Bloodhound (photo): faithful and devoted friend with noble manners

Bloodhound - a noble dog, knowing what courage and hard work


Origin: Belgium

Class: FCI classification – 6th group (hounds and related breeds). Section 1 (hounds)

Usage: Service Dog

Color: red, rarely black with tan

Sizes: growth at the withers: males – from 64 to 72 cm, females – from 58 to 66 cm, weight: males – 46-54 kg, females – 40-48 kg

Life span: 10-12 years

Bloodhound is a noble dog who knows what courage is and hard work.

Balanced and calm, he never shows aggression, but He does not serve his people out of habit and duty, inherent in his genes.

Like dogue de Bordeaux and Groenendael, service to man for this dog have a whole life.

Bloodhound is not a spoiled aristocrat, but this dog has a solid character and good manners.

It would seem that the character of the bloodhound combines incompatible traits: shyness and shyness border on obstinacy and courage, and hard work and outward stiffness are often replaced by mischief or tenderness.

It would seem that the character of the bloodhound combines incongruous traits: shyness and shyness border on obstinacy and courage, and diligence and external stiffness are often replaced by mischief or tenderness


  • 1 Breed History
  • 2 Psychology
  • 3 Application
  • 4 How to choose a puppy
  • 5 Care features
    • 5.1 Combing
    • 5.2 Walk
    • 5.3 Nutrition
  • 6 Health
    • 6.1 Characteristic diseases
    • 6.2 Vaccinations
  • 7 Knit

Breed history

The appearance of the bloodhound dogs in the photo remained the same as in 13th century when the first representative with this loud by name.

At that time, clergy engaged in breeding the breed, wishing to get the perfect hound dog, by type Russian and Estonian hounds.

But they used bloodhounds not only as hounds – it is known for certain that it was the dogs of this breed that guarded the castle English King Henry VIII.

The Bloodhound dog is calm and balanced, it’s absolutely not an extravagant dog, which is very comfortable to be in the house or for a walk

Bloodhound – the dog is calm and balanced, it is not at all an extravagant dog with whom it is very comfortable to be in a house or on a walk


It would seem that the character of the bloodhound combines incongruous traits: shyness and shyness border on obstinacy and courage, and diligence and external stiffness are often replaced by mischief or tenderness.

Other character traits:

  • Equilibrium. Bloodhound – the dog is calm and balanced, it’s absolutely not extravagant a dog with whom it is very comfortable to be in the house or on a walk.
  • Lack of aggression. Animal not shows aggression, so it suits even families with children. It gets along well with other animals: treats as equals, in close contact does not enter, but also does not lift his head high.
  • Devotion. Bloodhound is faithful and loyal dog who considers the service of his master the highest value.
  • Independence. Although the bloodhounds are smart loyal and sensitive, yet they are very independent and even stubborn. Dogs of this breed need hard, but not rough training.

Bloodhound does not show aggression, so it suits even families with children. It gets along well with other animals: it treats like equals, it doesn’t make close contact, but it doesn’t look up too high.

Bloodhound does not show aggression, so it suits even families with children. Get along well with other animals: treats both equal, does not enter into close contact, but does not lift his head high

  • Sociability. Bloodhounds are very fond of “talk”.
  • Friendliness. Dogs of this breed very friendly, which does not make them great guards – bloodhound may well make friends with a stranger who infiltrated the territory of your home is illegal.

If you need a dog for protection, we recommend reading articlehttps: //

Important! Bloodhound is not for everyone to the owner, focus not on appearance and colorful descriptions, but on compatibility of your characters. Keep in mind that bloodhounds are late grow up, remain puppies until the age of two.

Despite the fact that nowadays Bloodhounds are less and less used as a racing dog, he has not lost his working skills.

Despite the fact that now Bloodhound is less and less used in as a racing dog, he did not lose his working skills


As before, the bloodhounds have a good scent and are very hardworking, ready to continue to perform their duties, however, they are currently being used as hounds. rarely.

In most cases, dogs of this breed are acquired as faithful. friend for living in a country house and participating in exhibitions.

Bloodhounds grow up late and remain puppies until two years old

Bloodhounds grow up late and remain puppies until two years old

How to choose a puppy

Healthy Bloodhound Puppies (pictured small representative breeds) are very well-fed, they are active and have a good appetite, they have shiny coat, wet nose, clean ears and eyes. Head shape elongated, long ears set low and freely hanging down.

Important! Choose and acquire a thoroughbred puppy is best in a specialized nursery, at the time of taking animal, he must have a passport on vaccinations.

Bloodhound is a faithful and loyal dog who considers serving his master the highest value.

Bloodhound is a faithful and devoted dog who considers service. to his master of supreme value

Care Features


Bloodhound has a smooth and short coat, to care for which quite simply with a rubber glove.

Such a glove creates a stroking effect, which causes pleasant sensations in the dog than the usual cannot boast combing by a furminator.

Bathing dogs of this breed is recommended as necessary. after water procedures, it is necessary to wipe the animal’s hair a dry, hard towel.

