What kind of fruit can dogs

The ration of a modern dog is not as monotonous as its menu ancestors. Veterinarians confirm that the pet should not receive only meat, offal and dairy products, important The components are cereals, vegetables and fruits. Attitude to the latter the component is ambiguous – there are many nuances and prohibitions to consider. The owner needs to know what kind of fruits can a dog, and which ones can harm health four-legged friend.


  • 1. Does the dog need fruit
  • 2. List of fruits that can be included in the diet of dogs
  • 3. What fruits and berries should not be included in the diet pet
  • 4. Video about what kind of fruit can be given to a dog
  • 5. Recommendations for feeding a four-legged pet

Do I need fruit in my dog’s diet

There is a widespread belief that wolves, direct ancestors dogs, eat exclusively meat. However, this is not quite true. Of course, the basis of the diet is meat, but, in addition, these animals eat wild berries and fruits falling from trees. Also, the source of fiber is the plant contents of the stomach. herbivores that are prey of predators. What kind of fruit can dogs read the article

Like it or not, wolves and their closest relatives need plant foods. It is not surprising that pets are often literally beg for a slice of an apple or begin to eat with pleasure berries directly from the bush. Four-legged Fruits are Real a treat rich in natural vitamins and sugars.

But with such food you need to be careful – digestive the dog system functions differently than humans, and some she can’t digest substances. In addition, a number of components, contained in fruits are very harmful to animals, because, getting into the body, they become poisonous.

List of fruits that can be included in the diet of dogs

What fruits will turn out to be not only delicious for the pet, but also a beneficial treat?

  1. Bananas This exotic fruit is a storehouse of trace elements and vitamins. There are practically no bananas cholesterol but because of the high amount of sugar give them to your pet It should be in small pieces and not more often 1-2 times a week.
  2. Apples Considered one of the safest fruit dogs, especially when it comes to unpeeled, green seasonal fruits. The use of apples positively affects digestive processes and saturates the body with vitamin C. Slices apples are recommended as a treat when learning, they are a great snack for an elderly pet. Fruits can be given raw, baked or dried. Of the big a pet can be treated with half the average fetus, a small -2-3 slices.
  3. Pears The second most popular treat for tetrapods, containing copper, vitamins C and K, fiber. According to specialists, eating pears reduces the risk of stroke in double the dogs! Pears are cut into pieces, remove the seeds and offer pet.
  4. Citruses. Oranges, tangerines, and grapefruits other citrus fruits cause a lot of questions among veterinarians, however most of them are allowed to give dogs a small amount similar fruits. It is worth doing in the winter. Moreover, substances in citrus stimulate digestive processes, so they are useful when the animals lose their appetite. A single serving of fruit should not exceed 2-3 slices, and to the owner it is necessary to observe the reaction of the pet’s body to such a treat. If a dog eats such food, then he may develop diarrhea, vomiting
  5. Watermelons This seasonal fruit is a berry that looking forward to adults and children, suitable for our friends tetrapods. The composition of watermelon includes many vitamins, potassium. In addition, 92% of the composition of the pulp is a liquid that perfectly quenches thirst on hot days. The dog is allowed to give only the flesh, and the crusts and seeds are previously removed. Dog with a watermelon
  6. Strawberry. Perhaps this is the most delicious berry, and few people are indifferent to her, it’s possible say about dogs. But, despite the rich composition and benefits, strawberries contain a lot of natural sugar, so you can use it with your pet treat only in small quantities.
  7. Blueberries It is a source of antioxidants, which provide renewal of body cells. Besides, in berries contain a lot of healthy fiber and vitamin A.
  8. Raspberries. According to the healing properties of this berry superior to most fruits. It contains a lot of fiber, manganese, vitamin C, but there are few calories and sugar in it. Raspberries is a powerful anti-inflammatory drug, therefore, its recommended for older dogs suffering from articular pain. But there is one caveat – in this berry is present a small amount of xylitol toxin, so do not give pet more than 1/2 cup of goodies per day.
  9. Melon. This golden, fragrant melon culture – a source of beta-carotene, fiber, organic acids, vitamins. In addition, she perfectly quenches thirst. But dog owners should be aware that if overfeeding a pet melon, the dog may develop diarrhea.
  10. Peaches. Fresh fruits, pitted sliced into pieces are a great treat for pet.
  11. Rowan. Sweet and ripe berries are good for dogs and have virtually no contraindications.
  12. Papaya. Useful and safe food for pets with no digestive problems. The fetus is cleansed of peels, bones are removed, cut into slices and offered four-legged friend. But it’s important to know that you cannot feed papaya. a dog with diabetes since it is very sweet the fruit.
  13. Persimmon. Among people in equal numbers meet as lovers of this sweet, slightly astringent fruit, so are those who are indifferent to him. But representatives of the canine world more often like to eat persimmon, and if the pet doesn’t causes an upset stomach, then it can well be included in menu.
  14. Plums. It causes diarrhea in some pets, but most dogs eat them without any problems. The main thing is that the plums are not overripe – in such fruits contains alkaloids that cause fermentation and intoxication.

What fruits and berries should not be included in the pet’s diet

There are both authorized products in this category, and prohibited that dogs should not be given. Pet not allowed treat:

  • grapes (the ban applies to raisins) –Specialists believe that an unsuccessful combination of substances, contained in berries, causes serious violations in kidney function, up to failure and the hardest poisoning;
  • cherry – in its bones is high dose of cyanide that destroys blood cells transporting oxygen. A dog that has overgrown cherries has obvious symptoms – the pupils dilate, breathing is difficult, the gums become red
  • grenade – if for a person its core are extremely useful, then in dogs their eating provokes problems with the gastrointestinal tract. This is due to the fact that in pomegranates contain a lot of acids, which dogs have increased sensitivity;
  • avocado – even a slice of this exotic fruit can cause diarrhea, shortness of breath, disorders of the heart and pancreatitis. Its strictly forbidden give dogs.

Video about what fruits you can give the dog

Recommendations for feeding the four-legged favorite

The organisms of dogs and humans are strikingly different, and what’s good to the owner, the pet can provoke serious deterioration health. Therefore, the owner of the animal should carefully monitor in what and in what quantities the dog eats, and it is important to adhere specific rules:

  1. A new product is introduced into the dog’s menu gradually, starting with a small piece –after necessary for 2 days observe the condition and behavior of the dog. And if no There are no noticeable changes, you can gradually increase the portion.
  2. If the pet does not show interest in the new yummy and flatly refuses to eat her, you can’t force him. Maybe he feels that this product is substandard or contains components unpleasant for the animal.
  3. Fruits go well with cereals, so in a warm dish you can add slices and berries that will make the main food more wholesome and palatable.
  4. If the dog is “stuck” to certain products in this category, and they are really useful for him, then you should not save on pet. You should buy ripe, quality fruits and regularly introduce them to the diet.

Fruits and berries can be beneficial for the dog’s body, and harm. Therefore, the owner of a four-legged friend should find out that suitable for feeding a dog, and what should be avoided.

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