Diarrhea in a dog

Probably every owner at least once, but faced with a problem pet stool disorders. Diarrhea is considered unformed watery feces that are excreted from the canine organism once or many times a day. Depending on the the duration of diarrhea is acute (when loose stool no more 3 days), chronic (when diarrhea does not disappear within 2 weeks) and recurrent (occurs again after treatment). Diarrhea in the dog is not always means that the animal needs immediate treatment. Perhaps the dog just ate an unusual product or got nervous. But sometimes serious causes cause diarrhea, because the owner of the dog having problems with frequent bowel movements, should be alert.

Why dogs have diarrhea

Before giving the dog any medicine for diarrhea, you should determine the cause of loose stools. Usually at животных диарея случается по следующим поводам:The Jack Russell Terrier diarrhea

  • Неправильное питание. Often there is diarrhea due to overfeeding an animal, treats with “wrong” goodies (sweets, chocolate, sausage, etc.), fatty and smoked foods. Can diarrhea appears and if the dog is abruptly transferred to a new feed, or smell at the same time and industrial feed, and food from the master the table. In these cases, diarrhea will not be prolonged, and feces will not will have a pungent odor. Most likely in the composition of liquid The excreta are particles of undigested food. Moreover, the animal does not neither vomiting, nor refusal of food, nor apathy will be observed;
  • Poisoning. On a walk, a doggie can dig up the “odorous” a bone. Some animals like to eat spoiled food, and then they suffer: in addition to diarrhea, they also vomit. Hue feces during poisoning will be light brown or yellow, and the smell habitual for such physiological secretions. If the dog received non-food poisoning (for example, medicinal drugs, ammonia, rat poison, arsenic, etc.), picture will be slightly different: foamy vomiting, severe greenish diarrhea (sometimes with blood) with an abnormal smell, impaired coordination, cramps, confused breathing, strong or weak pulse, bleeding from nose, mouth, anus, hypersalivation, pallor mucous membranes. Poisoning a similar plan can cost animal life, therefore, require an immediate call to a specialist on house;
  • Stress. Experiences lead to indigestion not only people, but also their pets. Stress in dogs happens to for example, after visiting exhibitions, after moving to a new home, if your beloved master has to leave for a long time. At doggie with cranky nerves can be not only diarrhea (stool liquid, but without terrifying “aroma” and shade), but also atypical behavior (excessive aggression or friendliness). Dog can refuse treats, lie in one place for hours or chop circles around the apartment tirelessly;
  • Dysbacteriosis To an upset intestinal microflora lead drug injections and helminthic stresses infestations, improper feeding. In addition to diarrhea (prolonged, often bloody) with flatulence in the dog will be lack of appetite. The animal will be sleepy, as if tired, the hair will become dull, disheveled;
  • Infectious diseases. With viral and bacterial infections (salmonellosis, leptospirosis, enteritis, plague, etc.) may the dog has diarrhea with blood, sometimes almost black, yellow or green shade, very disgusting smelling. Almost always at infectious diseases in a dog, diarrhea is associated with severe vomiting, loss of appetite, temperatures above 40 degrees and fever, pain, discharge from the eyes and nose;
  • Internal bleeding. With damage to the colon (to for example, in the oncological process) the feces of the animal will be bright scarlet, sometimes with mucus. If the bleeding in the gut is thin or in the stomach (gastrointestinal disease, bowel injury), there will be black diarrhea colors. One cannot speak of the duration of diarrhea of this kind: if the dog is not urgently delivered to a specialist, death can happen very quickly;
  • Allergy. Sometimes food allergies in dogs are reflected malfunctioning of the stomach and intestines: the animal appears vomiting, diarrhea, colic in the abdomen. What can cause food allergies at the pet? Yes, anything: poor quality food, some vegetable products (citrus fruits, grapes), pastry and much more still;
  • Various diseases of the internal organs. We found out that red or almost black diarrhea means that the dog has intestinal bleeding. When animal feces are liquid and white from time to time or light gray, the animal probably has liver problems. Then, in addition to diarrhea, the dog will have vomiting, urine turns orange, body tissues become icteric, and the area the abdomen is swollen. The stool may be bright yellow in ill-health with biliary the bubble. Then, in addition to diarrhea, the dog will also experience nausea, vomiting, palpitations, lack of appetite. When the shade diarrhea is green, but there is no suspicion of an infectious disease, then problems may be with the digestive tract. Diarrhea is especially common grassy color is found in putrefactive intestinal processes. Greenish or tan diarrhea and vomiting of white foam usually means the dog has stomach problems. Kidney disease can also provoke the appearance of loose stools (infrequently). Moreover, almost there are always changes in the dog’s urine: it becomes bloody, almost colorless or dark, with a pungent odor. At the amount of urine changes in renal ailments (it either leaves too little or too much);
  • Internal parasites. Dog may suffer from mucus diarrhea with worms, if the worms hit the intestines or stomach. Almost except for diarrhea, an animal with helminths will always have vomiting, weight loss, bloating, apathy. Moreover, in emetic and fecal inclusions – fragments of worms and even whole individuals;
  • Vaccine response. When after vaccination the dog has diarrhea once, this should not be considered a pathology. But if the animal repeated diarrhea, more than 1 day, while saliva also runs, mucous tissues turn pale, temperature rises (more than 39 degrees), you should rather call a doctor. Maybe a doggie were vaccinated during the incubation period of the infectious diseases.

How to help your dog with diarrhea

The causes of canine diarrhea are now clear. And what if the dog diarrhea? First of all, you have to look at the associated fluid stool symptoms. If the animal feels cheerful, drinks water, not suffers from nausea; if diarrhea lasts no more than 3 days; if a the consistency and smell of feces do not cause concern (no bloody impurities, shade from light to dark brown, without sharp terrible “flavor”), then you can try to help your pet самостоятельно, без вызова ветеринара:The dog has diarrhea

  • В первые сутки появления поноса не кормить собаку (доступ кwater should be unobstructed). In the next day or two, the dog fed with rice mixed with low-fat boiled meat, small in portions up to 6 times a day;
  • Rice and chamomile have good fixing properties. decoctions (you can still give filtered decoctions of bird cherry, oak bark, St. John’s wort);
  • The adsorbent (for example, activated coal), especially if diarrhea is caused by poisoning. Will fit and Smecta powder;
  • The drug “No-spa” will help relieve spasms;
  • Sometimes “human” diarrhea pills for dogs also help (for example, Loperamide). But it’s worth using if not suspected infection.

Home treatment does not need to be continued if the dog it gets worse, the frequency of bowel movements increases, and to diarrhea other symptoms (vomiting, fever, cramps, difficulty breathing, etc.). In order not to lose the dog because of dehydration, you should urgently ask a specialist for help. Based on the examination of the dog and the conversation with its owner, the doctor will decide on the necessary research for diagnosis (they usually do blood, feces, and urine tests; they take smears from the back passage, conduct x-ray examination). Treat dog diarrhea will have only those drugs that the specialist prescribed when the cause of diarrhea will be determined.

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