Australian kelpie


Australian Kelpi Kelpi

Breed characteristics

  • Popularity: 4
  • Training: 10
  • Size: 5
  • Mind: 10
  • Security: 10
  • Relations with children: 6
  • Dexterity: 7
  • Shedding: 6


The Australian Kelpie dog breed came from Australia, sorry for the obviousness and tautology. It happened when in mid-19th century black collies brought to the continent crossed with various dogs, and according to some sources, even with a wild dog Dingo (Dingo), as some external similarity (although genome studies were conducted in 2019 who found that there were no wild dingoes in the family).

What came out of these crosses exceeded all expectations. breeders, and they needed a dog that could participate in cattle grazing, moreover, in the conditions of the Australian hot climate. Actually, it cannot be said that breeding was done professional breeders. In favor of this statement speaks also the fact that the first individual (female) was sold in 1872 by a Scotsman named George Robertson, Jack Gleeson. AND the name of the dog was Kelpie, which later became the name for the whole breed.

Kelpie is the name for the spirit of water from Scottish mythology. How are you See, both of these people were settlers. Dog named Kelpie already did not resemble traditional black collies, but subsequently changed even more due to crossbreeding, which, obviously, it was free and little controlled. Although, purposeful crossbreeding also took place.

One way or another, over time, a breed standard emerged that possessed a huge amount of energy, could withstand the harsh Australia’s climatic conditions and how much sun exposure as long as you want, having outstanding endurance.

In the future, the Kelpie breed became popular far beyond Australia For example, in the USA these dogs are very much appreciated in the hot States, for her outstanding innate qualities as a shepherd, and in Sweden their used for mining operations. There are 2 varieties now Kelpi – exhibition and worker. The first are bred with an emphasis on appearance for performances at exhibitions, and the second – for grazing cattle. These dogs are also called the Australian Shepherd.


Kelpies are medium sized dogs with pointed ears and wedge-shaped muzzle. Chest high, muscular physique, paws medium length, tail not docked.


The kelpie dog has a soft and kind character, perfect as a reliable and loyal friend with whom you can go even to the ends of the world. Their stamina is what they are famous, they can eat or sleep all day, be on their feet and at the same time perfectly copes with its functions. Whether livestock guarding, traveling together, guarding the courtyard of a private house – kelpie is doing its best everywhere.

This is really a friend of man in every sense of the word. They are have excellent sense of smell, excellent hearing, they have specific shepherd skills unique to this breed. Developed intelligence allows you to perfectly understand not only speech the owner, but also his psycho-emotional state, provide support in difficult times and memorize commands. Very independent and independent, but not stubborn.

Children are well treated with care. They like to play, and need constant daily activity, including mental. Since the Kelpie breed was originally designed for intensive activity in the conditions of a city apartment will have to seriously worry about this issue. Perfect place for them content, this, of course, is a private house with its own yard.

By the way, the dog can spend the whole day without presence the owner, completely not suffering from loneliness. But if you do not provide your pet with the proper level of activity, and leave him all day in the apartment, you can be sure that upon arrival You will expect a complete mess. After all, energy is needed somewhere to do. Also, the animal needs socialization and education, so how can they voice in case of any irritants – strangers, loud noise in the yard, etc.


The kelpie dog breed genetically has excellent abilities to protect the territory, and even this is not particularly necessary to educate. Another question is that they need to be trained in the right teams. behavior and obedience, because by its nature it is enough independent dogs. In addition – with a huge supply of energy.

To train a pet to restrain himself, you need to do it constantly, over time. You can start training already from 5-6 months. It is important to limit the overabundance of reactions to irritants so that the dog learns not to react to the slightest rustling barking, and vigilantly watched what was happening, “turning on” when real danger.

The independence of the kelpie must be respected – do not suppress the pet, praise him for his success, and respect him. These are very smart dogs – they everyone understands, even if they try to convince you otherwise. Because, they remember commands easily, understand what you want from them. Justice, patience and kindness – this is what makes the dog make you respect and not only execute commands, but also listen to you as an authority.


With regard to grooming, the kelpie dog breed is enough unpretentious, needs a weekly combing and more. Some individuals have undercoat and molt. Be sure to keep an eye on clean ears, remove deposits in the eyes daily, and bathe pet once or twice a week.

Common diseases

The Kelpie dog breed is generally in good health, but sometimes The following problems may occur:

  • hip dysplasia;
  • cryptorchidism;
  • progressive retinal atrophy;
  • Collie eye anomaly
  • cerebellar abiotrophy.

Breed Information

A country Australia
Life span 10-13 years old
Height Males: 46-51 cm Bitches: 43-48 cm
Weight Males: 14-20 kg Bitches: 14-20 kg
Long wool short
Colour black, tan, black with tan, chocolate
Group for children, for protection

Breed photo

Australian Kelpie Australian Kelpie Dog Breed Australian Kelpie breed kelpie australian dog Australian Kelpie breed kelpie australian dog

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