation.

Fungal pneumonia is considered a more severe form. The fact, that the dog’s body practically does not respond to antifungal drugs. The most successful treatment in this case is help inhaler.

Another type of pneumonia is aspiration. pneumonia. In this case, the inflammatory process develops against the background inhalation of foreign objects or substances. it there may be vomit, stomach contents, pieces of food.

It is extremely difficult to treat and is a threat to life. pet. In this case, preventive measures are an important factor. measures, at the first sign of foreign objects falling into airways should contact a specialist.

Dog heart cough

In some cases, coughing may be a sign of problems with cardiovascular system. It appears when the heart muscle begins to put pressure on the lungs and airways. Often heart problems are accompanied by other symptoms – loss appetite, lethargy, decreased performance, change heart rate – it can both slow down and accelerate.

In this case, only the veterinarian can prescribe the necessary treatment based on the condition of the pet, the stage of the disease, its age and other factors.

If suddenly a four-legged friend found a disease cardiovascular system, it is necessary to closely monitor for his diet and choose the optimal physical load.

Tracheal collapse

Representatives of small breeds suffer from this pathology. Disease is chronic, and it tends to progress. Dog can not only be born with this ailment, but also acquire it with time.

This condition is accompanied by dry cough, which may occur even with a light pull on the leash or when feeling neck in the trachea. In severe forms of collapse in a pet difficulty breathing with a whistle, shortness of breath.

How to relieve coughing pet

The asymptomatic course of the disease also occurs when collapse manifests itself in severe form. Important in this case preventive visits to the vet, especially if the pet is included at risk.

The early stages of tracheal collapse are treated medically, in more neglected cases will only help surgical intervention.

This is not all causes of a dog’s cough, it may cough when trying expectorate helminthic infestations. This happens if the dog is not carry out regular deworming. Cough is also possible. allergic in nature, manifested under the influence of annoying factors.

How can the diagnosis of the disease be facilitated?

If the condition of the pet is worrying, then it is necessary to show to his specialist. At the reception you need to give the doctor as much as possible important information:

  • dog breed, age;
  • immediately give information if the pet is allergic reactions and what;
  • describe the characteristics of a cough – how often does it occur after what action, dry cough or wet, how long does it last, coughs whether the dog is in a dream, etc .;
  • talk about concomitant cough symptoms – what has changed over the last time in the behavior of the animal that worries him.

After this, the doctor begins to examine the dog, evaluating the condition of his mucous membranes of the oral cavity, sternum, trachea, swollen lymph nodes. It is mainly used for this palpation method. Then comes the mandatory temperature measurement body. Based on the data received, further diagnosis, possibly laboratory tests and ultimately the result is adequate treatment.

Only timely contact with the clinic can help the pet to overcome the developed ailment.

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