Aviary for alabai

Everyone knows that the Central Asian Shepherd Dog is best kept in his house. But at the same time they are not chain dogs, but require certain freedom of movement. And the best option in In this case, an aviary for alabai. What should it be and is it possible build it yourself?

Aviary for Alab do it yourself


  • 1. Requirements for the aviary for alabai
  • 2. Aviary for do-it-yourself alabai
  • 3. Do-it-yourself aviary demonstration on video
  • 4. The operational qualities of the booth and aviary

Requirements for the aviary for alabai

Square. Alabai – dogs are large, powerful, therefore, in a small aviary, they will definitely be cramped. Especially that it is necessary to place a booth in it, to allocate a place for reception food and leave room for free movement. Considering everything this, the size of the enclosure for alabay should be at least 10 sq.m. A large area is welcome, but to reduce in no case not allowed.

If it is built for several inhabitants, then it is necessary add 5 square meters. meters per pet. Bitches need more space, since their content implies the appearance of offspring, which also inhabits for some time along with mother.

Height. Alabaev has a strong instinct for reproduction, which allows dogs to jump over three-meter fences, looking for the “bride”. Therefore, the fence should be as high as possible.

This feature causes the ban on installing the booth. not far from the fences. Alabai, climbing on the roof of the booth, can easily jump over any fence.

Floor. As for the aviary flooring, its worth doing combined. Concrete is not recommended as it cold and can lead to various diseases pet. It is best to partially asphalt the territory.

The rest of the floor is made of coniferous boards. Tree is capable maintain a good climate – do not overheat in the sun and do not freeze in the cold. Of course, cleaning wood flooring is more difficult. Naturally, the pet must be walked, otherwise the floor in the aviary very quickly become worthless.

Alabai in the aviary

The simplest and most economical option is a land fence plot without floor and ceiling. But alabai noble diggers, so you need to be prepared for the fact that the dog will dig the earth under the walls. And, in addition, in rainy weather the pet will have to constantly be in the booth.

Roof. Therefore, you should still think about comfort. pet and make him a roof. It can be from corrugated board, flexible roof tiles, ondulin or metal tiles.

A door. On the front side of the aviary There must be a full door, not a hole. This is not necessary only for the dog, but also so that the person can calmly go in. For safety’s sake, it should open inward. Will be it is advisable to equip the entrance with strong valves made of metal, or a large padlock.

Overview. Alabai’s main function is to guard territory, which means that it is necessary to have an aviary where the dog will be able to see the entire yard, or in the most vulnerable to penetration intruders spot.

Material. Naturally, when choosing materials you need to consider the physical data of the Central Asian shepherd. Flimsy buildings cannot survive under the pressure of such a powerful beast. The support structure must be installed in depth at least third of the entire length and pour concrete. Netting, often used as an enclosure, in this case not suitable – Alabai often gnaw her.

DIY aviary

Of course, turning to professionals, you can order absolutely any aviary project, down to brick buildings. But here are more A simple option can be done independently, given that, despite endurance, the pet still needs protection from atmospheric phenomena.

Without special construction skills and material resources, you can build a structure from a metal profile, welding to him galvanized welded wire mesh. It will not take many times and money.

Aviary for dogs with their own hands

Photo aviary for alabai

More complex, costly, but also practical, is the installation metal pipes (digging must be accompanied by concreting). Lattices are welded to the base. To aviary lasted longer, it is necessary to prime all metal parts and enamel. It is recommended to use the hot method. painting.

Mandatory installation of doors with reliable constipation. It is better to lay the floor from pre-polished boards. To increase the service life, it is desirable to process the surface of the floor special solutions that protect the material from decay.

The roof is constructed using lightweight beams and covered with ondulin. So that the pet has protection against wind, walls Aviary (one or two) can be beaten with polycarbonate. Frontal the side must remain observable so that the alabai can fulfill its security duties.

To provide shade and coolness in the summer heat, you can plant climbing plant at one of the walls of the aviary. This is the most profitable. option for keeping a Central Asian shepherd dog, without prejudice to the pet itself.

Do-it-yourself aviary demonstration on video

The operational qualities of the booth and aviary

It’s not enough just to build a structure; to look after her correctly:

  1. Cleaning the aviary. Pet location must be clean. Do not clutter the aviary and the adjacent space with excess objects. Twice a day it is necessary sweep. Excrement must be removed, for these purposes there should be a special blade and a container, which also emptying as it fills. Remains of bones should also promptly get out of the enclosures. It is necessary at least once per warm season to wash the aviary with water. To water from cleaning or rain in the aviary did not stagnate, it is recommended to arrange along aviary ditches or trays. They must have a mandatory bias, so that the water spontaneously drains into the sewer, or special capacity. Of the necessary cleaning equipment you need to have: several scoops of iron, a broom, boxes, wooden and iron a shovel, several large buckets. See why dogs eat excrement.
  2. Disinfection. Mandatory event that should be carried out monthly in the summer, and once every three months in other periods. You can use a three percent solution creolin or lysol. It is prepared by dissolving substances in warm water. Surface spraying is most convenient use a water console, distributing the liquid on the walls and floor. Disinfection is carried out only after careful cleaning of the aviary, it cleansing of garbage. Run a pet in the aviary only after complete drying of the treated surfaces. To wood lasted longer, you do not need to often carry out wet cleaning. After tree must be dry.

Avoid overgrowing of the enclosure with vegetation. Between decorative plant and wall distance should be at least 20 cm.

In winter, you need to regularly clean the roof, otherwise a layer of snow may just push it. It is also recommended to clean the perimeter of the aviary from snowdrifts, especially during periods of warming and possible melting snows.

In the cold, you can take care of the pet and block the entrance to the booth tarp. This is especially important for young bitches. For the same goals, the floor in the booth is covered with straw. Change bedding at least once every seven days.

Getting a Central Asian Shepherd Dog, it is worth considering that this is not convivial creation and not suitable for keeping in an aviary with other animals.

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