How to feed a puppy with diarrhea properly

Watery stool, diarrhea, or diarrhea is a disorder of the stool that is often occurs in both adult pets and puppies. Reasons may be different, sometimes the problem is related to malnutrition, in in some cases with infections, but in any case, the pet disturbing unpleasant symptoms. Naturally, the dog needs taking certain medications and best if prescribed veterinarian. But another important question that arises in a similar situations, what to feed the puppy with diarrhea?


  • 1. Diarrhea in a puppy: how it manifests itself and what is the reason
  • 2. Hungry diet: why is it necessary and how not to overdo it
  • 3. Diarrhea with improper feeding
  • 4. The basics of nutrition for diarrhea
  • 5. What foods can give a puppy with diarrhea
  • 6. Products prohibited for diarrhea

Diarrhea in a puppy: how it manifests itself and what is the reason

If you take a closer look at the work of canine digestive system, then a healthy pet empties the intestines 2-4 times a day, this usually happens after eating. But if it comes to diarrhea, then the dog begins to behave uneasily, whimper, asking to go outside. As for the puppies, they will leave puddles of liquid stool right in the house, since his toilet is not yet established. How to feed a puppy with diarrhea correctly read the article

The main causes of diarrhea in puppies are:

  • the use of poor-quality, expired food, as well as products not suitable for feeding dogs;
  • eating garbage, slops – the kids are very curious, and such behavior is inherent in most young puppies;
  • transfer from one type of feeding to another;
  • ingestion of inedible objects;
  • overfeeding a pet;
  • manifestation of an allergic reaction;
  • infection with worms and other parasites;
  • taking medication;
  • against the background of diseases of internal organs;
  • due to tumor formations, etc.

Owners need to consider that frequent diarrhea is much more dangerous for puppies than for adults, as it can cause severe dehydration in a short period. Therefore important make sure that the dog drinks the necessary amount of water and does not starved for a long time.

Hungry diet: why is it necessary and how not to overdo it

Before the cause of diarrhea is clarified, it’s worth planting pet on a hungry diet. This forced measure will not help harm the pet. In fact, diarrhea results from intensive work of the intestinal mucosa. She is responsible for producing special enzymes that are necessary for complete digestion and assimilation of food. But when the mucosal receptors annoyed, she begins to work harder to work out more fluid washing the affected surface.

To “wash the intestines” from irritating elements, he much more water is required than usual, and he takes it from organism. Therefore, it is important to provide the puppy with sufficient amount of water. In addition, if during the “cleansing” of the intestine in it will receive food, the body will perceive it as possible threatened, the amount of mucus secreted will increase. So diarrhea will become even more frequent and plentiful.

Another caveat – in the intestine there will be no necessary enzymes to digest food, and in the aquatic environment it will occur decay. This will naturally increase the amount of poisoning. toxins. If, during diarrhea, feed your pet with solid food, then the sharp edges of the pieces can damage the walls of the digestive a path, and then a bloody admixture appears in the feces. Availability bright red discharge indicates bleeding in a thin or colon. How to feed a puppy with diarrhea

With diarrhea in adult dogs, the duration of a hungry diet is 24 hours, it is not recommended to feed puppies in the first 10-12 hours after the onset of diarrhea. Longer Hungry Diet for Babies not recommended. Thanks to such a forced hunger strike in the mucous membranes intestines have the opportunity to get rid of irritation and recover.

If the pet is less cheerful, it often spins at the feet when the owner comes into the kitchen, but does not look painful, so do not worry costs, and the process goes on. Should alert following symptoms:

  • cyanosis of mucous surfaces;
  • significant decrease in body temperature: in puppies of small breeds below 38.5 ° C, medium – 37.5 ° and large – 37.3 °;
  • the appearance of tremors, convulsions;
  • respiratory failure.

Such signs signal a serious pathology, which caused diarrhea.

Diarrhea with improper feeding

Feeding a puppy is not an easy task, as long as the owner select the most suitable diet, a doggie can more than once develop diarrhea. Often an intestinal upset occurs due to that the pet eats fatty foods – fried chicken, pork, lard, well-oiled pancake and other “delicacies”, even in small amounts, can cause diarrhea.

With minor errors in nutrition, resolve the situation simply. Should transfer the pet to diet and after a short fast for 1-2 days to feed the puppy rice broth and liquid porridge – without salt and oil, cooked on water!

If diarrhea is caused by the puppy getting the wrong food regularly, you should consult your veterinarian. The doctor will pick up foods that are better to include in your diet will help balance menu and determine the norm. Unfortunately, with similar problems faced by many dog owners who decide to feed the pet natural products. Cute dogs

When a pet is allergic or intolerant to many products, the doctor may recommend transferring a pet from a natural hypoallergenic ready-made feed. If the product is suitable, then all unpleasant symptoms, including liquid, will disappear chair.

Nutrition Basics for Diarrhea

There are a number of rules that should be followed when feeding a pet with diarrhea:

  • give the puppy food fractionally, 5-6 times a day, but little by little – this will reduce the burden on the inflamed digestive tract;
  • products should not irritate the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, the sensitivity of which with diarrhea is significantly increased. For this food must be steamed or boiled;
  • wiped or semi-liquid dishes are best suited consistency – they are crushed or ground;
  • You can’t give the puppy cold or hot food, it is necessary heat or cool to 30-35 ° С.

If you adhere to such principles, you can accelerate processes of restoration of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, and the pet will feel much faster improvement.

What foods can a puppy give with diarrhea

If the puppy vilifies, the owner is advised to act in the following way:

  • it is necessary not to give him food for 12 hours;
  • provide access to clean drinking water around the clock;
  • if the baby refuses to drink, you need to drink it.

When diet therapy is completed, it should be gradually introduced into pet ration foods starting with rice broth. Also on the menu may include the following:

  • mucous porridge – rice, oat, oat-flakes, good boiled in water, without sugar and other additives;
  • later you can cook porridge and vegetable soups on meat broth;
  • low-fat boiled meat – turkey, chicken (if the pet does not have allergies), rabbit;
  • lean boiled sea fish;
  • low-fat cottage cheese and dairy products without additives;
  • mashed potatoes.

Do not worry about the variety of pet diets, menus should include several products. They are included in the menu gradually, one in 2-3 days, watching the reaction of the dog’s body.

Products prohibited for diarrhea

The diet of a pet whose digestive processes are disturbed, requires mandatory correction. The following are excluded from the puppy’s menu products:

  • bread – the exception is rye or whole grain crackers, which can be given in small quantities – 1-2 pieces a couple of times a a week;
  • milk, cream;
  • fresh vegetables or preservation;
  • fresh vegetables, berries, fruits with a sour taste;
  • sausages, smoked meats, marinades and pickles;
  • mushrooms and mushroom broths;
  • sweets and pastries;
  • any bean.

Even a healthy puppy doesn’t have such food on the menu, not to mention a pet suffering from diarrhea. In addition, do not treat your pet fried food, food with spices and seasonings. Even if the doggie constantly eats dry diets; during diarrhea feed him such food is not recommended. This is due to the fact that even the most high quality ones contain a certain amount fats. Dog with a red bowl

Diarrhea is an unpleasant phenomenon that you are not safe from small pets, and owners should be prepared for such “surprises.” It’s best to show the “often crouching” baby to the vet. But if this is not possible, then you have to act independently and be sure to take care of proper nutrition four-legged friend.

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