Dermatitis in dogs

Dog dermatitis is an unpleasant skin disease due to complications and duration of treatment. Our article will talk about types and causes of inflammation, as well as methods of getting rid of such adversity.

Types of Canine Dermatitis

As mentioned above, dermatitis is considered to be cutaneous inflammation. Depending on the causes of the disease It is divided into the following types:

  1. Allergic dermatitis – inflammation (usually in the area abdomen) occurs due to the contact of the animal with any an allergen. This type of dermatitis manifests itself as a strong redness of the skin, itching, alopecia in the affected areas of the body, formations of pustules and papules. Allergic dog dermatitis, constantly itching, losing interest in games loved treats. What is most often allergic to dogs? Yes what anything: on the saliva of ectoparasites (the so-called flea dermatitis), on food products (food allergic dermatitis), funds for care (contact dermatitis). By the way, it is also considered allergic atopic dermatitis is a gene disease in which the body dogs produce large numbers of antibodies in response to all sorts of allergens (bites of parasites, dust, smoke, dyes in food, etc.). It is noted that sharpei are predisposed to allergic dermatitis, Great Dane, Pekingese, and Chow Chow;
  2. Mechanical dermatitis – ailment resulting from any skin damage (cuts, abrasions, scratching after bites insects, etc.). The skin on the affected areas looks thin, dry, bright pink, the hair at the wound site becomes thinner;
  3. Periranial dermatitis – if the wound on the animal’s body is not manages to heal successfully, then suppuration begins. At dermatitis near the wound at the wound site is constantly wet from exudate, red skin, swelling is noticeable. This disease is different referred to as weeping dermatitis;
  4. Infectious dermatitis – fungi, bacteria and viruses, diseases such as microsporia, staphylococcosis, herpes and others that can affect the skin of the animal (symptoms of infectious dermatitis – rash, itching, fever, swelling, suppuration etc.);
  5. Medical dermatitis – some drugs for external use can cause severe skin irritation dogs. Those areas that were directly applied the medicine becomes red, painful, the hair falls out there. The animal usually exacerbates the situation by constantly combing and licking itchy skin;
  6. Thermal dermatitis is a disease that develops in frostbite or burns. The affected area of the body is severely bakes and hurts, blushes, swells, itches. Skin wounds can fester;
  7. Parasitic dermatitis – external parasites (fleas, ticks) can harm the skin of a dog not only with its saliva, but also multiple bites that cause itching, wounds from teeth and claws, redness
  8. Seborrheic dermatitis – a disease can occur with violations of the sebaceous glands. With a similar problem, wool dogs (especially on the back, as well as on the neck, hips) look oily, strewn with dandruff, the skin peels and turns red. Sometimes with The seborrheic dermatitis from the pet smells bad.

It is worth noting that the disease often affects not only the trunk and the head, but also the limbs of animals (the so-called interdigital dermatitis, subdermatitis). Dog paw dermatitis is usually due to injuries, irritations after walking along the icy streets, sprinkled with reagents as a result of introduced infections in microcracks on the pillows of the fingers. If the ailment affected the canine limbs, the animal certainly begins to limp on its paws, which hurt and swell.

Symptoms of dermatitis in dogs

Common symptoms of dermatitis in dogs are:

  • Itching
  • Attempts to comb the wound with claws or teeth;
  • Redness of the skin;
  • Coarsening or thinning of the skin;
  • The skin affected by dermatitis is hot to the touch;
  • Swelling;
  • Thinning or loss of hair in affected areas;
  • Anxiety (doggie sleeps poorly, loses his appetite, does not want play).

How to heal a dog from dermatitis?

Once symptoms of skin inflammation have been noticed, best of all immediately call the number of the veterinarian. The fact is that pick up treatment for dermatitis in dogs is possible for a specialist who establish the cause of the disease. For example, with bacterial dermatitis, do without antibiotics, and with dermatitis parasitic will be required прием инсектоакарицидных средств.Vet and dogНеужели без визита к доктору помочь собаке неwill succeed? Unfortunately, a trip to the clinic is required. However facilitate the condition of the animal can be at home. This is what the treatment will look like in at home until the doctor prescribes special tools:

  • The hair on the inflamed area should be cut off;
  • Treat the problem skin of the dog with hydrogen peroxide, subsequently apply an antiseptic cream (“Levomekol”, “Salicylic”, “Zinc”, “Ichthyol” ointments or other antimicrobial facilities);
  • Inside the dog, you can give antihistamines in drops, tablets or ampoules (Suprastin, Zodak, Allervet, “Tavegil”). These funds will help not only with allergic dermatitis, but also with its other varieties, if there is an itch;
  • If the inflammation brings the doggie pain (especially when the site lesions is great), it makes sense to introduce a 0.5% solution of novocaine in in accordance with the instructions of the drug;
  • Vitamins (especially A, B, E, PP). You can choose these drugs: “8 in 1 Excel”, “Gimborn”, Doctor-ZOO or others;
  • Immunopreparations will be able to improve the condition of the animal (“Glycopinum”, “Azoxivet” or others.);
  • To relieve swelling, reduce pain and relieve inflammation, you can give dog veterinary drug – tablets “Ricarda”;
  • Pills will help relieve swelling and reduce the likelihood of intoxication. Furosemide;
  • If a dog’s dermatitis is definitely caused by an allergy, it’s appropriate to bathe animal anti-allergenic shampoo (for example, the brand “Synergy Labs”, “Beaphar” or others);
  • An animal accustomed to prepared foods is reasonably temporary transfer to special hypoallergenic food (for example, brands Royal Canin, Yarra, Akana or others.) Dogs accustomed to natural diet, you should stop feeding eggs, fish, red vegetables, any sweets. Leave the menu you need boiled diet meat (rabbit, turkey, veal), green vegetables (cabbage, zucchini), cereals on the water, low-fat sour milk.

All of the above remedies will not cure dermatitis, but significantly will improve the condition of the dog. By the way, if the owner will be accepted the decision to use drugs (hydrogen peroxide and “harmless” antiseptic ointment are not considered), it is better call the veterinarian for a consultation. Only specialist with it will tell you with confidence whether to use this or that remedy.

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