What you can’t feed the dog: we understand together

Eating natural foods still causes difficulties in dog breeders. If there are practically no questions with ready-made rations, unless what brand is better, what products can dogs, and how to feed the dogs is impossible, many owners of four-legged friends for sure and do not know. But this list is quite long and includes not only harmful, but also dangerous to the animal’s body food.


  • 1. What vegetables are bad for dogs
  • 2. Sweet banned
  • 3. Tubular bones
  • 4. Sausages and smoked meats
  • 5. Fish
  • 6. Yeast dough
  • 7. Pork meat
  • 8. Raw eggs

What vegetables are bad for dogs

Vegetables should average 20-25% of a pet’s diet. Experts recommend not limited to boiled products, but give them raw. But are all vegetables suitable for feeding? dogs? Potato and broccoli.

Potatoes for dogs

In the first case, raw potatoes contain solanine – dangerous, toxic substance. Therefore, treating them with an animal is not worth it, as well as you need to make sure that the pet does not get to the vegetables on its own or cleanings. In boiled potatoes, there are many slowly digestible carbohydrates, which are deposited in the layer of fat, and potato starch leads to a set of extra pounds and increases hypoglycemic index.

With a sedentary lifestyle of a pet, such food will lead to an obese pet. In addition, potatoes are not very good the dog’s digestive tract is perceived and poorly digested, it can become cause diarrhea.

Broccoli is another vegetable that is good for human organism, but contains isocyanate, which is a poison for the pet. Large amounts of broccoli eaten can lead to death. dogs. It can be given to a pet as part of other foods, but the amount of this ingredient should be minimal (4-5%). In that In this case, the vegetable will only benefit the animal’s body, as it contains an extensive group of vitamins and beta-carotene.

Important: what cereals can be given to the dog.

Sweet banned

As practice shows, sweets are loved not only by people, but also our four-legged friends. And the dog owners are to blame which as a treat and encouragement of the pet use pastries, and allow guests to pamper the owners dog at home.

The dog must not be sweet

In some cases, the dog shows all of his acting talents, to get a treat, but in a simple way – begs. Animal can ingratiatingly look into the eyes, perform various tricks, whine, and do it until you get what you want. And sometimes he simply takes food from the table without demand. All the above applies to defects in education.

Generally sweet is bad for many reasons. It’s bad digestion of the digestive tract of the dog, spoils the teeth, is the cause of excess weight and can provoke the development of diabetes.

A special attitude in the dog’s body with chocolate. Theobromine, which gives bitterness to the delicacy is vegetable alkaloid contained in cocoa beans. In humans, a small dose this substance affects how caffeine – has a stimulating effect to the work of the heart and blood flow. But such an action is dangerous for animal organism, as it makes the heart beat violently and contract faster, and this leads to arrhythmia, tachycardia.

And the diuretic effect of the substance can cause a violation water-electrolyte balance. To small dog seriously poisoned, it’s enough for her to eat 3-4 pieces of chocolate (the calculation is 7 g per 1 kg of animal weight). So you need to think about consequences for the pet before giving a tasty bite chocolate.

Read more about sweet for dogs here.

Tubular bones

Another dangerous product that can lead to death the outcome. Everyone knows the love of pets for this type of food, but far not every bone is suitable for feeding dogs. Most harm a tubular bone can inflict, since, when it breaks, it divided into sharp fragments capable of injuring the mouth and walls esophagus, stomach and intestines and even pierce them through. Besides Moreover, they often become stuck in the respiratory tract, leading to suffocation animal.

What can not feed a dog

First of all, the ban applies to the tubular bones of a bird, since besides all of the above, a bone can get stuck in teeth, and their undigested fragments accumulate in the stomach.

It is allowed to treat the pet with large beef bones, not having sharp edges, preferably with meat and cartilage. To give better raw product and after a while pick up so that the dog could not completely crack.

