What to feed sharpei: puppy and adult a dog

Sharpei – representatives of the oldest breed, dogs with original appearance, purple language – “licked the sky”, and ambiguous in nature. Modern sharpei is more compact. More often than not, such a pet is brought up as a companion, but he did not lose their watchdog, security and hunting qualities, with which the owner must be considered. At home in China, dogs have been eating for centuries. natural products, the main of which was rice. Today sharpei often suffer from food allergies, which is not associated with genetic addiction, and malnutrition. What to feed sharpei and how to set the nutrition schedule, so that the pet didn’t cause any negative reactions of the body?


  • 1. How many times to feed a four-legged friend
  • 2. Natural feeding – the choice of the majority
  • 3. What should not be in the diet of sharpei
  • 4. The best ready-made rations for sharpei dogs
  • 5. Features of sharpei nutrition

How many times to feed a four-legged friend

When purchasing a pet of this breed, the owner needs to know features of the character of sharpei – he is not so simple as it seems. In addition, pet nutrition deserves special attention, since he is prone to dermatological diseases, hypothyroidism and allergies. First of all, the regimen is important for these amazing dogs. feeding. Moreover, in puppies and adults it differs:

  • up to 3 months of age the puppy is given food 6 times a day –– the first feeding takes place at 6–7 in the morning, the last –22.00, the intervals between meals are 3 hours;
  • from 3 to 4 months the number of feedings is reduced to five, portion size increases slightly;
  • from 4-5 months, the daily portion is divided into 4 parts, the dog is fed at approximately the same interval;
  • from 7 to 12 months three times a day feeding a sharpei puppy;
  • from the year the pet is transferred to an adult, 2-times ration –– first feeding at 7–8 in the morning, the last –– at 7–8 in the evening.

But the owners are faced with another important issue. –Feed your pet with natural products or industrial rations.

Natural feeding – the choice of most

Most dog owners of this breed tend to this type of feeding, as they consider it the most suitable. On this There are a number of quite convincing arguments:

  • a dog prone to severe allergies should strictly controlled, and when the owner himself prepares food for darling, then he knows for sure what gets into the dog’s bowl;
  • dry rations do not always meet high requirements –– sometimes manufacturers are cunning, not listing all the ingredients, included in the composition, or openly add artificial ingredients that improve the taste of the product or its smell;
  • Another caveat is often feed of famous brands fake, and it’s possible to find out only when the dog significantly affected by such nutrition.

Naturally, the owner will have to cook dishes for four-legged friend daily, and take care of extra vitamin-mineral top dressing. For puppies and teenage dogs additional sources of useful components help eliminate the likelihood of hypervitaminosis. What to feed sharpei

For cooking, it is advisable to use natural household products – meat, eggs, vegetables, etc., so as store food does not contain even half of the useful trace elements. The following products can be included in the adult sharpei menu:

  1. Meat and offal. They are at least one-third of the total diet, beef, rabbit, turkey. It is better to give the meat in raw form, since it is in In this form they contain more nutrients. Chicken often causes allergies, so it is entered into the menu carefully and at first negative reactions are excluded from the diet. The same applies to liver, especially raw.
  2. Fish. It is given 2-3 times a week, replacing meat part, but only if the fish does not cause allergies. Ocean species that should be preferred do not contain much fat. Before serving, boil fish, stew or steamed, and then carefully remove all the bones.
  3. Milk and dairy products. Whole milk give puppies, but the digestive system of an adult dog assimilates very poorly, so dairy products are replaced sour milk. It’s useful to treat your pet several times a week low-fat kefir, yogurt, yogurt, cottage cheese.
  4. The eggs. Dogs of this breed are better suited for eggs quail. The pet should be given 1-2 times a week, 2 pieces each, smashing raw, chopping, but not removing the shell.
  5. Cereals. Boiled porridge from buckwheat, rice, buntings, boxes. If the dog is overweight, then pearl barley is suitable cereal, with a lack of mass – wheat.
  6. Vegetables and fruits. These are important components of the diet. dogs, sources of vitamins, minerals, vegetable fiber. Sharpei can be given cabbage – headed, colored, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, lettuce, carrots, pumpkin, zucchini, Jerusalem artichoke, turnip. Potatoes should be excluded from the menu, and eggplant, tomatoes and give pepper occasionally and in small quantities.

Dog cook porridge or vegetable stew with meat and offal, pieces of raw meat products are added to the dishes. Food season with a little vegetable oil –Sunflower, flaxseed, olive, camelina. Also possible add finely chopped fresh herbs.

As a vitamin top dressing suitable bone meal, food yeast, fish oil. In the offseason, the pet needs vitamin and mineral preparations, with their selection will help veterinarian.

