Turkish Angora

Brief description of the breed

Turkish Angora cat is well known for its unusually beautiful and delicate wool. Long, thin and silky hair in the rays of light as if flickering, betraying the animal a special charm and beauty. The size wool can be medium or long, while in the neck, as as a rule, a ruff is formed. On the hind legs, hair forms “pants”. The color of these cats is plain or may have tortoiseshell, ashen or other shade. The body of Turkish cats muscular, legs long, hind legs slightly longer than front ones. And here the paws are very small, rounded and elegant, often with the presence of tufts of wool between the fingers. Angora’s long tail tapers to narrow tip. The beauty of the Turkish cat is emphasized by a wedge-shaped medium-sized head crowned by large, high-set ears on which you can’t help noticing whimsical Tufted. Expressive almond-shaped eyes complete the incredible the image of the Turkish Angora. Their color can be varied: blue, green, golden, amber, colorful (each eye is different colors) .Turkish Angora can be small or medium size, and their weight, on average, can vary from two to four kilograms. The average life expectancy is about eighteen years. A beautiful and elegant Turkish Angora cat often surprises. their owners with extraordinary intelligence and athleticism. For cats this breed has virtually no barriers. They can climb even the tallest cabinet in the house. Family members will also have to be extremely careful when closing the interior doors, so How do they relate to your favorite Angora pastimes? cats. Care must be taken not to pinch the home favorite paws. Despite the fact that Turkish cats like them at times called, can differ in excellent manners, they can exhibit excessive activity and mobility. Pets This breed is loved by interesting, active games. They will do everything possible to concentrate the attention of others on yourself, even if it causes irritation to family members or even indignation.

Photo of Turkish Angora cat:

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Turkish Angora cat story

Longhair Angora cat is not a source for making famous Angora sweaters, as some might think, having heard a word so familiar at first glance. Although the softness of their coat can be compared with delicate sweaters from angora. Its name is breed acquired thanks to the Turkish capital, Ankara, which was previously known under the name “Angora”. For many centuries Turkish Angora cat was a kind of souvenir for invaders and just foreigners visiting this country. Some suggest that the Angora cat became the first long-haired cat on the territory of modern Europe, brought here by the Vikings more millennia ago. Over time, the population of cats of this breed has become rapidly decline. The breed was saved only thanks to A special breeding program started at Ankara Zoo. The United States, the Turkish cat Angora came in 1954. Breeders immediately became interested in the breed, but did not recognize it until sixties of the last century. Association of Cat Lovers registered the breed in 1968, and the full recognition of the Turkish Angora cat happened in 1972. But as for multi-colored cats of this breed, they were recognized only in 1978 year. Note that today this breed is still not recognized by most North American associations.

Turkish Angora cat character

Turkish Angora cats retain incredible playfulness and activity even at a fairly mature age. They are very friendly to guests and other strangers and have an incredible love for their loved ones. Cats of this breed are very sociable, therefore it is best to purchase this angora if there is another kitten or dog in the house. In such your pet will never get bored and will always be in the company friend. When you are at home, Angora with pleasure can climb shoulders or knees to spend a few minutes. But at night, most likely, the Angora cat will love a warm place in your bed. In order for your life and Your pet’s life was interesting and provoked only positive emotions must have a good sense of humor and limitless patience. If you are not ready for such conditions, then with it is better to delay the acquisition of angora or to abandon it altogether ideas for keeping a pet of this breed. If the Angora cat is something conceived to do, it is very difficult to get her not to do this. Turkish Angora cat is a tender, tender pet, loyal his family and distinguished by perseverance, incredible activity, mind, desire for communication with others and crazy desire be in the spotlight.

Maintenance and care

Due to the fact that the Turkish Angora does not have an undercoat, its coat single layer. Therefore, the pet does not have pellets on the wool and it’s pretty easy to care for. Weekly enough combing. It is also nice that the Turkish cat is not an elephant to plentiful molting. The wool reaches its full length only to the biennial age. Teeth brushing is a mandatory weekly procedures. This will prevent the occurrence of a pet periodontal and other dental problems. To weekly procedures should also include clipping claws, although they felter naturally in some cats. forget about the eyes, the corners of which must be wiped every week damp cloth to remove all possible discharge The best way to prevent a possible infection is use a separate wipe for each eye. given to the ears. Every week they must be carefully inspected for subject of infection, contamination and irritation. Ear sinks are best treated with special napkins, moistened with a solution prescribed by the veterinarian. But you can also take and a solution of vinegar and water in a ratio of 1: 1. Avoid using cotton swabs when processing the ear canals. A clean tray will allow to avoid not only infectious diseases, but will also be a condition lack of an unpleasant smell in the house. Must be careful and do not let the pet walk outside without supervision. Firstly you prevent uncontrolled contact of the pet with domestic animals, and secondly, you will be sure that the pet will not fall under the car or will not become a victim of a thief. Representatives of this breed they love children, especially love to play with them. Therefore they are excellent Suitable for families with small children. Better not leave little children unattended. They can pull the animal by the hair and hurt him, in turn, the cat can inadvertently scratch a child. Angora get along well with others pets. If your home has pets other than Turkish cat, it is necessary to conduct early socialization and teach animals to live together.

Health and Disease

Turkish Angora cats can be classified as conditionally healthy cats, characterized by a long life, but they also meet characteristic diseases. Angora is white with one or two bright blue eyes often have hearing problems or complete deafness of one or both ears at once. Ataxia – neuromuscular disease. It leads to the death of the animal. Ailment mainly affects small kittens between the ages of two weeks month. Detailed screening allows significantly reduce the likelihood of disease in offspring and already born kittens. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is one of varieties of cardiological pathology leading to a change heart muscle. This disease is equally common as in thoroughbred and domestic cats. Turkish Angors are prone to the occurrence of the aforementioned disease, no matter how other breed cats.

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