The fastest cat in the world: top 9 fastest breeds

In fact, dogs are often considered the best domestic dogs. animals for active and athletic people, although cats can also be amazingly agile, athletic and, of course, fast. Besides Moreover, cats have an innate instinct of orientation and “straightening” of your body when falling, which allows them to reflectively correct your body position.

On average, almost all domestic cats run at speed about 40 km / h At short distances many breeds reach 45 km / h However, different breeds have their own unique physique, so their speed varies.

For comparison, the speed of the fastest large cats – cheetah – can reach up to 120 km / h

The fastest rocks can reach speeds of up to 50 km / h, which significantly higher than the speed of Usain Bolt, who set a record at a speed of about 44.7 km / h. If you are wondering, “Which domestic cat is the fastest and should overtake the rest?” -then see the list below!

1. Egyptian Mau

The fastest cat in the world: top 9 fastest breeds

Egyptian Mau can reach speeds of about 30 mph or more than 48 km / h, so the breed is considered the fastest of all other domestic cats in the world. Mau speed combined with powerful paws allows him to literally catapult to the highest places like a tree or your home.

2. Abyssinian cat

The fastest cat in the world: top 9 fastest breeds

Abyssinians are active cats that love to be on the move and also considered one of the fastest in the world. Because of their high level of energy and developed intelligence you have to take your Abyssinian challenging puzzles, toys and daily physical exercises.

3. Somalia

The fastest cat in the world: top 9 fastest breeds

Somalia or Somali cat is a long-haired version of an Abyssinian. She has impressive athletic abilities that combined with a muscular body and strong legs. Somalis love train and learn various tricks.

4. Bengal cat

The fastest cat in the world: top 9 fastest breeds

Bengals love to play and enjoy any activity. They also very demanding of your attention and will do everything possible to get it. Bengal will easily find a way to climb the highest point in your home, he will enjoy games and entertainment, and definitely will not sit all day on your knees.

5. Savannah

The fastest cat in the world: top 9 fastest breeds

Savannah – is a cross between a domestic cat and serval, a medium sized African cat with large ears. The savannah will rise as high as it can, and her a long body and legs allow her to reach not only great heights, but also high speeds. The breed is also known for its curiosity, sharp mind and energy.

6. Ocicat

The fastest cat in the world: top 9 fastest breeds

Ocicats were bred from Abyssinians, Siamese cats and american shorthair cats. These are large, muscular cats, known for their agility and speed. In addition to their athleticism, the oocytes are very social and strongly attached to their to the owners.

7. Manks

The fastest cat in the world: top 9 fastest breeds

Manx is an ancient breed known for its short tail (sometimes the breed can be completely tailless). Despite this Feature, Manx is very fast, sporty and nimble.

8. Siamese cat

The fastest cat in the world: top 9 fastest breeds

Siamese cats are playful, active, sometimes noisy and enough demanding. Their hilarious intelligence allows them to do many complex things like turning on taps, switching lights and open cabinets. To entertain her, you have to give her puzzle toys, exercise, and possibly even agility training.

9. Oriental cat

The fastest cat in the world: top 9 fastest breeds

Orientals are long, slender cats that are usually very loyal to one person. They require a lot of attention, gaming time and exercise. If the oriental does not receive enough attention and does not run, then he is likely to start entertain yourself by opening drawers, running through cabinets and creating many other problems in your home.

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