Caries in dogs

Caries in dogs occurs with the same frequency as in humans. At 80-85% of dogs entering a veterinary clinic are found problems with teeth of varying severity. Caries not only affects the state of the digestive system, but also on the functions of others organs. Often caries leads to a violation of the working qualities of the dog, for example, hunting dogs, which are of great importance tooth grip, tooth pathology leads to weakening capture.


  • 1. The causes of pathology
  • 2. Symptoms and signs of the disease
  • 3. Methods of caries treatment
  • 4. Preventive measures

Causes of pathology

Despite the fact that caries has been known to mankind for more than a hundred years, the causes of its occurrence are still not fully understood. Story dentistry has about 400 versions explaining the reasons and mechanism of caries. The main one is Miller’s theory, according to which under the influence of various organic acids enamel demineralization and damage to hard tooth tissues. The reasons for the violation of the protective layer of enamel can become:

  • mechanical factors – removal injuries tartar, chips and cracks when cracking hard items;
  • chemical – changes in saliva pH and increased the content of organic acids in the feed, and their production as a result the life of some pathogenic microorganisms.

Veterinarians call the following factors that affect condition of hard tooth tissues in dogs:

  • urbanized keeping animals in which dogs consume thermally processed food, nibble less, violating the natural process of cleaning teeth from plaque and tartar;
  • hereditary factors – anomalies in the development of tooth tissues and causes of tooth decay (e.g. malocclusion) inherited;
  • breed – scientists have determined that there are dog breeds in whose caries risk is higher than others. For example, the frequency of occurrence of pathology in representatives of small breeds on 5-15% higher than average, and 25-35% decay is more common than in large breeds;
  • improper nutrition – a large amount of carbohydrates in food, low content of minerals (calcium, fluorine, phosphorus, iodine, manganese);
  • severe infectious and parasitic diseases (plague of carnivores, leptospirosis) – they reduce local immunity and provoke the development of pathogenic microflora in the oral cavities;
  • metabolic disorders (diabetes mellitus, obesity);
  • age-related dystrophic processes leading to demineralization of bone tissue and teeth.

The causes of caries are many, and the lack of veterinary of dentists leads to the fact that even in exhibits on examination, caries and other dental diseases are found. Therefore, the dog owner must know the symptoms of caries in order to seek help in a timely manner and prevent tooth loss in pet.

Symptoms and signs of the disease

Symptoms of caries vary according to progression of pathology. At the initial stage of the disease the appearance of dark spots on the dog’s teeth and unpleasant, putrid smell from the mouth. Then caries cavities are formed, filled with food particles. The dog has increased salivation, and difficulty chewing food. Caries in dogs read the article

If the destruction reaches the nerve endings, then the animal experiencing pain, whining, refuses to eat, loses weight. At tooth examination shows swelling of the gums, its redness, soreness with pressure. Tooth stability is lost – it starts totter.

Many of these symptoms can be noticed by the dog owner. by yourself. If signs of caries appear, contact to a specialized veterinary clinic, where the doctor after a visual examination appoint an x-ray to determine the degree of tooth decay. Based on the data received, therapeutic or surgical treatment of the disease.

Methods of caries treatment

With superficial damage to the tooth, it is cleaned surfaces and applying a solution of silver nitrate in order to stopping the progression of pathology. In order to install, how far the destruction process went, the tooth is processed a special substance that stains affected tissues.

In case of deep decay, tooth filling with the use of cement, plastics or composite materials. The cost of such a procedure depends on the clinic, the material, used for filling the cavity and using anesthesia, which can make a decent amount.

In the case when it is not possible to save the tooth, it is removed. To to prevent caries in a pet, it is necessary to observe disease prevention measures.

Preventive actions

To rule out the occurrence of dental diseases, you need to teach a dog from an early age oral hygiene procedures – brushing, removing tartar. Dog food manufacturers take into account the needs animals of different ages in mineral supplements are being developed size and density of pieces, depending on the breed. therefore the use of quality feed helps prevent the occurrence of caries.

In order to provide a natural process of cleaning teeth from plaque and strengthen the jaws, the dog is given bones and pressed cartilage, which can be purchased at the pet store. Animal periodically it is necessary to take for examination to a veterinary clinic, especially representatives of breeds at risk – decorative dogs, animals with congenital anomaly of the jaw, old and sick animals.

Attentive attitude to the condition of the oral cavity in a pet prevent the onset of caries or its development at an early stage and will save the animal’s teeth.

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