Why a dog digs holes in the yard: reasons and ways to eliminate them

Often violates the idyll of relaxation in a country house or in the country a pet who digs holes with fruit bushes, digs up carrots and mercilessly destroys the planting. Why dog digs holes in the yard? What to do if a pet behaves arrogant than wild animals – mice, hares, chipmunks and other pests, leaving behind a hole deep with a crater and deserted, trampled plots? In fact, each dog has its own reasons for acting. in a similar way, and far from always they are associated with the usual “piggery.” Yes, and these pets are quite flexible, which means to discourage the dog from this case is quite possible.


  • 1. It is important to identify the cause
    • 1.1. Hunting instincts
    • 1.2. Body needs
    • 1.3. The desire to arrange a rookery
    • 1.4. The desire to stock up “on a rainy day”
    • 1.5. Curiosity
    • 1.6. Lack of physical activity
    • 1.7. Partner search
    • 1.8. Longing, discouragement and boredom
  • 2. Watch the video if the dog digs the ground
  • 3. How to rid a pet of a bad habit

It is important to identify the cause.

If the dog loves to rummage in the ground, then do not blame it on sabotage. In fact, this behavior is associated with nature animal. After all, dogs are descendants of wolves, and they are still with their paws they tear out a refuge for themselves, where they breed offspring. Besides in addition, some dogs include their digging abilities during heat, while to others neither cold nor sunshine is a hindrance –– they from the breed of hereditary diggers. Why does a dog dig holes in the yard

But nature is nature, and the harm these pets do for infield, can be quite tangible. Also some four-legged make excellent digging under the fence and run off to “free will”, getting into dangerous situations. So the owner such a unique dog should know how to deal with a habit a shaggy comrade — for the benefit of the garden garden and the dog himself. More often all the reasons for the tendency to “excavation” are associated with a number reasons.

Hunting instincts

If you know in advance, representatives of which breeds have similar habit, you can weigh the pros and cons before the puppy cross the threshold of the house. For example, in the four-footed “hunters” this property in the blood, they are equipped with very strong pads and claws to act “like a shovel” and not damage limbs.

And their sharp scent captures the alleged game even deep beneath land, and any mouse will cause a large, deep pit. Also, these dogs are very stubborn, stubborn and hardworking. –Even a little doggie can “work” for a long time, and the result of the owner will be horrified.

The leaders among the digging dogs are terriers. Itself the word “terra”, which lies in the name of the breed, from Latin translates as “earth”. And the breed was bred for specific purposes. – so that its representatives would hunt excellently as aboveground, and terrestrial animals.

It is worth noting that not all dogs from this family experience passion for digging. Basically, this is a “sin” terriers with short paws:

  • Bedlington
  • Borders
  • parson russell;
  • norfolk;
  • Norwich
  • Yorkies and other less common breeds related to of this category.

Almost all representatives of the above breeds –Small dogs with a charming appearance, and not even You’ll think that they can do something “big”.

The second place is rightfully occupied by dachshunds that belong to the norns to hunters. Translated, the name of the breed means “badger dog.” Despite the fact that today these dogs are often turned on as companions and pets, they did not lose their physical data, no cool hunting temper.

Due to the perfect, muscular body shape, the dachshund does not it is difficult to penetrate even into a narrow hole and get out of there the inhabitant of the hole. But perseverance and courage are enough to tear the entrance is too narrow and not afraid to stick into the very depths.

Body needs

Dogs are predators, which means the basis of the diet four-legged friend should be foods containing a lot animal protein – meat, fish, offal. However and plant food should be included in the animal’s menu, because in nature and wolves eat berries, roots, fruits. Why a dog digs holes in the yard read the article

Therefore, if the dog does not just tear the earth, but with pleasure eats mined, then most likely it’s worth adding food to his dishes, containing fiber.

The desire to arrange a rookery

If the pet digs only in the summer, when it pesters the heat, and the rest of the time ignores such an activity, then this behavior is due to the desire to arrange a cool a couch. The dog removes the top layer of the earth and fits on the bottom the soil that blows cool –– it is real salvation for animals prone to overheating.

