Thrush (bird photo): forest singer with a rich repertoire

View: Blackbird – Turdus Thrush PasseriformesClass: BirdsType: Chordate Subtype: Vertebrate Dimensions: Bird length – about 23 cm Weight – no more than 90 grams Life expectancy: up to 15 years

The thrush bird lives in Asia, Europe and America. These birds are thermophilic, that is, migratory, so they prefer to spend winter in the southern latitudes.

The thrush bird lives in Asia, Europe and America. These birds thermophilic, that is, migratory, so they prefer winter spend in the southern latitudes


    • 0.1 Content
  • 1 Habitat
  • 2 Characteristic
  • 3 Appearance
  • 4 Key Features
  • 5 Nutrition
  • 6 Nesting
  • 7 Content and breeding


  • Habitat
  • Characteristic
  • Appearance
  • Key Features
  • Nutrition
  • Nesting
  • Content and breeding

We all love nightingale trills. It’s sweet music immersive us into romantic memories. But if you heard them sing blackbirds (just a line from the song), you would fall in love with this repertoire vocal feathered singer. Still would. Thrush can overshadow the nightingale, for which they call him the forest nightingale.

Thrush. Blackbirds in singing are able to compete with nightingales, whose sweet voice we love so much.

Blackbirds in singing are able to compete with nightingales, whose sweet voice we love so much


Thrush bird, photo and description of this bird you will find further in article, lives in Asia, Europe and America.

Heat-loving birds, that is, migratory, so winter prefer to spend in the southern latitudes.

Other birds that fly south in the fall can be found in articleshttps: //

Interesting! In the second half of the 19th century blackbirds were brought to Australia. They liked it there so much that they decided to occupy New Zealand. So these birds aren’t right now except in cold Antarctica and hot Africa.

Thrush. The most notable singers among all the varieties are songbirds and blackbirds.

The most notable singers among all the varieties are the singing and blackbirds


Blackbirds in singing are able to compete with nightingales, whose sweet voice we love so much.

In nature, more than 60 species of thrushes are known. Here are some of them:

  • Blackbird
  • Fieldfare
  • Belobrovik
  • Songbird
  • Sack
  • Redbird
  • Black throated thrush
  • White-throated Thrush

Drozdov can not be called either loners or companions. They feel equally good, both in packs and alone

Drozdov can not be called either loners or companions. They are feel equally good, both in packs and alone

  • Pale thrush
  • Brownbird
  • Olive thrush
  • Siberian thrush
  • Red-throated Thrush
  • Golden Thrush
  • Bluebird and others

The most notable singers among all the varieties are the singing and blackbirds.

Interesting! Thrush song repertoire totals more than 85 trills. This means that such a singing cannot get bored or bored. Some lovers of these songbirds even record the song on the recorder, so that then to these sounds meditate and relax.

Drozdov can not be called either loners or companions. They are Feel equally good, both in packs and alone.

Blackbird, white-browed, songbird, blackbird (photo) - omnivorous bird. There are bugs and worms - she will eat them. No - she will eat berries, fruits, seeds

Blackbird, Belobrovik, songbird, thrush, mountain ash – bird omnivorous. There are bugs and worms – she will eat them. No – will eat berries, fruits, seeds


What does a blackbird look like – the photo will show the differences in the color of different birds: blue or motley thrush, black or songbird. After all each subspecies has its own distinctive features.

  • Females of beaver are paler than males. A those have a brownish plumage with a green tint on the back and dark specks below. Wings (lower feathers) and breast on the sides cast rust. The name of the variety was given by a strip located above eye – it is light yellow with a whitish tint.
  • Songbird can be recognized by chocolate or grayish tint to the tail, head (top) and back, white tummy and yellowish sides. Breast at the songbird as as if streaked with brown strokes.
  • Blackbird is a bird whose photo certainly not many people know. It looks like a male on a daw, the same black, only the plumage is not glossy, but matte, and the beak bright yellow, even orange. But in size, it is less than a jackdaw in two times and exactly as many times larger than a sparrow. The female is not black, and dark gray, there are spots on the back.