The long and hanging ears of a bloodhound are prone to developing various infections, therefore it is equally important to monitor their condition.

Ears should be cleaned regularly, especially in hot weather. Daily care is also provided for the dog’s eyes.

How to clean the ears of the dog will tell articlehttps: //

Long and hanging ears of a bloodhound are prone to the development of various infections, so it is important to monitor their condition. You need to clean your ears regularly, especially in hot weather. Daily care is also provided for the dog’s eyes.

The long and hanging ears of a bloodhound are prone to developing various infections, therefore it is important to monitor their condition. You need to clean your ears regularly, especially in hot weather. Daily care is provided and behind the eyes of a dog


Keeping a bloodhound better in a country house, this dog loves run around and needs enough physical loads.

That it is better to choose for a dog: a collar or a harness, you can read here: https: //

Bloodhound is very hardy, he can spend hours on the trail. Is worth take care of acquiring a collar against ticks if you let the dog run around in nature.

Dogs of this breed need a surge of energy, but not puppies should be overworked, otherwise their body will not have enough strength to the formation of bones, muscles and joints.

The most optimal walking mode – 2 walks a day for 45 minutes. You can combine a walk with active games like agility.

Keeping a bloodhound better in a country house, this dog loves to run and needs enough physical activity. Bloodhound is very hardy, he can go on the trail for hours

Keeping a bloodhound better in a country house, this dog loves run and needs enough physical activity. Bloodhound is very hardy, he can spend hours on the trail


The issue of feeding is one of the most important issues of joint life with a dog, which depends on the correctness of the decision the health and longevity of your pet.

First of all, you need to correctly calculate the optimal daily food intake – it should be approximately 20% of the mass of the dog.

In the diet of the animal must be present all necessary vitamins and minerals.

It is recommended to feed the puppy with dairy products, gradually including porridge, natural meat and meat in his menu foods, vegetables and cereals.

It is not recommended to give potatoes to dogs, as this product greatly reduces the body’s ability to receive B vitamins

Although the bloodhounds are smart, loyal and sensitive, they are very independent and even stubborn. Dogs of this breed need a solid, but not rude training.

Although the bloodhounds are smart, loyal, and sensitive, they are still very independent and even stubborn. Dogs of this breed need a solid, but not rude training

Natural food can be replaced with dry food. premium class. Such feeds are of high quality and contain all the nutrients needed by the dog.

It should be understood that you need to choose only one type of food, combine natural foods with dry feeds recommended.

Important! Always stand next to food a bowl of clean water. You can also put water in the room and in the yard (subject to accommodation in a country house), so the dog there is no desire to drink from a puddle.

Бладхаунд очень любит "разговаривать", это одна из самых общительный собак. Она будет рада, если вы обратитесь к ней за советом

Бладхаунд очень любит “разговаривать”, это одна из самыхoutgoing dogs. Она будет рада, если вы обратитесь к ней засоветом


Characteristic diseases

Bloodhound dogs are characterized by the following pathologies:

  • Hip dysplasia, as well as elbow dysplasia the joint
  • Inverted intestines, bloating
  • Dermatitis (a tendency to the disease due to the presence of skin folds)
  • Ectropion
  • Entropion
  • Cherry eye

The dogs of this breed are very friendly, which does not make them great guards - the bloodhound may well make friends with a stranger who entered the territory of your house illegally

Dogs of this breed are very friendly, which does not make them excellent guards – bloodhound may well make friends with a stranger illegally entering your home


Bloodhound dogs are first vaccinated at the age of 9 weeks (as a rule, the first vaccination is still in nursery), revaccination occurs after 3-4 weeks.

An adult dog is vaccinated annually. Ten days before direct vaccinations carry out an equally important procedure – the animal is dewormed or, more simply, is decontaminated.

Dogs of this breed need a surge of energy, but puppies should not be overworked, otherwise their body will not have enough strength to form bones, muscles and joints. The most optimal walking mode is 2 walks a day for 45 minutes.

Dogs of this breed need a surge of energy, but not puppies should be overworked, otherwise their body will not have enough strength to the formation of bones, muscles and joints. Most optimal walking mode – 2 walks a day for 45 minutes


The first puberty of a female Bloodhound occurs somewhat earlier than she becomes fully ready for bearing puppies.

It is important to wait not only for the physical maturation of the dog, but also for its growing up on an emotional level, only in this case she makes and gives birth to healthy and strong babies.

Bloodhound first estrus occurs at age 8-12 months, however at this time the dog is still considered a puppy, therefore, knitting is not carried out.

Dogs of this breed are knitted mainly in the second year of life. how as a rule, bloodhounds have two estruses per year: in spring and autumn.

During the mating season, the bitch is brought to the cable territory provide animals with comfort and tranquility. Considered favorable morning time after a walk.

Bloodhound: faithful and faithful friend with noble manners

Bloodhound – a hound breed of dogs that has a balanced character and hard work. Bloodhounds are loyal to their master, but may be stubborn, which does not make them less attractive.

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