Cystitis in dogs

The dog began to urinate more often, liquid excrement changed color and smell, the animal lost interest in entertainment, worsened appetite? Perhaps the enemy of the urinary system is to blame – cystitis. In this article, we will consider what are the signs of cystitis in dogs, how is such an ailment treated that you need to know the owner so that the pet did not get sick again.

What is cystitis

Cystitis in dogs is an inflammatory process, affecting the mucous membrane of the bladder of an animal. Special susceptible to bitch disease as they have more opportunity catch cystitis: their urethra is shorter and wider in comparison with the urethra of males. In addition, in females the urethra is located close to the anus, which may also contribute to the development of cystitis. Also bitches are at greater risk due to possible complications after gynecological diseases and difficult birth. But theoretically any doggie can get cystitis breed, any gender and age. Disease in tailed pets occurs in both acute and chronic form. Acute course cystitis rarely remains outside the attention of the owner due to a clear reason severe symptoms. In chronic form, the dog looks actually healthy, and signs of cystitis appear from case to occasion.

Why dogs can develop cystitis

Cystitis does not develop from scratch. Among the reasons why inflammation of the urinary reservoir may begin, usually called:

  1. Subcooling – it is enough to swim a dog in a cool pond, take a walk in the autumn rain or doze off on concrete sex so that cystitis begins;
  2. Complications after genitourinary diseases – ICD, nephritis, urethritis, etc .;
  3. Gynecological problems in bitches – pyometra, vaginitis, metrites;
  4. Parasites that act in the bladder of a dog or other genitourinary organs (Trichomonas, giant piles and other worms and unicellular);
  5. Bacterial, fungal and viral infections (herpes virus, candidiasis, leptospirosis, etc.);
  6. Inflammatory processes of any nature (caries, laryngitis, gastritis, etc.);
  7. Scanty and vitamin-poor nutrition or enhanced overeating – processes that violate the metabolism and condition genitourinary system;
  8. Injuries of the genitourinary organs as a result of an accident, bumps, falls with heights;
  9. Stress that negatively affects the entire body and bladder in particular.

Symptoms of canine cystitis

So that the acute form of the disease does not develop into a chronic one, anyone the owner needs to know what are the symptoms of cystitis in the dog. So, хозяина песика должны насторожить такие вещи:Vet and dog

  • Частые мочеиспускания (при цистите собака может писать около 4times or more in 1 hour);
  • Urine discoloration (instead of the usual light straw urine turns orange, and sometimes even red, if there is an admixture in type of blood);
  • Change in the smell of urine (sharp aroma with notes of ammonia can talk about cystitis);
  • Pain during urination (doggie may whimper plaintively, when pissing);
  • Males have little need for an unusual sitting posture;
  • Frequent incontinence (puddles can be found on the floor, although beyond animals have not previously seen this);
  • The dog’s belly is tight, the doggie does not allow stroking himself in areas from the chest to the groin;
  • The activity of the animal is reduced (the dog is not interested in either the game or walks);
  • Decreased appetite amid intense thirst.

Do not wait for all of the symptoms listed present in every dog suffering from urinary inflammation the bubble. At the beginning of the disease, it is not so easy to recognize this ailment: pet can only slightly increase urge to the toilet. Therefore, it is important to correctly diagnose the disease before start taking medications to treat cystitis.

Diagnosis of cystitis in dogs

As we found out earlier, cystitis can be caused by many reasons. It’s clear that if the urinary inflammation was caused, for example, worms, treatment at home will not do without deworming drugs. And if there is, for example, candidiasis it would not be possible to imagine treatment without antifungal drugs. So, in the veterinary clinic the correct diagnosis will be determined based on:

  • Urinalysis;
  • Blood tests
  • Ultrasound
  • A smear from a loop or penis.

Dog cystitis treatment

There are a lot of tips and articles on the topic forums for dog lovers. about the treatment of cystitis in dogs. However, it’s fundamentally wrong to treat an animal, say, that developed cystitis due to urological problems with the same drugs as the dog with the bacterial infection. How to treat cystitis in dogs can determine the competent veterinarian after taking tests and conducting the necessary studies, and примерный список медикаментов таков: Vet and dog

  • Антибиотики (если имеется бактериальная инфекция, чтоcontributed to the development of urinary inflammation);
  • Probiotics, enterosorbents (when using antibiotics);
  • Painkillers (Amantadine, Aspirin, or others);
  • Antispasmodics (“Papaverine” or “No-Shpa” in injections);
  • Hemostatic (“Vikasol”, Ditsinon “in tablets or in as a solution for injections);
  • Diuretic, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial natural-based products (for example, cystitis tablets for dogs “Stop-Cystitis”, “Cyston”, etc.);
  • Diet for cystitis (as agreed with the veterinarian);
  • Drugs or surgeries that cure the root cause cystitis.

What to give the dog from cystitis will tell the doctor, based on the condition animal health and causes of inflammation. Self-medication often harmful because every medicine has a lot contraindications. In addition, only a doctor can correctly calculate the dosage of a drug.

What to do so that the pet does not get cystitis

Unfortunately, there is no panacea for cystitis, therefore, any health dogs are at risk. To prevent development inflammation, it is advisable to follow these simple rules, because this better than treating cystitis in dogs:

  1. Animals in the cool season should be protected from frost and drafts. Miniature pets are reasonable in winter or late fall insulate with special clothes. Dogs living outside in severe frost, at least as an exception, it is better to let in housing, if the kennel is not warm enough;
  2. Preventive deworming – a mandatory procedure, which can protect the dog not only from the worms themselves, but also from cystitis;
  3. Annual vaccination promotes immunity in dogs in relation to a number of diseases that can provoke cystitis;
  4. The best food for the dog – ready-made feed holistic or natural meat, vegetables and cereals plus vitamins. Proper diet strengthens the immune system, improves metabolism, helps the body resist disease. In addition, it is important to control weight. an animal, preventing obesity or exhaustion;
  5. Every ailment of a dog (even the most insignificant) should not to ignore. As we have learned, it can lead to cystitis even banal caries;
  6. Often cystitis affects dogs with problems in the genital area. It is advisable to sterilize bitches that will not participate in breeding;
  7. Doggie who suffered cystitis should be periodically (1-2 times per year) show to a specialist to make sure that the disease is not came back again.

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