A dog is afraid of other dogs: reasons

A man who dreams of a dog imagines a brave pet, who is not afraid of anything and at any moment can rush to the defense his master. Actually, some four-legged, even a small size, that’s how they behave – they feel confident in company of strangers, both people and dogs. But often behavior the pet is perplexing, especially if he shies away from brothers, experiencing not just fear, but real horror. If the dog afraid of other dogs, the reasons may be different. After all, animals like people, they can suffer from all kinds of phobias. In this case it’s important to find out what triggered such a reaction and try help your pet overcome fear.


  • 1. General information
  • 2. Why is the pet afraid of its own kind?
    • 2.1. Lack of socialization
    • 2.2. Surviving mental trauma
    • 2.3. Hereditary Addiction
    • 2.4. Frightened puppy
  • 3. Proper owner behavior
  • 4. To victory over fear!

general information

Some two dozen years ago, dog cowardice attributed to unforgivable, serious vices. An exception there were dogs of some decorative breeds, but not all. TO Unfortunately, the situation is aggravated by the fact that dog breeding today erected in a business framework. The dog is afraid of other dogs

In the pursuit of profit, many breeders turn a blind eye to some blemishes of individuals involved in breeding. As a result people spend substantial money on the acquisition of a thoroughbred official dogs, and after a couple of months they notice that their pet has psychical deviations.

Do not forget about one nuance – some violations only appear when the pet is growing up. In this case training is problematic, and during operation the owner faced with the fact that the dog can’t control himself, easily excited, comes into conflict with other dogs or panic afraid of them.

Specialists identify two causes of fear of dogs in front of themselves like. Or the dog is not socialized properly and simply not knows how to behave with other dogs, or he is not sure own strength and feels that in the event of a fight he will not be able protect myself.

In this case, the dog is unsociable, has a tendency to escape, after walking irritable. With an intense attack of phobia, he begins to fall to the ground and lie motionless, uncontrollably defecate when another dog approaches.

Fear of the street is another problem that is even more reinforced if the pet is afraid of others animals. The reason for fear is insufficient socialization, i.e. the four-legged ones were not taught how to behave in the outside world, respond correctly to people, vehicles, other animals. is he afraid of everything that is incomprehensible to him, walks become torture as for the dog and the owner. Usually a dog will do his job right away runs away to the house or pulls the owner there.

Dogs with a similar unstable psyche are unsure of themselves, any they may not evaluate the sound or action of passers-by incorrectly. therefore in some cases, dogs become dangerous to others, as to predict their reaction is almost impossible.

Why is a pet afraid of its own kind?

Most dog owners are not very familiar with canine psychology. Not only do they not know how to help a pet to overcome your own fear, they also unwittingly aggravate the state of a four-legged friend, encouraging such behavior.

To solve the problem, experts recommend finding out that triggered the development of phobia.

Lack of socialization

This is the most common flaw, the culprit of which is the master himself. Experienced dog handlers and breeders confirm that if the puppy before 5-6 months of age did not go for walks for the limits of his yard or apartment, did not visit public places and not met other people and animals, then most cases he develops a phobia. The dog is afraid of other dogs read the article

But in this case, it is not necessary that the condition manifests itself in as a fear of other dogs. A pet may be afraid of cars, people, animals, extraneous sounds. The risks of escaping from socialized pets are much higher. Sooner or later this the dog is on the street and returning home alone is not capable of. It is necessary to protect the fearful pet and drive him on walks exclusively on a leash. If you do not stick to it rules, you can permanently lose a dog.

Low levels of socialization can also be caused by the fact that the puppy was taken away from the bitch too early. It is desirable that the offspring stayed with her mother for up to 2-3 months. During this period, kids have time get the first knowledge about the world around them, they learn interact with mom and brothers, she also gives important educational lessons. Also, looking at the behavior of bitches, puppies begin to understand what a person means for a dog, what place he takes in her life.