More on bones for dogs: http: //dogipedia.ru/mozhno-li-davat-sobake-kosti-kurinye-svinye-govyazhi-i-td/

Sausages and smoked meats

No pet will refuse a piece of sausage or delicious meat, but it’s better not to give him similar food. Cooked-smoked products contain two components harmful to the dog – salt and pepper. But these are modern unscrupulous manufacturers not limited to, adding not only soy, but also flavor enhancers, colorants, flavors and more. Naturally, all these components not suitable for eating animals. Of course, the dog will survive after the treat, but the daily use of such products thoroughly knock down pet’s health.

Sausage for dogs

A smoked meat products negatively affect the condition liver and pancreas of an animal. Pets are at particular risk overweight, diabetes liver and kidney. Also in this group are puppies up to 5 months.


If the dog is not a Japanese Akita Inu breed, representatives of which need a mandatory presence in the diet of fish, you can completely do not give the dog this product, as it can be not only harmful, but also dangerous. Dogs often choke on fish bones, sharp fins that can get stuck in the throat, tube esophagus, damaging the tissue. Dogs also often get stuck. fish bones in the gums and between the teeth, the dog will not say about his problem and will be tormented.

Fish bone can cause inflammatory process, which can worsen the condition of the pet. Raw fish can to be a breeding ground for parasitic microorganisms and helminths, which, when eating a product, will surely hit the animal. More often parasites live in the body of freshwater fish, so its better completely remove from the diet.

Specialists allow treating the dog with pulp of fresh salmon, but not all owners can afford to feed the dog so expensive fish. A special enzyme was also found in raw fish. the substance is thiaminase, which destroys the vitamins from group B. A lot of it contained in river and sea bream, roach, crucian carp, sprat, pike, sardines, capelin, herring.

Another dangerous component for a canine organism is trimethylamine oxide, it binds the iron supplied to food, thereby preventing the mineral from digesting, which leads to the development of anemia. It is contained, in fact, in some types of fish – tuna, pollock, cod, saury, haddock, saithe, blue whiting.

It will be useful:

  • how to feed the dog;
  • how many times a day to feed the dog;
  • Is it possible for a dog to milk.

Yeast dough

Four-legged bread, rolls, pies on yeast dough to friends like no less than their owners. But the baking is special fresh, very harmful to the intestinal tract of the animal. Yeast, penetrating the intestines, begin to ferment, emitting gases that accompanied by pain. In extreme cases, the condition can cause intoxication, and even rupture of the intestinal or gastric tissues.

Dough and eggs for dogs

In addition, the muffin may contain sugar, which is also found Among the forbidden products for dogs. If you really want to treat favorite bread, then let it be a dried piece of black bread or rye cracker.

Pork meat

This type of meat is the worst option for a dog. In pork often parasitic worms are detected, and the dog can become infected infectious bulbar palsy. In the latter case, it is considered since people do not get sick with this disease, then check the meat for pathogens are not necessary. Among other things, pork too oily.

Given the prevalence of pork, it is difficult to completely eliminate it. from the diet of the animal, and experts do not insist on this. But a number of rules should be observed:

  • buy the product only in trusted places where it is must pass a veterinary check;
  • give the dog lean parts of pork – tenderloin, shoulder, carbonade.

Everyone knows that dogs need offal in their diets. It is the pork heart that contains less fat than calf. it an excellent option for feeding, containing healthy protein and vitamin and mineral substances. Also, the pet will not give up pork cartilage, kaltyka, ears and other treats that do not have excess fat.

Raw eggs

This product is dangerous for several reasons. Firstly in it contains the enzyme substance Avidin, which inhibits processes absorption of B vitamins and impairs the digestibility of biotin, which negatively affects the appearance of the coat and skin. Raw eggs can also be infected with salmonella.

Of course, serious dog worsening can occur when eating 5 or more eggs during the week. Experts advise not get carried away, but it’s better to give your pet raw every 3-4 days quail egg with shell, previously chopped. You can diversify the diet with hard boiled chicken eggs, scrambled eggs. But then again, no more than 2-3 times a week.

Dogs, although they live side by side with a person and often adopt many habits still possess different from human the body. This must be taken into account, since when treating pet beer, candy or a piece of sausage, owner automatically shortens a pet’s not so long century.

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