Eating natural products does not mean that the pet You can feed food from your table – it requires separate dishes prepared exclusively from permitted products. AND if everything is done as expected, you can make sure –save finances and time will not work. Sometimes due to lack of time for cooking, the owners transfer the dog to “drying.” Shar

But there is an alternative solution – cooking for the future in the form of semi-finished products. Usually, owners prepare meat and vegetable in advance the mixture and portionwise it is frozen. From such a workpiece, you can quickly cook porridge by adding cereals, or defrost and give in raw form. In addition, you can cook stew, which includes meat, offal, vegetables and cereals. To prepare such a preservation it will take more than one hour, but in the future it will greatly facilitate the process of feeding a four-legged friend.

What should not be in the diet of sharpei

To avoid pet digestion problems, preferably immediately remove the following products from his menu:

  • whole milk;
  • butter;
  • bones;
  • pasta;
  • river fish and caviar of any fish;
  • legumes;
  • corn and semolina;
  • fat and fatty meat, especially pork and lamb;
  • sausage products, smoked meats;
  • confectionery, chocolate;
  • honey;
  • bread and other pastries;
  • potatoes;
  • grapes;
  • cherries.

In addition, for feeding dogs, and sharpei including, not spicy, salted, pickled food, fried and smoked dishes.

Natural feeding is a troublesome process, therefore some owners of the “folded” four-legged choose the second option –Nourishment with dry rations. It has several advantages, but also about important nuances should not be forgotten.

The best ready-made rations for sharpei dogs

Ready-made industrial feed does not require cooking, it can be acquire for future use, since there are no problems with storage. Besides also for dogs that have a strong food allergy to many products, “drying” is the only suitable option. Suitable pets are given the right hypoallergenic menu. How to feed sharpei read the article

But the listed benefits apply only to the products. high quality consisting of natural ingredients. Such feeds are well balanced and include all necessary useful elements, but no harmful artificial additives in them.

But which food is a really good product? Novice owners can consult with an experienced breeder, which will tell you which brand of dry rations is most suitable for representatives of this breed.

In addition, you can see the rating of the most popular menus, which more often than others are chosen by owners and breeders of thoroughbred sharpeev:

  1. Artemis Maximal Dog –American super-premium product, which includes natural meat, offal, potatoes, vegetables, a prebiotic supplement, and vitamins. Among the ingredients there are no cereals and grains that reduces the likelihood of allergies. Suitable for medium dogs sizes, but you should adhere to the norm – when overeating in dogs that move little can develop obesity.
  2. Go Natural Grain Free Endurance – Brand industrial rations from Canada are super-premium and this formula relates to holistic, consisting of natural components. The basis of the feed is hypoallergenic meat and fish, additional the ingredients are eggs, cottage cheese, linseed oil, vegetables, chicory.
  3. Orijen is a Canadian product by many recognized by dog breeders as the best. It is 50% meat and offal, the rest – vegetables, fruits, fish, medicinal herbs and natural supplements. A similar formula is calculated taking into account the needs of healthy, active dogs that are often long spend time on the street. It should also be noted that some formulas contain chicken – a strong allergen.
  4. Canidae – American Holistic Feed, which is often included in the lists of the best dog diets. In his the composition does not include cereals and soy, but the diets are enriched with proteins and amino acids. The main ingredients are 4 types of meat, also the composition includes rice, herbs, berries, fruits, additional components – vitamins and fatty acids.

Good food is not cheap food, but such food provide the pet with everything necessary and save him from the risk negative manifestations of food allergies.

Features nutrition sharpei

Experienced breeders familiar with breed specifics can give useful recommendations for those for whom sharpei is a favorite, but unusual pet, causing a lot of questions. Worth listening to the following professional tips:

  • pet food should last no longer than 15 minutes – this disciplines the dog and allows him to quickly get used to the regime;
  • food is served at the same time – the schedule is very an important element of order;
  • sharpei need fasting days –– adult pet it is arranged once every 2 weeks, the puppy – once a month;
  • new food is introduced to the pet’s menu gradually, small in portions;
  • after the meal, the dog should rest – for an hour and a half You can’t walk him, train him or provoke him to play. IN Otherwise, the animal may develop a stomach twist;
  • mixed food is absolutely not suitable for dogs of this breed – if a pet eats ready-made food, he should not be given ordinary products, and vice versa;
  • sharpei are prone to obesity – this should be considered when the selection of a suitable diet, the menu should correspond to activity four-legged friend;
  • some sharpei are able to independently regulate own weight – if the pet feels and behaves like usually, but refuses food, do not worry and his to force;
  • like many dogs, these dogs are very active in summer period, in winter they behave more passively – therefore it’s desirable that they receive less nutritious food in winter, this should be especially taken into account in dogs with horse hair;
  • elderly sharpei are transferred to special food in the case if they are prone to gaining excess weight, in other situations food should not be changed;
  • there are individuals who constantly want to eat —im in the menu is recommended to add pumpkin – boiled, stewed or raw, this is a very satisfying vegetable that sharpei is excellent tolerate.

Feeding sharpei is a difficult task, and the future owner such a four-legged friend is worth considering if he can take care of the pet properly. If time and finances are not allow you to pay proper attention to the nutrition and care of the dog, it’s worth abandon the idea of having a pet of such a complex breed.

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