Why does a dog drool

Increased salivation, in some cases, is physiological feature of certain breeds. But sometimes in dogs, not prone to this phenomenon, saliva suddenly begins to flow abundantly. IN in what cases this process proceeds within the framework of the norm, and when need to sound the alarm? All possible causes should be considered. this phenomenon. So why does a dog drool from his mouth?


  • 1. Species prone to salivation
  • 2. Pathologies of the oral cavity
  • 3. Diseases and injuries of the auricles
  • 4. Virus infections
  • 5. Ailments of a chronic nature
  • 6. Poisoning
  • 7. Stress
  • 8. Change of teeth
  • 9. What to do with increased salivation

Species prone to salivation

Everyone knows that some breeds are from nature, more precisely from breeding activities, awarded this feature – let drooling. This property is manifested in tetrapods with muzzles. impressive sizes with shortened jaws or fleshy, loose brylya.

Why does a dog drool?

Pets with this anatomy have excessive salivation happens for any, even insignificant, occasion. It may come from the heat, when cooling, with any emotional excitement – joy, concern, surprise. Even when the dog sleeping, saliva may flow from him.

In the list of “slobbery” breeds you can find bloodhounds, sharpei, Newfoundlands, St. Bernards, boxers, almost all varieties of bulldogs and mastiffs, Caucasian shepherds.

Modern breeders are puzzled by the decline of this is not entirely pleasant quality, and modern representatives of breeds slobber slightly reduced. This is due to the fact that too if possible, loose breed representatives are not used in breeding processes, and a constant course of saliva is considered significant disadvantage.

This must be considered when choosing a puppy of a breed prone to salivation. Parents should be watched as far as quality is expressed in them. If dogs flood everything around, then, most likely their child will be the same.

Lucky and the puppy gives off a little salivary fluid? Lucky … And if no, there’s only one way out, constantly wipe your face and everything around, since there is no cure for this anatomical feature.

If with certain breeds everything is clear, then the rest of the dogs this phenomenon can be attributed to an alarming sign. is he signals that the pet has a violation in activity of the salivary glands, which are responsible for the secretion of this physiological fluid.

A medium-sized animal per day releases about a liter of saliva, with an increase in this indication, it is worth worrying about the condition favorite. There is an impressive list of reasons why the dog salivation is intensified (as this phenomenon is called in medicine), and far from always they are harmless. Consultation is often required veterinarian and emergency treatment. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to this process.

Pathology of the oral cavity

Dogs are prone to diseases of the teeth and gums, and they are often accompanied by increased salivation. Dogs maybe occurrence of caries, stomatitis, tartar (in some breeds mouth is a weak point) – these ailments are often accompanied painful sensations, inflammatory processes that the pet’s immunity is trying to eliminate not too effective way – the active release of salivary fluid.

Watch the dog eat

Watch the dog eat

In this case, you can get rid of saliva only by eliminating the root cause, that is, curing the disease. To identify a problem, it is worth a closer look at the behavior of the dog, with diseases of the mouth cavity, it behaves as follows:

  • takes unusual care during admission food;
  • eats slower than usual;
  • the head is constantly lowered to the floor;
  • trying to eliminate itching in the jaw area;
  • if touched, it can squeal, snap or just trying to retire, hide.

Similar signs are observed when foreign matter enters the mouth. body, therefore, having discovered such behavior, it is necessary to produce careful inspection of the mouth. Often owners discover foreign object – a bone, a piece of twig or another.

If there is blood in the salivary fluid, then maybe a dog injured the tissues of the palate, gums or tongue. If during the inspection was a wound is found, it must be treated with disinfecting effect. If suppuration is present in the wound, she inflamed or become larger, then you should show the pet to the vet.

  • castration of dogs;
  • symptoms of rabies in dogs;
  • how to remove worms in a dog.

Diseases and injuries of the auricles

Near the auricles are large glands called parotid. Their functions include the production of salivary fluid. Naturally, ear injuries, diseases (caused by pathogenic fungi, bacteria, etc.), tumor formations, otitis media, affect their work, causing increased salivation.

You can save a pet from salivation only by curing your ears from the resulting disease. Ears will be healthy – parotid activity glands will bounce back.

Virus Infections

Viral infections have a number of signs, in addition to enhanced salivations that are easy to detect:

  • the dog eats little or even refuses food;
  • the animal becomes lethargic, lethargic;
  • body temperature rises;
  • the dog is constantly thirsty.

Even 1-2 symptoms should worry the owner and cause to seek medical help. Do not stand alone diagnose and treat infection caused by virus, so how to rid the dog of such diseases without Diagnosis and professional knowledge is not possible. Moreover, keep in mind that some viruses can not only become a threat animal life, but also have the ability to be transmitted to man.

Ailments of a chronic nature

Enhanced salivation may signal the transition of any diseases from acute to chronic form. List of similar ailments quite extensive, but among the most common can be noted the following:

  • gastrointestinal diseases (malignant and benign neoplasms, inflammation of the stomach, duodenum 12, including ulcerative);
  • disturbances in the activity of internal organs (liver, spleen, gallbladder).

Actually provoke profuse salivation chronic disease of any system and organ. Females often a similar phenomenon occurs when the hormonal background is disturbed, diseases of the reproductive organs during gestation offspring.


Strong salivation occurs at any severity intoxication. Dog poisoning can cause ordinary but severe for the digestive tract food – sweets, fatty meats, fruits. Pets often get poisoned due to contact with toxic substances – poisons, fertilizers, household appliances chemistry. Also, the dog may be poisoned by swallowing any stale or rotten product during the walk.

The dog was poisoned

Penetrated into the gastrointestinal tract, a poisonous substance irritates him, provoking bile outflow, and sometimes outflow gastric juice. This effect causes increased salivation, vomiting, loose stools. Sometimes intoxication is accompanied by severe heat, thirst, blanching of mucous tissues is possible.

To quickly help your pet, you should use the same means, that in case of poisoning people – give an absorbent drug – Enterosgel, activated carbon, Polysorb, white coal, etc. If the signs do not pass, you need to seek the help of professionals.


Dogs, like humans, can experience stressful situations. Abundant saliva may be interconnected with psychological the state of the pet. Common causes of stress in dogs the following can be noted:

  • change of owner;
  • relocation;
  • new pet in the house;
  • conflict with another animal;
  • the appearance of a baby in the house;
  • rude treatment by the owner.

Any of these factors can trigger a strong saliva flow. To rid the dog of this phenomenon before all, it is necessary to normalize the state of her nervous system. Is worth pay attention to the pet, walk and drive more often and longer to new, unusual places, to be patient and affectionate.

If more pronounced signs of the disorder are observed, then it is better consult a veterinarian who can prescribe medication preparations or herbal remedies with soothing action.

More on stress in dogs.

Teeth change

A similar phenomenon can be observed in puppies during the shift teeth. Kids constantly nibble something, while saliva runs out of graze in large quantities. In this case, do not particularly worry it’s worth it after the gums cease to bother the doggie, salivation will return to normal. It is important to provide your pet with special toys that can be nibbled.

What to do with increased salivation

The most important thing in this case is the participation of the owner. Not worth it to think that salivation will pass by itself, without outside help. It is important to observe the behavior of the dog, paying attention to any changes.

In a healthy dog, drooling can run abundantly before meals, during time of physical activity, when traveling in any transport, in hot weather. In other cases, there is cause for concern. The pet requires careful attention and timely treatment.

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