Thrush. Most often you can meet or hear the song thrush. He has long legs, so these birds walk straight and fly swiftly and in a straight line. If you saw brownish feathers on the wings from below, you should be lucky to meet the famous bird  певцом

Most often you can meet or hear the singer thrush. He has long legs, so these birds walk straight, and fly swiftly and in a straight line. If you saw brownish below feathers on the wings – you know, it was fortunate for you to get acquainted with famous feathered singer

  • Fieldbird has a white abdomen and lower feathers on wings, dark brown back and brownish black tail and wings. The sides and chest are variegated.
  • White-throated Thrush looks like black – also black plumage, but on the chest there is a white strip, which distinguishes this variety.
  • Motley thrush gray-blue head, orange abdomen and tail, white stripe on the back. Moreover in winter, the bird loses its orange color and turns gray. Females spotted thrush similar to males in winter (gray): they have white neck and gray head with a brown tint.
  • Deryaba. He has a white belly with specks, white lower wings, brownish with gray back. Tail a long. Females are surprisingly similar to males, i.e. dimorphism in no gender.
  • Bluebird has a grayish blue plumage, black tail and wings. A female of a different color – she is brown with mottled interspersed.

These are just some varieties of blackbirds, most common in our latitudes.

The diet of thrushes consists of butterflies, earthworms, caterpillars, insects. Moreover, it depends on the time of the year. So, in spring it is earthworms, in summer - caterpillars, closer to autumn - seeds and fruits.

The thrush diet consists of butterflies, earthworms, caterpillars, insects. Moreover, it depends on the time of year. So in the spring it earthworms, in summer – caterpillars, closer to autumn – seeds and fruit

Key Features

Чаще всего у нас можно встретить или услышать именно певчегодрозда. У него длинные ноги, поэтому шествуют эти птички прямо, алетают стремительно и по прямой. Если вы увидели снизу коричневатыеперышки на крыльях – знайте, вам подфартило познакомиться соfamous feathered singer.

The songbird eats mainly on the ground and moves at the same time irregularly: crouched – jumped, crouched again – jumped again. When stops, thoughtfully bends his little head to the side, listening to see if the enemy is coming. But actually he’s trying consider where the worm or insect is located – its eyes are not in front, but on the sides of the head.

Thrush. Thrush chicks are very gluttonous. Parents, having gathered a bunch of earthworms and caterpillars, fly into the nest and feed their brood there already. Actively hunt thrushes for food only while feeding the chicks. At other times, they feed occasionally and spend most of the day resting. , прихорашиваютсяand in the evenings and nights they sing

Thrush chicks are very voracious. Parents picking up a bundle earthworms and caterpillars, fly into the nest and feed their brood. Thrushes actively hunt for food only during feeding chicks. The rest of the time they occasionally feed, and rest most of the day, preen, and in the evenings and nights sing


Blackbird, white-browed, songbird, mountain thrush (photo) – omnivorous bird. There are bugs and worms – she will eat them. No – will be eat berries, fruits, seeds.

The thrush diet consists of butterflies, earthworms, caterpillars, insects. Moreover, it depends on the time of year. So in the spring it earthworms, in summer – caterpillars, closer to autumn – seeds and fruits. Some species (snow thrush) eat snails, mollusks, and larvae. insects, thus helping to relieve plants and trees from pests.

Птенцы дроздов весьма прожорливы. Родители, насобирав пучокдождевых червей и гусениц, прилетают в гнездо и уже там кормят свойвыводок. Активно охотятся за едой дрозды только во времявыкармливания птенцов. В остальное же время изредка кормятся, аrest most of the day, preen, and in the evenings and nights singing.