Best of all the heat is carried by representatives of African breeds, for example, basenji. Worse all have large dogs with copious double-layered hair – Caucasian sheepdogs, Newfoundlands, Moscow watchdog and others. Also at risk are dogs old dogs with heart problems brachycephals, which by nature are thermoregulated by respiration broken.

In order for the pet to avoid heat stroke, care should be taken its cooling. You can lay a wet blanket or bedspread, put a container of water large enough so that the dog can get it in and freshen up. You can also arrange a dog’s place in shade – under a branchy tree or in another shady tree and protected from the penetration of active sunlight.

The desire to stock up “on a rainy day”

Some dogs instinctively have a habit “hide” food. Moreover, even those pets who get enough food and do not need it at all.

The owner can notice how his pet is rushing around the house territories with bone or other food in the teeth in search of a secluded place. He will calm down when he digs a hole, put it there “delicious” and carefully buried. But to some pets this not enough, they can check the condition every half hour “cache”.


All animals have a degree of curiosity, and dogs are not an exception. They show their curiosity in everything –– sniffing everything in the way, looking into all corners. And the earth is a treasure trove for the four-legged explorer! The dog digs holes in the yard

And dog owners doing gardening, it is worth abandoning fertilizers, which include bone flour. Sensing her, the dog will certainly show interest and will be with a special zealously dig holes.

Lack of physical activity

Representatives of many breeds vital work: shepherd, service, hunting, sled dogs, rescue dogs, athletes. And if they don’t get the necessary loads, they find it’s up to ourselves and not always “good”.

Active dog rummaged the whole garden? The owner should remember, and How long has he taken his pet to the training ground or took the hunt. By the way, most often sports are digging land individuals.

Partner search

Sex drive in some dogs is so pronounced that they can jump over incredibly high fences, tear off the leash and dig up whole tunnels under the fence. So both flowing bitches and males who smell “walking” female. A similar problem is solved by knitting or sterilization of the animal.

Longing, discouragement and boredom

If the pet does not tolerate separation, does not like to be alone or receives little attention from the owner, then he can “cheat”, thus expressing their experiences. In the home from this can suffer wallpaper, shoes, furniture and other interior items, in the yard – beds and vegetation.

Such behavior should not be encouraged, but the owner should to think about whether he devotes enough time to the four-legged to a friend. As you can see, the pet has a lot of reasons to break land, and for each case there is a decision.

Watch the video if the dog digs the ground

How to rid a pet of a bad habit

Experienced dog breeders will not be difficult to understand the prevailing situations, and inexperienced can always consult with veterinarian or breeder. In different situations, your specific methods:

  1. In the heat, you can help the dog cool down without the need digging out sunbeds, and if a taxider stubbornly “catches” mice, the fight it should not be with a pet, but with rodents.
  2. Dogs-runners should maximize the complexity of the task – to do the fence is higher, and in the earth around the perimeter, dig a metal the grid – to a depth of 40-50 cm.
  3. Purchasing a puppy of a fashionable breed of a husky, a stern black terrier or handsome Doberman, you should consider such dogs regular exercise is needed, otherwise a “bored” dog reminds of itself, and doing it brightly enough.
  4. Fans of the digging process itself should highlight a separate a plot where they could dig “as much as they like” without causing damage to the landscape and plantings. It can be fenced, add sand and sprinkle a little bone meal to attract attention dogs. Also, the dog will be interested in buried and a little peeking out soil bone or toy.
  5. Does the dog play and rummage in the designated place? Should be encouraged – praise or treat. And if you get distracted and start digging in a place where this is prohibited is a formidable call and prohibiting team.
  6. Zoologists offer another, non-standard method of weaning a dog from digging holes – dig a deep hole, place in it balloon and goodies. Deepening is sprinkled with earth and when the interested dog will begin to dig, he will hook the ball with his claws, and he will loud burst. A frightened pet will remember experience for a long time and will think three times before breaking hostesses beds.

To solve any behavioral disorders, the owner should learn more about canine psychology and the breed characteristics of your four-legged friend. Then it will be easier to interact with the dog. and understand when her behavior requires correction, and when it comes about innate instincts.

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