The dog has cold paws: what to do?

Veterinarians have to face various dog ailments and pathologies. Owners are contacting not only with obvious signs of a dog’s disease, but also with various kinds issues of concern or difficulty. Vet may tell what and how to feed the dog, whether it is necessary to wear it, which should be the body temperature, and also answer why the dog cold paws what to do in this situation. Lowering the temperature in limbs – not the most common condition that occurs in pets, but sometimes it really makes the owners worry.


  • 1. The paws of the dog are normal
  • 2. Reasons that do not cause unrest
  • 3. We warm paws to the pet
  • 4. When cold feet are a sign of ill health

Dog paws are normal

It is worth noting that some representatives of the canine world paw pads constantly remain cold, and even with a puppy age. Often this feature does not go beyond the norm and does not is cause for concern. The dog has cold feet, what to do. Read the article

The structure of the skin on the legs of all dogs is the same, but, depending on dimensions and loads, it varies in coarseness. For example, dogs of large or giant breeds have tenacious pads, covered with rough, embossed leather, and miniature decorative Doggies have soft, delicate, sensitive heels.

Normally, dog paws have a lower temperature than the rest body, but it must exceed environmental indicators. If the dog is at rest, limb temperature remains stable. It is important to consider that sleep is a state of deep rest, with where the functioning of the immune system and the intensity of metabolic processes are amplified, which can lead to an increase in the base body temperature.

Experts recommend owners who are worried about too cold paws of the pet, measure the animal basic temperature. If the indicator is within the normal range, then do not worry worth it.

Reasons that do not cause unrest

The body of any warm-blooded animal is designed in such a way that his adaptation to the external environment occurs through thermoregulation. If there is a need for a rise in temperature, it speeds up metabolic processes, and when it needs to be lowered – slows down.

That is, the body temperature of the animal, including its paws, depends on the conditions in which the dog is currently. When the dog is outside in cool or even frosty weather, while he is sitting or lying, his limbs may be cold. This is quite normal. At this point, the body does not spends energy, and metabolism slows down. Wild animals are the property of the body helps to survive in harsh conditions, because they do not always manages to get food and get enough of it, and body reserves help out.

Best control over metabolic processes succeeds to carry out the representatives of northern sledding rocks. Four-legged it takes 10 (or even more) hours to move along the snowy nastu. They manage to rest without stopping movement, while breathing open mouth.

Elevated air temperature and increased dog activity also may cause the paws to cool. The body of the animal is cooled by breathing with an open mouth and secretory fluid of glands located between the fingers.

During heat, the dog’s nose should be contrast cold and in the period of heat this applies to the paw pads. Moreover, the pet itself will look for a place to hide from scorching rays – it can spread out in the shade, undermine soft earth and settle in the recess. Thanks to the cooling of the paw pads Dog’s base temperature decreases.

In a sleeping animal, the limbs should be warm and even hot, especially if the room temperature is high. But there should be a measure in this matter – overdried, warm air harmful not only to pets, but also to their owners.

We warm the paws of the pet

The attentive owner will definitely notice the change, especially when it comes to tiny, miniature doggies. And with literate actions, he can quite correct the situation, supporting the body the four-legged friend is normal. Paws of a dog

Usually among representatives of pocket rocks in the winter and wet the weather paws are very cold. In this case, the owner should take care of the following:

  • to purchase insulated boots for a dog – Comfortable to dress and wear, with a light, non-slip sole. Shoes are protection not only from the cold, but also from reagents, which sprinkle the road and paving slabs;
  • socks with “brakes” are suitable for the house – they help out in the offseason and if the house has problems with heating;
  • it is desirable to insulate the pet’s sunbed – this can be made with cardboard, foam or thermally insulating material that is sufficient to place under a mattress or sunbed pet
  • some little dogs freeze during sleep – if the doggie belongs to the category of “frozen”, then You can try to cover him with a blanket. Doggie is not indignant and not trying to get out, then this is what you need.

It is worth noting that during sleep, the animal intensively gives warm, and if it is cold, it’s possible natural lowering body temperature.

When cold feet are a sign of ill health

If a person has cold limbs are often a sign various diseases – vegetovascular dystonia, pathologies thyroid gland, anemia, then in dogs this condition can signal the presence of any ailment. Often cold paws indicate pathology before a more pronounced symptomatology:

  1. Intoxication is among the first manifestations poisoning, vomiting and a sharp decrease in temperature can be noted body.
  2. Anemia – a decrease in red blood cell count in the composition of the blood provokes oxygen starvation of cells. When the disease progresses, blood volume decreases, and the body directs her to supply vital organs. Limbs in this category is not included, so the paws get cold quickly.
  3. Paralysis – pathology can be as complete, partial or partial, it leads to a loss of sensitivity in limbs. Paralysis occurs against a background of neurological disorders – infringement of nerve endings, or is a consequence of injuries. At injuring the spine when nerves are damaged or spinal canal, it is often observed that the hind limbs on touch colder than the front.
  4. Atherosclerosis is a similar disease, which many older people suffer, is often diagnosed with our smaller brothers. The disease develops due to changes in vascular walls, they lose their elasticity, which significantly impairs blood flow in the limbs.
  5. Heart Diseases and Vegetovascular Dystonia – a disease in which there is also a violation of blood flow. Usually the body of a sick animal begins to function intensively, however, the heart cannot cope with the load, it is not capable fully provide all organs and systems. It leads to hypoxia and lowering temperature.
  6. Venous thrombosis – blockage of veins and blood vessels also stops the flow of blood, and the limbs in the dog begin get cold.

Such diseases can be very dangerous, it requires consultation of an experienced veterinarian and long-term treatment. The dog has cold feet, what to do

The dog’s cold paws do not always indicate the presence of diseases, but this probability cannot be ruled out. Owner is worth closely monitor your pet and with alarming signs seek help from a professional.

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