Interestingly eat thrushes snails. They pinch a shell with their beak and beat by her stone. Ornithologists understand from the remains of shells near stones that there is a nesting thrush nearby.

The nests of blackbirds are made of twigs, moss, leaves, roots, reinforced with clay or earth. You can find nests on trees, and on the ground, and in the bushes. It all depends on where, in the opinion of the thrush, it is safer.

Thrush nests are composed of twigs, moss, leaflets, roots, fortified with clay or earth. You can find nests on trees, and on the ground, and in the bushes. It all depends on where, by Thrush is safer


Thrush nests are composed of twigs, moss, leaflets, roots, fortified with clay or earth. You can find nests on trees, and on the ground, and in the bushes. It all depends on where, by Thrush is safer.

They prefer to avoid dark places for blackbirds, and therefore they are built in the shape of a bowl in the bushes at the edge or near a forest glade. For a year, the female flies up to five times 4 to 5 eggs. In two weeks chicks appear from eggs. In the upbringing, feeding the chicks take involved both parents.

Interesting! Blackbirds are very bold creatures. They rush at enemies if they encroach on their nests and offspring. However, if the enemy is large or stubborn, the female or male pretends to be lined and limping, hobbles away, luring the enemy away from the house.

With the onset of cold weather, thrushes gather in large flocks and set off to winter south.

Thrush. During the year, the female flies up to five times 4-5 eggs each. Two weeks later, chicks emerge from the eggs. Both parents take part in raising and feeding the chicks.

For a year, the female flies up to five times 4 to 5 eggs. In two weeks chicks appear from eggs. In the upbringing, feeding the chicks take involved both parents

Content and breeding

Drozdov, like nightingales, is often caught and kept in cages. Someone – in order to listen to singing. It happens that a chick is found or black bird. After feeding or treatment, they can no longer return to the natural environment, and so remain to live with man. These birds begin to breed.

It is quite difficult to catch a thrush. It is not recommended to catch young birds – they simply won’t survive in the cage, and will they start to sing – more question. The wise birds, that is, the old ones, sing well.

Thrush. If you decide to catch a thrush, it’s best to do this in early spring, before the birds have yet to pair up and start to nest.

If you decide to catch a thrush, the best thing to do is in the early spring, before the birds were even paired and started to twist nests

It is best to catch in the spring, when tired and hungry blackbirds return home from the south, and before they pop their nests. Each ornithologist has his own tricks, but they consist in feeding: harvest worms, insects, ant eggs. Then, when the thrush understands that there is food in this place, you can to put a cache.

Tip: keep in mind – do not catch the thrush from one times, you will need to wait a year. Blackbirds are very distrustful and good remember a dangerous place.

And now – the thrush is caught. The cage must be wooden to bird not hurt, and covered with fabric – also for safety. The size cells – 40x80x55 cm (approximately). Do not forget to install a drinker, perch and manger. After a month, the thrush can be moved to permanent home.

Permanent habitat should be rectangular and almost deaf: the front side is trellised, all the rest sides are deaf. So the bird will feel calmer and starts to sing earlier.

Thrush. With a good attitude at home, after two months you can hear insecure singing. Do not make noise, but after the end of the song, feed the artist in gratitude. Thus, you can win the favor of the singer

With a good attitude at home in two months you can hear uncertain singing. Do not make noise, but after graduation feed the artist songs in gratitude. So you can gain the favor of the singer

You need to feed thrushes twice a day with food for insectivores birds or powdery worms (up to 10 pieces per day), ant eggs, earthworms (5 pieces per day). Can cook nightingale mixture: grated carrots, chopped white crackers, cottage cheese and boiled eggs. Vegetables, fruits, fruits – give as additive.

With a good attitude, you can hear in two months hesitant singing. Do not make noise, and after the song is finished, feed artist in gratitude. So you can earn favor of the singer.

For those who have not heard the singing of thrushes, we suggest listening to one of incredible beauty arias.

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