Dog burn

Animals, especially small ones, are very curious and mobile, therefore, they often become victims of accidents. Burns at dogs are possible at home and for a walk. Therefore the owner of the animal you need to know what to do in case the pet is burned.


  • 1. Causes of dog burns
  • 2. Degree of defeat and symptoms
  • 3. Treatment of burns of various etiologies
  • 4. First aid to the animal
  • 5. Drug treatment
  • 6. Surgical treatment

Causes of Dog Burns

Dog burns can cause:

  • high temperature (boiling water, flame, steam, hot items);
  • chemicals (acid, alkali, alkali salts metals);
  • electricity;
  • radiation (solar);
  • caustic biological substances (juice of poisonous plants).

Thermal burns can be caused by various thermal factors. The degree of damage depends on temperature, duration impacts, areas of damage. So, for example, if the dog was spilled boiling water, then the exposure time is not more a few seconds. Therefore, burns from boiling water, as a rule, are I-II degrees and do not threaten life. Severe and sometimes fatal a dog can get burns with boiling liquid if its impact will be long or occupy a large body area, for example, if the animal will fall into boiling water. Dog Burn

Severe burns are caused by open flames as they occur. impact from three factors – incandescent particles falling on skin and coat, heat radiation and hot air. If a the coat ignites, until it is extinguished, the skin will affecting not only the upper layers, but also deeper – subcutaneous tissue, and sometimes muscles, bones. Burns from an open flame are the most severe and often lead to pain shock and animal death.

Highly damaging chemicals in the home the farm rarely come across. But even a pipe cleaner bleach or stove cleaner may cause the dog to severe chemical burn, especially in contact with eyes, on mucous membranes of the nose or mouth. Acids rarely cause a strong degree lesions, because due to coagulation of protein in the surface layer is not allows acid to penetrate deep into. Much more severe burns cause alkalis.

Electric burns often get puppies gnawing everything, including number and wire. In case of electric shock burn area small, but it is very deep, because the electricity in the body spreads over the most conductive environments – biological fluids, cerebrospinal fluid, muscles. Leather has a lower electrical conductivity.

Radiation exposure can be caused by both ultraviolet and and infrared radiation. Dog radiation burns almost never occur. From solar radiation most often animals without a dense coat of coat suffer – bald breeds dogs or shorthair light color. They have direct sunlight can cause a burn of I, less often II degree. Burn from the dog can receive infrared radiation from a hot radiator batteries, fireplace.

Caustic sap of plants, such as hogweed, stonecrop, cayenne pepper can cause severe burns to the oral mucosa and eye.

Degree of Defeat and Symptoms

Dog burns are classified according to several characteristics. For example, at the location:

  • skin surface;
  • organs of vision;
  • oral cavity and respiratory tract.

And according to the degree of severity, they are divided into the following:

  • I – damage affects the top layer epidermis and causes redness, burning, slight swelling. Healing occurs within a few days without leaving cicatricial changes.
  • II – the upper layer of the skin is damaged with the formation of vesicles (visicles) filled with serous fluid, redness and swelling. After opening the bubbles, pink is exposed erosion. Heals the wound for several weeks and without consequences.
  • III – surface and deep layers are affected skin. Bullae (large bubbles) or scab form on the surface the color of which depends on the type of thermal factor and may range from black or brown to dry (flame, hot subject) or grayish and soft (boiling water). Third degree subdivided into 2 degrees, denoted by the letters A and B.
  • IV – carbonization of not only the entire thickness of the skin, but also muscles, bones.

Burns in dogs of the I-II degree heal independently, without leaving scarring if secondary suppuration does not occur. At the III-IV degree cleaning of the focus from necrotic tissue is required, followed by plastic wound surface. Severe burns cause failure internal organs, impaired hydration, decreased immunity, accumulation of toxins. Symptoms that accompany a burn depend on degree and area of damage. Common symptoms are:

  • hyperemia;
  • edema;
  • burning;
  • pain
  • local or general temperature increase;

With a severe burn, fever symptoms may occur. Extensive lesions of considerable depth may be accompanied by:

  • tachycardia, increased heart rate;
  • thirst;
  • tremor of limbs.

The dog has arousal, which is replaced by apathy. Urine output decreases, its color and smell change. Further extensive burns can cause failure of some organs, stopping heart or breathing, collapse and death.

Treatment of burns of various etiologies

Treatment for burns in dogs depends on:

  • type of thermal or chemical agent;
  • the size of the affected area;
  • localization
  • degree of burn;
  • the presence of a secondary infection;
  • general condition of the animal.

If the dog received burns, then before the arrival of the veterinarian should give her first aid.

First aid to the animal

The factor that caused the burn should be eliminated immediately – knock down the flame, turn off the current. If the dog has undergone thermal burn, then you need to attach an ice bubble, a napkin moistened ice water. Keep the cold about half an hour. Then they cut their hair and apply a sterile dressing. Grease burn nothing is impossible. This may subsequently complicate healing. wounds. Burn a dog read the article

If a chemical burn was caused by acid, then after it rinse with plenty of water, it is necessary to neutralize the acid 2% solution of ordinary soda. In case of a burn with alkali, it is also washed off water and neutralize with a 2% solution of acid (citric, acetic). Alkali salts or quicklime cannot be washed off with water. They are removed with sunflower oil.

If the burn occupies a large area and penetrates deep into the tissue, then the dog needs to be wrapped in a blanket to warm and give a drink water.

Drug treatment

For burns of the I-II degree, external agents are used. Sprays and ointments with anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and reparative property. Massive and deep burns require treatment antiseptics, removal of dead and charred tissues. If a secondary infection joined, then the animal is injected antibiotics.

If the oral cavity is burned, and the dog cannot independently eat, then apply nutrition through a nasal tube, intravenous the introduction of nutrient solutions or nutrition through esophagostoma. If a the burn caused swelling of the airways, then a tracheotomy is performed to restore breathing. In any case, the dog is given painkillers drugs, as burns cause pain.

Watch the video and learn more about burns at home animals:

Surgical treatment

For severe burns in a dog, several types of surgical treatment:

  • necrotomy – when formed in deep burns scab dissected to restore blood supply to tissues and prevent their necrosis;
  • necroectomy – removal of charred and dead tissue cleansing of the burn site;
  • amputation of the limb – if the degree of burn such that saving the paw is not possible;
  • skin transplantation – used in animals with very large foci. The skin in dogs is very mobile and small defects are simply sutured.

If less than 13% of the body is burnt in a dog, then the prognosis of treatment favorable. With a burn of 50% or more, the prognosis is unfavorable.

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