Which vegetables can be given to dogs, and which not allowed

It’s impossible to imagine a proper human diet without vegetables, which rid the body of bad cholesterol, positively affect memory, invigorate and eliminate despondency. In other words, to us, People can’t do without plant food. And what about our smaller brothers? Can a dog have vegetables, or better Limit Pet Food to Protein Food? In this article we We’ll try to find out if the dog should give vegetables, and if so, then which ones.

What are the vegetables for the dog

To begin with, we will understand why many dog breeders are generally worried the question is whether dogs need vegetables. The fact is that plant products (and this is not only vegetables, but also fruits, herbs, nuts) have low digestibility. Our home Tuzik simply does not digestive enzymes that break down shell fiber products. Because the basis of any canine the menu serves protein (meat, fish, dairy products, eggs), to its share accounting for up to 80%. The remaining 20% are cereals and still vegetables (and other vegetation like herbs, fruits). Vegetables in the diet dogs do not play a decisive but rather important role, albeit poorly digested. So, the dog needs vegetables, because что:Give vegetables to dogs

  1. Они улучшают процесс пищеварения. Eating only meat fraught with constipation, kidney and liver problems;
  2. Vegetable dishes saturate the dog’s body with vitamins, micro- and macronutrients. This is especially true for dogs in natural menu, since ready-made high-quality dry and wet food – fully balanced products containing everything you need animals;
  3. Raw vegetables relieve plaque, massage when eaten gums;
  4. Fiber removes cholesterol from pets which is harmful to the heart and blood vessels;
  5. The vegetable component of the dog’s menu does not require large cash costs. Seasonal vegetables are usually inexpensive, then like meat in winter and summer is not cheap.

Vegetables: fried, baked, boiled or raw

We agreed that vegetables, although in small quantities, are needed doggies. But in what form should vegetables be given to a dog, should they be exposed heat treated and chopped? Or it will be quite simple wash and peel, say, a carrot to treat your pet? On the in fact, for an adult and healthy dog, baked, boiled or raw vegetables, as mashed, at the discretion of the owner, and diced. But fried vegetables are bad for digestion of dogs of any age. Dog owners worth помнить, что:What vegetables can be given to dogs

  1. Особям мелких пород и щенкам лучше давать вареные и порезанныеfinely vegetables (or mashed);
  2. It is better to cook vegetables for a dog with a problem digestion;
  3. Raw vegetables are often too hard, they can cause pain in dogs with problems with teeth or gums;
  4. Some of the vegetables after heat treatment become more useful. This applies, for example, carrots, beets, broccoli;
  5. Raw or boiled vegetables (baked, steamed, etc.) not all dogs love. To fool a pet, some owners try to add herbal products to porridge or combine them with meat (or fish).

What vegetables can be given to dogs

The lack of plant foods in the diet is detrimental to digestion of animals, their level of immunity, skin condition integument, wool, vision. However, it’s important to figure out which vegetables can be given to the dog so that there is maximum benefit. So in a bowl песиков уместно класть такие продукты:What vegetables can be given to dogs

  • Морковь – источник витамина А (отвечает за здоровьеreproductive and nervous systems, the beauty of the coat, muscle tone). There are vitamins of group B in carrots, as well as vitamin D, necessary for the strength of bones and teeth. Also in this vegetable is manganese, iron, potassium;
  • Pumpkin – it has a lot of vitamin A, and also B5 (responsible for the normal functioning of the liver), C (strengthens the immune system, stabilizes blood sugar, acts as antihistamine), E (participates in hematopoiesis, eliminates inflammatory processes, helps to absorb fats). In the pumpkin there are potassium, copper and cobalt;
  • Zucchini or zucchini – these foods have a lot of vitamin C, calcium is present (required for normal heart function and muscle system), iron (involved in the work of the nervous system and hematopoiesis, respiration), manganese (needed for proper functioning of the nervous system, good digestion, proper fetal formation in the womb of a mother-dog);
  • Cucumbers – these green vegetables have vitamins B5, C, K (responsible for blood coagulation), potassium, cobalt (prevents development of anemia, required for the nervous system), copper (needed for hematopoiesis, strengthening immunity, good brain function);
  • Beetroot – a lot of vitamin C in the vegetable, but also contains manganese, cobalt, chromium (participates in carbohydrate metabolism, heals wounds, regulates glucose levels), copper, molybdenum (strengthens teeth, participates in the growth and development of cells, promotes digestibility vitamin C), iodine (needed for the thyroid gland, is responsible for metabolism, muscle tone, immunity). However, beets can weaken the intestines and cause allergies in some dogs;
  • Bulgarian pepper (sweet) – contains vitamins C, B5, B6 (responsible for the process of amino acid metabolism), B9 (hematopoiesis, DNA synthesis). There is potassium in the pepper, phosphorus (forms bones and teeth, the body needs to generate energy), copper;
  • Turnip – it contains a lot of vitamins C, PP (participates in redox reactions), magnesium (needed for maintaining the work of the heart and respiratory organs, bone growth, normalization of pressure), potassium, phosphorus and iron;
  • Tomatoes – these healthy vegetables are rich in vitamins A, C, K. It is believed that tomatoes can adversely affect the frequency the heart rate of the dog, be responsible for allergic reactions and intestinal disorders. However, in moderation, tomatoes are very beneficial for animals;
  • Cabbage – any cabbage (white cabbage, broccoli, colored, Brussels) is a source of vitamins C, K, groups B. Cabbage has potassium, calcium (needed to maintain strength teeth and bones), phosphorus, selenium (needed for good functioning thyroid and reproductive organs). However, it is worth being with cabbage be careful if the dog has gastrointestinal problems (the vegetable causes gas formation);
  • Spinach – it contains vitamins A, B2 (participates in the exchange substances responsible for energy production), B6, B9, K. Contains calcium, potassium, copper and zinc (useful for skin, bones, accelerates wound healing, good for the reproductive system).

What vegetables should not be given to dogs

What vegetables can be given to dogs

  • Onions and garlic – can cause anemia in dogs due to high sulfoxides, and thiosulfates threaten gastrointestinal tract disorders;
  • Legumes – dogs do not need because they cause strong gas formation;
  • Raw potatoes are dangerous due to the content of solanine, which affects the nervous system. Boiled potatoes in large quantities can cause obesity and joint problems due to high starch and carbohydrate content;
  • Corn – poorly digested, and even often causes allergies
  • Eggplant – contraindicated for eating if the dog sick kidneys. In addition, eggplant can cause diarrhea;
  • Radish – undesirable for dogs with gastrointestinal tract diseases, the liver. Due to glycosides, the radish can have a bad effect on the condition thyroid gland.

Despite the fact that dogs are not recommended to use the above vegetables, it’s okay if the doggie occasionally (not more than 1 time per week) will feast on, say, boiled potatoes or corn. The main thing is not to feed your pet unwanted vegetables constantly. It is also important that the animal does not was allergic to a herbal product. In other words, what kind of vegetables should not be given to the dog, and which may be in the bowl occasionally should the owner decides for himself by observing his tailed friend.

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