Artificial puppies are deprived of this school, they are the first skills adopted from people. And the person who feeds the baby should not to miss the moment, it is important to develop the personality of the pet and maintain his:

  • the puppy must learn to play, and how to win, and lose;
  • he needs to be able to compete for food.

Surviving mental trauma

The second common cause of phobias in animals. With like the phenomenon is often encountered by owners who take an adult pet from the zoo or from the street. As soon as the dog is in new home, he is going through an adaptation period, and how much it will take time to recover, is unknown. During adaptation dog can be scared of everything, even the owner.

Hereditary Addiction

A fairly rare reason that affects the appearance of fear in a pet in front of the dogs. By nature, dogs are sociable and if they are afraid of anyone, they will try to avoid contact. When dog nose to nose collides with a frightening object, it can take defensive position, and if the opponent wins in size and power, then – run away.

Genetic addiction can be assumed, but it is not guaranteed. Usually signs of cowardice appear in puppies. by 4-8 weeks of age. Such kids avoid playing with brothers and sisters, they are afraid of noise, they grow a little slower than the rest, so how not to compete for food.

Frightened puppy

It’s impossible to predict whether fear will follow in the future, tested by a puppy. The cause of severe stress is often visit to a veterinary clinic, careless handling, inadequate the behavior of bitches, etc.

Proper owner behavior

As already mentioned, ignorance of the owner can provoke the development of cowardice in a pet. What mistakes should be avoided so that the puppy does not grow shy? First of all, when the dog is scared, you can not reassure him and feel sorry for him. Of course, this is quite ordinary. human reaction to a similar situation. The dog is afraid

The dog sees it as an encouragement of cowardly behavior. There was an attack of panic, so it would be followed by affection and refreshments. The pet catches one thing – his fear is normal condition, and the owner of such behavior pleases.

Over time, this habit takes root, and rid the dog of it it is extremely difficult. To wean him out of fear, the owner should change your attitude to such situations. It is important to understand that, pitying and protecting the dog, she is given a “bear service”. Of course, we are not talking about the threats of physical injury to the animal.

A frightened dog should be distracted, and for this in the arsenal There are several ways for any dog breeder:

  • you can give your pet some simple commands that do not cause him difficulties;
  • offer to play or give him your favorite toy.

The owner must behave calmly, as if nothing happened and try to switch the attention of the animal from the object, causing fear, for something more pleasant. Also dogs can adopt the habits of other four-legged. For example, if his a gaming companion fears transport, he can also start it to be afraid.

To victory over fear!

Worse all corrections are given to dogs with weak socialization, who haven’t been to public places or taken early from a bitch. If these factors are present, the pet will be cowardly during walking, but being on a leash, he is able to show aggression. IN in this case, it is best to seek the help of a professional dog handlers, how to cope with the situation yourself almost impossible, but to aggravate the situation awkward trying is very easy.

The correction includes the following:

  • the dog develops addiction to other dogs, putting on him muzzle or placing in a spacious cage;
  • offer to take a 5-minute walk in the company with brothers, time gradually increases;
  • careful introduction of games with several dogs, while it’s important Avoid conflicts over the toy.

The owner should be patient – the four-legged coward will gradually get used to everything new. If the owner turned to to the dog handler at the first sign of a phobia in a pet, for a full socialization may require only a few walks with excellent trained dogs. The dog is afraid of what to do

You can also follow the advice of specialists:

  • the owner must accustom himself not to lose his temper, when the dog is afraid – it is advisable to continue his affairs without reacting to the situation;
  • for a walk you should take your favorite dog toy and let it in move when other tetrapods appear;
  • do not stop pet training – without basic knowledge teams he is more likely to get into an unpleasant and dangerous the situation.

Fear is a natural feeling that arises not only in humans, but also in animals. It is important for self-preservation of an individual. But sometimes it manifests itself as a phobia, for unknown reasons. Pet not must be afraid of other dogs, and for this the owner will have to make efforts.

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