Blood in a dog’s urine

Normally, the dog’s urine is straw yellow, without a sharp pathological smell. A change in the color of liquid excrement indicates that that there is any disturbance in the animal’s body. For instance, dark mustard urine comes from dehydration, saturated orange indicates liver or gall bladder problems, black – about a possible cancer tumor. And what does red urine in a dog mean? simply put, if there is blood in it? Let’s try to figure it out what are the causes of blood in dog urine.

Why do dogs with urine bleed

Blood in a dog’s urine is almost always an alarm that means there is a serious problem. Bloody appear выделения могут по следующим причинам:Veterinarian

  1. Гемолитическое отравление – интоксикация от крысиныхpoisons that act as destroyers of red blood cells. If a the animal accidentally swallows such poison, it can be observed vomiting, convulsions, pain, blood clots in the urine. TO hemolytics include not only rat poison, but also arsenic, some inedible mushrooms, poisons of snakes and spiders. It is important to turn to specialist, so that he saved the pet by introducing sorbents to him, painkillers, cardiac and rehydration drugs. And if there is no opportunity to get to the doctor this second, then at home you should induce vomiting by pouring 20-60 ml of slightly warm into the mouth of the doggie water. You will also need an enema with water, the introduction of sorbents (coal activated by 1 pc. per 10 kg of weight). Poisoned poor fellow you need to drink plentifully, but you should not feed it;
  2. Urinary tract infections – very often a dog urinates blood with cystitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis. With such problems urine turns red with blood, and may also be observed the following symptoms: pain during an attempt to relieve a small need, genital swelling (with inflammation of the urethra), temperature, futile attempts to pee, apathy and refusal to eat (due to pain and discomfort). By the way, with the listed ailments at the end urination blood also happens when the animal’s urethra is already a portion of urine stood out. And in some cases, only small drops of blood in the urine, which you can easily not notice, because you have to pay attention to the general condition of the dog. Such an ailment should not be allowed to drift. The dog will be prescribed in the clinic antibiotics, antipyretics, antispasmodics, prescribe washing urethra and bladder;
  3. Von Willebrand disease is a hereditary pathology, with which appears blood from the urethra in the dog, from her nose, mouth. Heavy bleeding is also observed in surgical interventions (castration, stopping the tail, etc.). Treatment involves blood and plasma transfusions;
  4. Parasitic diseases – worms that feed on blood animal, destroy red blood cells, which leads to the fact that urine becomes a red tint. In addition to urine, it becomes bloody and feces of the dog. The animal loses weight, sleeps poorly, often experiences nausea, and diarrhea alternating with constipation. To eliminate this problems for doggies are prescribed anthelmintics, vitamins and other symptomatic drugs. Can cause blood in the urine other pests are ticks that also feed on blood an animal;
  5. Urate (urinary stones) in the kidneys, urethra, bladder – similar formations appear in the pathology of the liver and blood vessels. If the dog urinates blood while experiencing pain, if you write the animal is clearly uncomfortable, it may be in stones, obstructing normal urine excretion. The appearance of urate contributes to the development of urolithiasis, which is also often causes blood in the dog’s secretions. And the ICD entails cystitis, pyelonephritis, renal failure. As a help the dog requires physiotherapy, urinary rinse bladder, the introduction of painkillers, diuretics, anti-inflammatory and antibiotics. But first, it’s important to identify what led to stones;
  6. Diseases of the prostate gland in males (prostatitis, cystosis, abscess, adenocarcinoma of the gland) – similar ailments are capable not only cause blood in the urine, but also provoke problems with defecation, bouts of vomiting, urinary retention. According to depending on the type of disease, the doctor prescribes either medication or surgery;
  7. Gynecological diseases in females (pyometra, cyst ovaries, etc.) – in such cases, the animal may have urine with blood (or vaginal bleeding), poor appetite, the stomach swells. Almost always, removal is chosen as a treatment. ovaries and (or) the uterus, as it is possible to get rid of the drug such diseases are impossible;
  8. Damage to organs of the genital or urinary systems as a result injuries – drops of blood in the urine may be present in those cases when the dog fell, for example, under the wheels of a car or fell from high. If a similar accident occurs, it is important how get to the vet as soon as possible. Worst case if blood in urine appeared due to severe bruising or rupture of internal organs;
  9. Eating food or using drugs, staining urine – if the dog likes to eat beets, then urine it may well have a pinkish or even red tint. Excrement can also be painted in a non-traditional color due to “fault” some drugs. If the dog is cheerful, eats well, does not look apathetic, it’s worth recalling if he didn’t eat something that would give the urine a red or pinkish tint.

The dog has blood in the urine: what to do to the owner

So, as we have determined, blood during urination is almost always an alarming symptom of a disease. If a the dog suddenly peeed with blood, it is important not to panic, but to watch within 6-12 hours for the animal. To set the right a doctor’s diagnosis will definitely need more than just the results analyzes, ultrasound and x-rays, but also the history of observation of the dog with words of the owner. So, you need to remember the following points, if in собачьей моче появилась кровь:Dog in line to the vet

  1. Каково количество мочи (при серьезных недугах мочевой пузырьpartially empty);
  2. How often does the dog pee (in some diseases, the urinary tract dogs are blocked due to stones or after injury, because of which the animal cannot go small);
  3. In what position does the dog pee (if the animal bends too low) sits on the ground, then this happens with severe pain);
  4. Does the pet show pain during urination (whining, hard breathing, etc.);
  5. Is blood present in the urine, and maybe there is only discharge on the genitals (for example, when injuring the genital member);
  6. How is the pet feeling (is there a temperature, is it gone appetite, whether gastrointestinal disorders are observed, etc.).

Based on the host’s story, as well as on the basis of analysis data, the doctor will be able to accurately determine which violation led to blood loss. The owner only has to adhere to the recommendations veterinarian, clearly following the instructions of the prescribed medication preparations.

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